➡ See also the entry for ⇨ conclusive另见conclusive条certain ♦︎ bound ♦︎ sure ♦︎ definite ♦︎ destined ♦︎ guaranteed ♦︎ assuredThese words all describe sth that will definitely happen or is definitely true.这些词均表示肯定的、确定的、一定会。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆certain / sure / assured of sth◆certain / bound / sure / destined / guaranteed to do sth◆certain / definite that...◆I couldn't say for certain / sure / definite.◆to seem certain / bound to... / sure / definite / destined / guaranteed / assured◆to look certain / sure / definite / destined / guaranteed / assured◆by no means certain / sure / definite / guaranteed / assured◆fairly / quite / absolutely certain / sure / definite■certainthat you can rely on to happen or be true确实,确定,肯定(会发生或属实)◆It's certain that they will agree.他们肯定会同意。◆She looks certain to win an Oscar.看来奥斯卡金像奖她拿定了。◆If you want to be certain of getting into the concert, buy your ticket now.要想有把握听到音乐会,现在就买票吧。◆The climbers face certain death if the rescue attempt is unsuccessful.如果救援行动不成功,登山队员必死无疑。OPPuncertain ⇨ uncertain▸certainly
◆This will certainly make them think again.这一定会让他们重新考虑的。◆She was certainly attractive but you couldn't call her beautiful.她当然有吸引力,但说不上漂亮。■bound / /baʊnd/ / [not before noun] certain to happen, or to do or be sth一定会;肯定会◆There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced.引进新系统后一定会发生变化。◆You've done so much work-you're bound to pass the exam.你下了这么大工夫,考试绝对没问题。◆It was bound to happen sooner or later(= we should have expected it).这事迟早要发生。ⓘ Bound is only used in the phrase bound to do/be, etc. * bound只用于bound to do、bound to be等短语中。■surecertain to happen or be true; that can be trusted or relied on一定(会发生);确切的;可靠的◆She's sure to be picked for the team.她一定会入选该队。◆There's only one sure way of knowing.获取知识的可靠方法只有一个。◆It's a sure sign of economic recovery.这是经济复苏的确切迹象。◆ (ratherinformal) He's a sure bet for the presidential nomination(= he is certain to get it).他是总统候选人提名的铁定人选。■definite (especiallyspoken) certain to happen; that is not going to change肯定(会发生)的;确定的;不会改变的◆Is it definite that he's leaving?他肯定要离开吗?◆I've heard rumours, but nothing definite.我听到一些传言,但都不确定。◆Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow?你最晚明天给我确切的答复行吗?◆Have they made you a definite offer of a job?他们确定给你一份工作了吗?▸definitely
◆I definitely remember sending the letter.我清楚地记得把信寄了。◆'Do you plan to have children?' 'Definitely not!'“你们打算要孩子吗?”“没这个打算!”◆The date of the move has not been definitely decided yet(= it may change).搬家日期还没确定。◆Please say definitely whether you will be coming or not.请明确告知您是否会来。■destined / /ˈdestɪnd/ / (formal) having a future which has been decided or planned at an earlier time, especially by fate(尤指命中)注定的◆He was destined for a military career, like his father before him.他命中注定要步父亲的后尘,过戎马生涯。◆We seem destined never to meet.我们似乎命中注定无缘相见。 see also destiny ⇨ luck■guaranteed / /ˌgærənˈtiːd/ / certain to have a particular result肯定会;必定会◆If we try to keep it a secret, she's guaranteed to find out.如果我们试图保密,她一定会发现。◆That kind of behaviour is guaranteed to make him angry.那样的行为肯定会让他生气。■assured /əˈʃʊəd, əˈʃɔːd; NAmEəˈʃʊrd/ (written) certain to happen; certain to get sth必将发生的;确定的;肯定得到的◆Victory seemed assured.胜利在望。◆The French team are now assured of a place in the final.法国队现在一定能进入决赛了。
run to catch a bus跑着去赶公共汽车run a business经营企业➡ See also the entry for ⇨ fly2另见fly条第2义run ♦︎ race ♦︎ jog ♦︎ tear ♦︎ sprint ♦︎ charge ♦︎ gallop ♦︎ trot ♦︎ bound ♦︎ pound ♦︎ stampedeThese words all mean to move fast using your legs.这些词均表示跑。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达跑步速度快慢的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to run / race / jog / sprint / charge / gallop / trot / bound / pound towards sb / sth◆to run / race / sprint / charge / gallop / trot / bound / pound after sb / sth◆to run / race / tear / sprint / gallop / trot / bound / pound along (sth)◆to run / race / tear / sprint / gallop / bound off◆to run / race / sprint / bound away◆to run / race / tear / sprint / bound back◆to run / race / tear / charge around / round◆to come running / racing / tearing / sprinting / charging / galloping / trotting / bounding■run(running, ran, run) [intransitive, transitive] to move using your legs, going faster than when you walk; to travel a particular distance by running跑;奔跑◆Can you run as fast as Mike?你能和迈克跑得一样快吗?◆The boy went running off to get the ball.那个男孩跑着去拿球。◆I had to run to catch the bus.我不得不跑着去赶公共汽车。◆Alan was running for a bus when he slipped on some ice.艾伦跑着赶公共汽车时在冰上滑倒了。◆I like to go running(= run as a form of exercise) in the mornings before work.我喜欢早晨上班前跑步。◆I ran four miles today.我今天跑了4英里。◆Terrified, he ran all the way home.他吓坏了,一路跑回家。 see also runner ⇨ player▸run
[countable] ◆I go for a run every morning.我每天早晨都去跑步。◆He broke into a run(= started running).他跑了起来。▸running
[uncountable] ◆to go running去跑步◆running shoes跑鞋■race [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (written) to run very fast, especially because it is important that you get somewhere quickly(尤指因须快速到达某处)快跑,飞奔◆Peter raced ahead to be the first to tell his mother the news.彼得跑在前面,为的是率先将这个消息告诉他妈妈。◆We all raced back to the camp.我们都迅速赶回了营地。■jog ( go jogging) [intransitive] to run slowly and steadily for a long time, especially for exercise慢跑,慢步长跑(尤指锻炼)◆I go jogging every evening.我每天晚上都慢跑锻炼。◆He jogged down the path and into the lane.他沿着小路慢跑进了小巷。▸jog
[singular] ◆I like to go for a jog after work.我喜欢下班后慢跑锻炼。▸jogging
[uncountable] ◆He decided to take up jogging.他决定开始慢跑锻炼。■tear / /teə(r); NAmEter/ (tore, torn) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to run somewhere very quickly, especially in an excited way or because you are in a hurry(尤指兴奋地或因赶时间)飞跑,狂奔,疾驰◆The girls looked at each other and tore off towards the house.女孩们看了看对方,接着向房子飞奔而去。■sprint [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to run very fast for a short distance短距离快速奔跑;冲刺◆He sprinted towards the finishing line.他向终点冲刺。◆I sprinted the last few metres.我全速跑完最后几米。ⓘ When sb in a race starts sprinting, they start running as fast as they can, especially near the end of the race. * sprint指比赛中的冲刺,特别是接近比赛终点时。▸sprint
[countable] ◆a 100-metre sprint100米短跑◆It was a sprint for the finishing line.这是一个终点冲刺。■charge [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to run or walk fast in a particular direction, especially making a noise or carelessly(尤指闹哄哄或毛毛躁躁地)向⋯方向冲去◆The kids were charging around outside.孩子们在外面跑来跑去。◆He came charging into my office and demanded an explanation.他冲进我的办公室,要求给个说法。■gallop /ˈgæləp/ / [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) (of a horse or similar animal) to move fast with an action that includes all four feet being off the ground at the same time; (of a person) to ride a horse when it is galloping; (of a person) to run very quickly, especially in an excited way and with noisy steps(马或类似动物)飞奔,疾驰;(人)策马奔驰,嗵嗵地奔跑◆The horse neighed and galloped off across the field.那匹马嘶叫着疾驰穿过田地。◆The cavalry galloped past in a cloud of dust.骑兵绝尘而去。◆She galloped her horse all the way home.她骑着马一路飞奔回家。◆The kids came galloping along the street.孩子们沿街飞奔而来。▸gallop
[singular] ◆Diane urged her horse into a gallop.黛安驱马驰骋起来。■trot(-tt-) [intransitive, transitive](of a horse) to move at a speed that is faster than walking, with each front leg being lifted at the same time as the opposite back leg; (of a person) to ride a horse when it is trotting; (of a person) to run slowly or walk fast, taking short quick steps(马)疾走,小跑;(人)骑马小跑,小步快跑,碎步急行◆I could hear the sound of several horses trotting along in the lane.我听到几匹马在小路上小跑的声音。◆Bob trotted his pony around the field.鲍勃骑着小马绕场慢跑。◆The dog trotted obediently at her heels.那条狗乖乖地小跑着跟在她脚边。◆He trotted off to greet the other guests.他快步走过去迎接其他客人。▸trot
[singular] ◆She slowed her horse to a trot.她放慢马的速度小跑起来。◆She moved at a brisk trot.她轻快地小跑起来。■bound / /baʊnd/ / [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to run with long steps, especially in an enthusiastic way(尤指热情地)跳跃着跑◆The dogs bounded ahead.那些狗在前面蹦蹦跳跳地跑。■pound / /paʊnd/ / [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to run somewhere with heavy, noisy steps脚步重且喧闹地跑◆A group of men on horseback came pounding across the field.一群人骑着马嗵嗵地穿过田地。■stampede / /stæmˈpiːd/ / [intransitive](of a group of large animals or people) to run fast, especially in a way that cannot be controlled(尤指大型动物群或人群无法控制地)狂奔,涌向◆The cattle started to stampede, as if they could sense the danger.牛群仿佛感觉到危险,开始狂奔起来。◆A bunch of kids came stampeding down the corridor.一群孩子顺着走廊涌了过来。