

单词 olect_departure_0


his sudden departure 他的突然离去a radical departure from tradition 对传统的完全背离departure ♦︎ exit ♦︎ goingThese are all words for the act of leaving a place. 这些词均表示离开、离去。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配departure / exit from sthsb's sudden / unexpected / abrupt departure / exita hasty / speedy departure / exitto hasten sb's departure / exitto make a departure / an exit departure [countable, uncountable] the act of leaving a place or organization 离开;起程;离职His sudden departure threw the office into chaos.他的突然离去使这个部门陷入一片混乱。She had made arrangements for their immediate departure for Canada.她已经安排好他们即刻起程去加拿大。She postponed her departure to Scotland.她推迟了自己的苏格兰之行。The company has announced the departure of its chief executive.该公司已经宣布其总裁离职。Flights should be confirmed 24 hours before departure.航班应在起飞前24小时予以确认。Departure for London will be at 18.45.将于18:45起程开往伦敦。OPP arrival arrival 1 see also depart leave 1 exit [countable, usually singular] an act of leaving a room, building, stage, country or competition 离去;退出;退场He made a quick exit to avoid talking to her.他快速离去以免跟她说话。The dancers made their exits and entrances with perfect timing.舞蹈演员出场和退场的时间拿捏得很精准。They were disappointed by the team's early exit from the Cup.他们对该队在优胜杯比赛提前出局感到失望。an exit visa (= an official stamp in your passport giving you permission to leave) 出境签证OPP entrance arrival 1 see also exit leave 1 going [countable, usually singular] (formal) an act of leaving a place 离去;离开A silence followed their going.他们离开后,顿时一片寂静。What was the reason for his going?他离去的原因是什么?There had been lots of comings and goings at the house.那座房子一直有许多人进进出出。 OPP coming arrival 1 see also go leave 1




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