例句 |
leadernoun a long hollow cylinder for carrying a substance (as a liquid or gas)the leader funnels water off of the roof and down into the cistern channel, conduit, duct, line, penstock, pipe, trough, tube drain, drainpipe, funnel, hydrant, main, smokestack, spout, standpipe, stovepipe, tile, waste pipe, waterspoutpipage(or pipeage), pipeline, piping the person (as an employer or supervisor) who tells people and especially workers what to dothe team leader is good at making sure that everyone keeps busy at their assigned tasks boss, boss man, captain, chief, foreman, head, headman, helmsman, honcho, jefe, kingpin, master, taskmaster directress, mistressadministrator, commander, director, executive, general, governor, hierarch, higher-upleadman, manager, overseer, principal, skipper, standard-bearer, steward, straw boss, superintendent, superior, supervisordominator, lord, overlord, potentate, ruler, sovereign(also sovran)figureheadslave driverbaron, czar(also tsar or tzar), king, magnate, mogul, president, princebig cheese, big gun, bigwig, top dog, top guncohead, coleaderemployer, gaffer(British), ganger(British)micromanagersubchief, subdirector dependent, inferior, junior, secondary, subject, subordinate, underling one that takes the lead or sets an examplean architectural firm that is widely regarded as a leader in innovative residential design bellwether, pacemaker, pacer, pacesetter, trendsetter foregoer, forerunner, harbinger, herald, precursorgroundbreaker, innovator, pioneer follower, imitator Johnny-come-lately, me-tooer in the 14th century |