例句 |
immuresverbpresent tense third-person singular of immure to close or shut in by or as if by barriersscientists at the research station in Alaska are immured by the frozen wastelands that surround them boxes (in), cages, closets, coops (up), corrals, encages, encases, encloses(also incloses), envelops, fences (in), hedges, hems (in), houses, includes, mews (up), pens, walls (in) bounds, circumscribes, confines, contains, limits, restrictsencircles, encompasses, enfolds, enframes, enlaces, frames, rings, surroundsarmors, cocoons, encapsulates, encapsules, encysts, ensheathes, enspheres, enwombs to put in or as if in prisonimmured by a controlling, possessive mother, the young woman had no outside social life commits, confines, imprisons, incarcerates, interns, jails, jugs, locks (up) constrains, limits, restrains, restricts, shutsbars, gatesapprehends, arrests, busts(slang), captures, catches, detains, nabs, picks up, pinches, seizesimpresses, shanghaisholds, impounds, keepsbinds, enchains, fetters, handcuffs, manacles, shackles, trammels discharges, frees, liberates, releases emancipates, enfranchises, manumits, unbinds, uncages, unchains, unfetters |