

单词 collaborator
collaborator noun
partner1 (his collaborator on the project) traitor (wartime collaborators)


a business/dancing partner 生意伙伴;舞伴Come to the party and bring your partner. 携伴来参加聚会吧。 See also the entry for friend 另见friend条partner ♦︎ colleague ♦︎ associate ♦︎ contact ♦︎ ally ♦︎ classmate ♦︎ co-worker ♦︎ collaborator ♦︎ workmate ♦︎ teammateThese are all words for sb you work, study or do an activity with. 这些词均表示搭档、同伴。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a business partner / colleague / associate / contact / allya political colleague / associate / contact / allya junior / senior partner / colleague / associatea former partner / colleague / associate / ally / classmate / co-worker / collaborator / workmate / teammatean old colleague / associate / ally / classmatea new partner / colleague / associate / contact / ally / classmatea long-term partner / associate / collaboratora close partner / colleague / associate / contact / ally / collaborator partner [countable] one of the people who owns a business and shares the profits; a person that you are doing an activity with, such as dancing or playing a game 合伙人;搭档;同伴He has recently been made a junior partner in the family business.他新近成为这一家族企业的初级合伙人。Choose a partner for the next activity.为下次活动选一位同伴。My regular dancing partner has broken her ankle.我的固定舞伴脚踝摔断了。 see also partnership group 3 , partnership relationship 1 partner


[transitive] Gerry offered to partner me (= be my partner) at tennis.格里提出和我搭档打网球。
colleague / /ˈkɒliːg; NAmE ˈkɑːliːg/ [countable] a person that you work with, especially in a profession or business 同事;同僚I'd like you to meet a colleague of mine from the office.我想介绍你认识我办公室的一位同事。the Prime Minister and his Cabinet colleagues首相及其内阁同僚 associate /əˈsəʊʃiət; NAmE əˈsoʊʃiət/ [countable] (rather formal) a person that you work with, do business with or spend a lot of time with 同事;伙伴The company is called Landor Associates.这家公司叫兰多联合公司。He was known to be one of the convicted man's associates.据说他是这个罪犯的一个同伙。 see also association relationship 1 NOTE 辨析 Colleague or associate? Colleague is much more frequent than associate and is a general word for sb you work with, especially in an office, a school, in government, etc. An associate is used more to describe sb you have a business connection with, for example because you have done or are doing business with them. * colleague远较associate常用,泛指一起工作的人,尤指办公室、学校、政府部门等的同事。associate多指生意伙伴,如曾经或正在与你做生意的人。 contact [countable] a person that you know, especially sb who can be helpful to you in your work 熟人;(尤指)社会关系I've made some useful contacts in journalism.我在新闻界结交了一些有用的人。It takes time to build up good contacts.建立社会关系网很花时间。 ally /ˈælaɪ/ / [countable] a person who helps and supports sb who is in a difficult situation, especially a politician (尤指从政者的)盟友,支持者He's a close friend and ally of the prime minister.他既是首相的亲密朋友,也是他的盟友。His sister was his ally against their grandparents.姐姐和他一伙,共同对付爷爷奶奶。OPP enemy enemy classmate / /ˈklɑːsmeɪt; NAmE ˈklæsmeɪt/ [countable] a person who is or was in the same class as you at school or college 同班同学Are you curious to know where your former classmates are now?你想知道你以前的同学现在都在哪儿吗? ˈco-worker [countable] a person that sb works with, doing the same kind of job 共同工作者;同事;同僚He is worried about his job after seeing his co-workers laid off.看到同事被解聘,他担心自己的工作。 collaborator /kəˈlæbəreɪtə(r)/ / [countable] a person who works with another person to create or produce sth, such as a book 合作者;协作者;合著者He is working on a new series with his long-time collaborator Michel Baudin.他正和自己的长期搭档米歇尔•博丹合写一部新系列剧。 workmate / /ˈwɜːkmeɪt; NAmE ˈwɜːrkmeɪt/ [countable] (especially BrE) a person that you work with, often doing the same job, in an office, factory, etc. 一起工作的人;同事;工友Her workmates organized a leaving party for her last day in the office.同事为她举办了欢送会,纪念她在办公室工作的最后一天。NOTE 辨析 Co-worker or workmate? Workmate is used more in British English; co-worker is used more in American English. Workmate is also slightly more informal, and suggests that you are quite friendly with the person you work with. * workmate多用于英式英语,co-worker多用于美式英语。workmate也稍显非正式,含有与工作伙伴相处融洽之义。 teammate /ˈtiːmmeɪt/ / [countable] a member of the same team or group as yourself 同队队员;队友He was determined not to let his teammates down.他决心不让队友失望。


traitor ♦︎ collaborator ♦︎ defector ♦︎ renegade ♦︎ deserterThese are all words for a person who betrays their friends, their country or another group or organization to which they are supposed to be loyal. 这些词均表示背叛者、变节者、叛徒。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an alleged traitor / collaborator traitor / /ˈtreɪtə(r)/ / [countable] (disapproving) a person who betrays their friends, their country or another group or organization to which they are supposed to be loyal 背叛者;叛徒;卖国贼He was seen as a traitor to the socialist cause.他被视为社会主义事业的叛徒。She denied that she had turned traitor (= become a traitor).她否认自己叛变了。Traitor is a fairly general word, and can be used to talk about any of the people described in this group of words. * traitor含义相当广泛,可指称本组词所指的任何变节者。 collaborator / /kəˈlæbəreɪtə(r)/ / [countable] (disapproving) a person who helps the enemy in a war, when they have taken control of the person's country 通敌者Former collaborators are now facing public humiliation in the courts.从前的通敌者现在正面临法庭上的公开羞辱。 defector / /dɪˈfektə(r)/ / [countable] (sometimes disapproving) a person who leaves a country, political party or organization to join another that is considered to be an enemy (国家、政党或组织的)叛离者,投敌者He was one of the earliest Soviet defectors to the West.他是最早从苏联叛逃到西方的人之一。Many of the new members were defectors from the Labour party.许多新成员都是工党的叛离者。 renegade / /ˈrenɪgeɪd/ / [countable] (often used as an adjective 常用作形容词) (formal, disapproving) a person who leaves one religious or political group to join another that has very different views (宗教或政治方面的)变节者,叛徒,背叛者A renegade priest, he made no secret of his unorthodox ideas.作为一个叛教的牧师,他毫不掩饰自己的非正统思想。 deserter /dɪˈzɜːtə(r); NAmE dɪˈzɜːrtər/ [countable] a person who leaves the army, navy, etc. without permission 逃兵;开小差的人He was convicted of hiding deserters.他被判窝藏逃兵。Although deserter can be used as a negative term, it is more often simply factual, without a judgement of the person being suggested. 尽管deserter有时含负面意义,但大多时候只是描述事实,不含主观判断的意味。




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