

单词 adjust
adjust verb


 See also the entry for change verb 1 另见change动词词条第1义adjust ♦︎ modify ♦︎ amend ♦︎ revise ♦︎ qualifyThese words all mean to change sth, often slightly, in order to make it better suited to a situation. 这些词均表示对事物作出调整。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to adjust / modify / revise your ideasto modify / amend / revise a text / constitutionto modify / amend / qualify a statementto adjust / modify / amend / revise sth slightlyto modify / amend / revise / qualify sth heavilyto adjust / modify / revise sth constantly adjust [transitive] to change sth slightly to make it more suitable for a new set of conditions or to make it work better 调节;调适This button is for adjusting the volume.这个按钮是调节音量的。Adjust your language to the age of your audience.要根据观众的年龄使用相应的语言。The brakes need to be adjusted.刹车需要调一调。 see also adjustment change noun 2 , adjustable flexible 1 modify / /ˈmɒdɪfaɪ; NAmE ˈmɑːdɪfaɪ/ [transitive] (rather formal) to change sth slightly, especially in order to make it more suitable for a particular purpose 调整;稍作修改;使更适合Patients are taught how to modify their diet.病人获得有关如何调节自己饮食的指导。We found it cheaper to modify existing equipment rather than buy new.我们发现对现有设备作些调整比买新设备省钱。 see also adapt change verb 1 , modification change noun 2 NOTE 辨析 Adjust or modify? Adjust is used especially to talk about changing the setting on a piece of equipment. * adjust尤指改变设备的设定to adjust the setting / dial / volume / speed / angle / level / tension / clock / sails / straps调节设定/仪表盘/音量/速度/角度/水平/张力/时钟/船帆/带子It is often a continuous process, in response to changing conditions. 这种调节常常是持续的,以适应不断变化的状况to adjust sth continually / constantly / accordingly持续地/不断地/相应地调节 Modify is used especially to talk about making a more permanent change to a piece of equipment in order to make it perform a new function. You can also either adjust or modify your behaviour or language according to the situation you find yourself in. * modify尤指对设备作永久性改变,目的是使之发挥新功能。adjust和modify还可与behaviour或language搭配,表示根据实际情况调整自己的行为或语言。 amend /əˈmend/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to change a law, document or statement slightly in order to correct a mistake or to improve it 修订,修正(法律、文件或声明)He asked to see the amended version.他要求看修订本。The law has been amended to read as follows:...此项法律修订后的文本如下:⋯ see also amendment change noun 2 revise [transitive] to change your opinions or plans, for example because of sth you have learned (因有了新的认识而)改变,修改(意见或计划)I can see I will have to revise my opinions of his abilities now.我明白我现在不得不改变对他能力的看法了。The government may need to revise its policy in the light of this report.政府可能需要根据这份报告改变其政策。You can revise your opinion, ideas or a decision, as well as plans or arrangements. An official body may revise the constitution, a policy, a law or guidelines. In business a person may need to revise a draft, an estimate, figures or a proposal. 与revise搭配的词有opinion、idea、decision、plan和arrangement等。主语是官方机构时,与之搭配的词可能是constitution、policy、law或guideline。在商务语境中,与之搭配的词可能是draft、estimate、figure或proposal。 see also revise revise , revision change noun 2 qualify [transitive] (rather formal) to add sth to a previous statement to make the meaning less strong or less general 修正(说过的话,使语气减弱或更具体)I want to qualify what I said earlier-I didn't mean he couldn't do the job, only that he would need supervision.我想具体说明一下我先前说的话-我不是说他不能做这个工作,只是说他需要指导。 see also qualification condition




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