例句 |
faultfindersnounpl. of faultfinder a person given to harsh judgments and to finding faultsI hate to be a faultfinder, but the invitation has a spelling error carpers, castigators, cavilers(or cavillers), censurers, criticizers, critics, disparagers, hypercritics, knockers, nigglers, nitpickers condemners(or condemnors), denouncersbelittlers, decriers, denigrators, deriders, detractorsassailants, attackers, crucifierscriticasters, hairsplitters, pettifoggers, quibblersadmonishers, haranguers, railers, ranters, rebukers, reproachers, reprovers, scolds, upbraidersbellyachers, complainers, crybabies, fussers, gripers, grouches, grousers, grumblers, whiners commenders, praisers |