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do forphrase chiefly Britishto attend to the needs and comforts ofI trust him to do for my kids while I am at work. administer (to), care (for), minister (to), mother, nurse cure, heal, remedydoctor, treataid, conserve, preserve, provide (for), supportbaby, coddle, mollycoddle, pamper, spoilcater (to), humorindulge look after, look out for, look to, see to, take care of, wait on(also wait upon) brush (aside or off), forget, ignore, neglect, overlook, slight to deprive of lifeThe long journey on foot nearly did for her. carry off, claim, croak(slang), destroy, dispatch, do in, fell, kill, slay, take bump off, butcher, cut down, finish, get, ice(slang), knock off, murder, neutralize, off(slang), put away, rub out, scrag, snuff, take out, waste, whack(slang)annihilate, blot out, decimate, kill off, massacre, mow, slaughter, smiteassassinate, execute, martyr, terminateeuthanize(also euthanatize), put downsuicide do away with, make away with animate raise, restore, resurrect, resuscitate, revivenurture |