例句 |
resoundverb to proclaim the glory offolk songs that resound the noble deeds of the nation's heroes of yore bless, carol, celebrate, emblazon, exalt, extol(also extoll), glorify, hymn, laud, magnify, praise adore, belaud, deify, idolize, worshipacclaim, applaud, commend, compliment, hail, renown, salutechant, cheer, eulogize, rhapsodizeciteflattercrack up, recommend, tout blame, censure, reprehend, reprobatecriticize, reproveadmonish, chide, keelhaul, rebuke, reprimand, reproachcastigate, lambaste(or lambast) to continue or be repeated in a series of reflected sound wavesthunder resounded across the plain echo, reecho, resonate, reverberate, sound ring, roll damp, dampen, deaden, dull, quiet in the 14th century |