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kingfishnoun one of high position or importance within a groupas a kingfish in the state's political circles, he was accustomed to being courted by presidential hopefuls big, big boy, big cheese, big gun, big leaguer, big shot, big wheel, big-timer, bigfoot, biggie, bigwig, fat cat, heavy, heavy hitter, heavyweight, high-muck-a-muck(or high-muckety-muck), honcho, kahuna, kingpin, major leaguer, muckety-muck(also muck-a-muck or mucky-muck), nabob, nawab, nibs, nob(chiefly British), pooh-bah(also poo-bah), wheel baron, czar(also tsar or tzar), king, lion, magnate, mogul, prince, princess, queen, tycoonVIP lightweight, nobody, nonentity, nothing, shrimp, twerp, whippersnapper, zero, zilch inferior, subordinate, underlingmediocrity, obscurity in 1815 |