

单词 olect_rebel_0


rebel ♦︎ rise ♦︎ mutiny ♦︎ revoltThese are all words that can be used when a group of people fight against or refuse to obey those in authority. 这些词均表示反抗权威、造反、叛逆。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to rebel / rise / mutiny / revolt against sb / sththe people rebel / rise / revolt rebel / /rɪˈbel/ / (-ll-) [intransitive] to fight against or refuse to obey an authority, for example a government or system 反抗权威(如政府或体制);造反;叛逆In 1215 the barons rebelled against the king.1215年,贵族们反抗国王的统治。The colonies rebelled and declared their independence.各殖民地起来反抗并宣布独立。 see also rebel guerrilla noun , rebel protester noun , rebellion revolution 1 , rebellious naughty rise (rose, risen) [intransitive] (formal) to begin to fight against your ruler or government or against a foreign army 反抗(统治者、政府或外国军队);造反;奋起The peasants rose in revolt.农民起来造反了。He called on the people to rise up against the invaders.他号召民众起来反抗入侵者。 see also uprising revolution 1 mutiny / /ˈmjuːtəni/ / [intransitive](especially of soldiers or sailors) to refuse to obey the orders of sb in authority (尤指士兵或船员)不服从,反抗,反叛There was a real chance the crew would mutiny.全体船员真有可能暴动。 see also mutiny revolution noun 1 revolt /rɪˈvəʊlt; NAmE rɪˈvoʊlt/ [intransitive] to take violent action against the people in power 反抗,反叛(当权者)Finally the people revolted against the military dictatorship.人民最终起来反抗军事独裁。 see also revolt revolution noun 1 NOTE 辨析 Rebel or revolt?To rebel against sth can involve fighting or simply opposition. When people revolt it nearly always involves violence. Rebel is more often used to describe fighting against a government or political system, especially by people who already have some power or are a part of the same political system. * rebel可能涉及战斗或仅仅是反对,revolt几乎总是涉及暴力。rebel多指反抗政府或政治体制,特别是由已有一定权力或处于同一政治体制中的人发动A total of 139 MPs rebelled against the government.总共有139名议员反对政府。 Revolt is more often used to describe the actions of ordinary people rejecting the authority that controls them, for example because it is treating them badly. * revolt多指普通民众抵制当局的控制,如反抗压迫The peasants revolted against high taxes and the losses of the war.农民起来反抗高税收和战争损失。




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