

单词 break
break verb
break1 (break a window/leg) break2 (a machine breaks) break3 (break the law) break4 (break a promise) convey (break the news to sb)
break noun
holiday1 (Spring Break) holiday2 (a weekend break) opportunity (a lucky break) pause (a break in your routine) rest2 (a lunch break)


break a window/leg 打破窗户;摔断腿a machine breaks 机器坏了break the law 违反法律break a promise 违背诺言 See also the entry for smash 另见smash条break ♦︎ crack ♦︎ fracture ♦︎ snapThese words all refer to sth being damaged as a result of force, usually so that it separates into two or more parts. 这些词均表示打破、破裂、断裂。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to break / crack / fracture a bone / ribto break / fracture your hip / jaw / wristto crack / fracture your skullto break / crack a / an cup / egg / mirrora branch / cable / rope breaks / snapsa broken / cracked / fractured pipe break (broke, broken) [intransitive, transitive] to damage sth or be damaged so that it separates into two or more parts, as a result of force (使)破,裂,碎She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces.她把盘子掉在地上打碎了。She fell off a ladder and broke her arm.她从梯子上掉下来,摔断了胳膊。I didn't mean to break the window.我不是故意打破窗玻璃的。He broke the chocolate in two and gave me half.他把那块巧克力一分为二,给了我一半。How did this dish get broken?这只盘子是怎么打破的? breakage / /ˈbreɪkɪdʒ/ /


[countable, uncountable] The last time we moved house there were very few breakages.我们上次搬家时几乎没有什么物品破损。Wrap it up carefully to protect against breakage.把它包好,以免破损。
crack [intransitive, transitive](of sth hard) to break so that lines appear in it, but without dividing into separate parts; to break sth in this way (使硬物)破裂,裂开,断裂The ice cracked as I stepped on it.我一踩冰就裂了。The leather / mud / paint / plaster had cracked.皮革/泥/油漆/灰泥已开裂。He has cracked a bone in his arm.他的手臂有一处骨裂。Her lips were dry and cracked.她的嘴唇干裂了。Less frequently, to crack can involve breaking into separate parts, if it is used with a preposition. * crack与介词连用可表示打碎,此义较少用She cracked an egg into the pan.她往锅里打了一个鸡蛋。 see also crack crack noun fracture / /ˈfræktʃə(r)/ / [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal) to break or crack; to make sth break or crack (使)断裂,折断,破裂Cast iron is not only heavy, but likely to fracture.铸铁不仅重,还有可能断裂。A gas escape from a fractured pipe was the likely cause of the explosion.可能是从破裂的管道里泄露的煤气引发了爆炸。He fell and fractured his skull.他跌倒摔裂了颅骨。 fracture


[countable, uncountable] She sustained two fractures to her leg.她的一条腿有两处骨折。Ground movements could cause fracture of the pipe.地层移动可能导致管道破裂。
NOTE 辨析 Break, crack or fracture?Any of these verbs can be used for bones; break or fracture but not crack can be used for joints. 这些动词均可指骨折或骨裂。break和fracture可指关节部位的骨折,但crack不能He cracked his hip/jaw/wrist. Only break can be used for arms and legs. 只有break可指手臂和腿骨折She cracked/fractured her arm/leg. Fracture is the usual verb for talking about skulls (= the bone structure in the head); you can also use crack, but not break. 颅骨开裂通常用fracture,也可用crack,但不用breakHe fell and broke his skull.
snap (-pp-) [intransitive, transitive] to break suddenly into two pieces with a sharp noise; to break sth in this way (使喀嚓)断裂,绷断Suddenly the rope snapped.绳子突然啪地绷断了。The wind had snapped the tree in two.风把树喀嚓一声刮断了。


break a window/leg 打破窗户;摔断腿a machine breaks 机器坏了break the law 违反法律break a promise 违背诺言break ♦︎ fail ♦︎ break down ♦︎ go wrong ♦︎ crash ♦︎ go downThese are all words that can be used when a machine stops working because of a fault. 这些词均表示机器出故障、失灵。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a video / watch breaks / goes wronga washing machine breaks down / goes wrongan engine fails / breaks downa computer goes wrong / crashesa system fails / crashes / goes down break (broke, broken) [intransitive, transitive](of a device or small machine) to stop working as a result of being damaged; to damage a device or small machine and stop it from working (装置或小型机器)损坏,坏掉;弄坏My watch has broken.我的表坏了。I think I've broken the video.我可能把录像机弄坏了。 fail [intransitive](of a system, part of a machine or system, or part of the body) to stop working (系统、机器或系统的一部分)出故障,失灵;(身体部位)出毛病The air-conditioning system failed on the hottest day of the year.空调系统在一年里最热的那天瘫痪了。The brakes on my bike failed halfway down the hill.我的自行车下山途中车闸失灵了。 failure


[uncountable, countable] patients suffering from heart / kidney failure心脏/肾衰竭的病人A power failure plunged everything into darkness.停电使一切陷入黑暗。
ˌbreak ˈdown

phrasal verb

(broke, broken)(of a machine or vehicle) to stop working because of a fault (机器或车辆)出故障,坏掉The washing machine has broken down again.洗衣机又坏了。We (= our car) broke down on the motorway.我们的车在高速公路上抛锚了。 breakdown / /ˈbreɪkdaʊn/ /


a breakdown on the motorway在高速公路上抛锚
ˌgo ˈwrong


(goes, went, gone)to stop working correctly 发生故障;出毛病My watch keeps going wrong.我的手表老是出毛病。The new television set will contain fewer components to go wrong.新电视机出故障的部件会更少。Machines, devices and parts inside machines and vehicles can go wrong; whole vehicles cannot. * go wrong指机器、装置或机器和车辆的零部件出毛病,车辆整体发生故障不能用go wrongThe car has gone wrong again. If sth goes wrong, it may not stop working completely, as it does if it breaks or breaks down. * go wrong所指的故障未必使事物完全停止运转,break或break down则指彻底坏掉。
crash [intransitive, transitive](of a computer or computer system) to stop working suddenly; to make a computer or computer system stop working suddenly (使计算机或计算机系统)崩溃Files can be lost if the system suddenly crashes.要是计算机系统突然崩溃,文件就可能丢失。 crash


[countable] A systems crash in the morning and a bomb scare in the afternoon provided enough excitement.上午的计算机系统崩溃和下午的炸弹恐吓让人受够了刺激。
ˌgo ˈdown

phrasal verb

(goes, went, gone) [intransitive](of a computer system) to stop working temporarily (计算机系统)暂停运行The system is going down in ten minutes.系统十分钟后要暂停运行。NOTE 辨析 Crash or go down?Individual computers or whole systems can crash and this is always sudden and unexpected; when a system goes down, it may have been turned off deliberately to prevent people from using it while work is carried out on it. * crash指单个计算机或整个系统意外地突然崩溃;go down指系统或许被故意关闭,以阻止执行工作时有人使用。


break a window/leg 打破窗户;摔断腿a machine breaks 机器坏了break the law 违反法律break a promise 违背诺言break ♦︎ breach ♦︎ infringe ♦︎ violateThese words all mean to do sth that is against the law, an agreement or a principle. 这些词均表示违反法律、协议或原则。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to break / breach / infringe a regulationto break / breach / violate a rule / law / treatyto break / infringe / violate a codeto break / violate a ceasefire / truceto breach / infringe / violate copyrightto breach / infringe / violate Article 12 of the treaty break [transitive] to do sth that is against the law or a rule or agreement 违反(法律、规定或协议)to break an agreement / a contract违反协议/合同Would you be willing to break the law to achieve your goal?你愿意为达到目的而违反法律吗?They insist that they have not broken any rules.他们坚持说他们没有违反任何规章。He was breaking the speed limit (= driving faster than the law allows).他违章超速行驶。OPP obey follow 3 breach / /briːtʃ/ / [transitive] (formal) to not keep an agreement; to not obey a rule or law 违背;违反;违犯The government is accused of breaching the terms of the treaty.政府被控违反条约中的规定。OPP comply follow 3 breach


[countable, uncountable] a breach of contract / copyright / warranty违约;侵犯版权;违反保证This action is in breach of Article 119 of the Constitution.该行为触犯了宪法第119条。
NOTE 辨析 Break or breach? Breach is more formal. You can breach a particular rule, but you would break 'the law' in general. 与break相比,breach较正式。特指违反某一规章可用breach,泛指违法则用breakareas where EU limits were breached违反欧盟限制的地区They are breaching the law and could be in serious trouble. People break laws. Either people or actions can breach rules. 表示人违法用break laws,人或行为违背规章均可用breach rules。
infringe / /ɪnˈfrɪndʒ/ / [transitive, intransitive] (formal) (of an action or plan) to break a law; to limit sb's legal rights (行动或计划)违法;侵犯,侵害(合法权益)The material can be copied without infringing copyright.这份材料可以复制,不会侵犯版权。They said that compulsory identity cards would infringe civil liberties.他们说强制办理身份证会侵犯公民自由。She refused to answer questions that infringed on her private affairs.她拒绝回答侵犯她隐私的问题。 infringement


[uncountable, countable] copyright infringement对版权的侵犯an infringement of his personal liberty对他的人身自由的侵犯
violate / /ˈvaɪəleɪt/ / [transitive] (formal) to refuse to obey or keep a law, principle or agreement; to disturb or not respect sb's peace or privacy 违反,违犯,违背(法律、原则或协议);搅扰;侵犯(隐私)The directive violates fundamental human rights.该指令违反基本人权。She accused press photographers of violating her privacy.她指责新闻摄影记者侵犯了她的隐私。OPP respect follow 3 see also invade interfere violation


[countable, uncountable] gross violations of human rights对人权的粗暴践踏They were in open violation of the treaty.他们公然违反条约。
NOTE 辨析 Infringe or violate? Violate often describes actions that are not just illegal, but morally wrong. Infringe can be about sb's personal rights, but it is not as strong as violate, which is more about universal human rights. * violate所描述的行为常常不仅是非法的,还是不道德的。infringe可以指侵犯个人权利,但不如violate强烈,violate更多指侵犯普世人权。


break a window/leg 打破窗户;摔断腿a machine breaks 机器坏了break the law 违反法律break a promise 违背诺言break ♦︎ withdraw ♦︎ do a U-turn ♦︎ retract ♦︎ recant ♦︎ take sth back ♦︎ backtrack ♦︎ go back on sthThese words all mean to change an earlier statement, opinion or promise. 这些词均表示改变、撤回原先的声明、观点或承诺。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to break / withdraw / go back on a promiseto break / go back on your word / an agreementto withdraw / retract a / an claim / allegation / confession break [transitive] to not keep a promise or agreement 违背(诺言或协议)I've never broken my word; why should I do it now?我从未食言过,为什么现在要这么做?She has already broken three appointments (= not gone to them).她已经爽约三次了。OPP keep keep 5 withdraw / /wɪðˈdrɔː, wɪθˈdrɔː/ (withdrew, withdrawn) [transitive] (formal) to say that you no longer believe that sth you previously said is true 收回,撤回,撤销(说过的话)The newspaper withdrew the allegations the next day.这家报纸第二天收回了那些说法。 ˌdo a ˈU-turn (informal, especially journalism 尤用于新闻) to make a complete change in policy or behaviour, usually one that is embarrassing (在政策或行为上)作出(令人尴尬的)彻底转变The Prime Minister may be forced to do another humiliating U-turn on Europe.首相在欧洲政策上也许再一次被迫做出不光彩的180度大转变。Do a U-turn is most often found in contexts relating to politics and business. Because doing a U-turn is seen as being an embarrassing experience, it is usually used with verbs such as have to and be forced to. * do a U-turn最常出现在与政治和商业相关的语境里。由于do a U-turn被视作令人尴尬的做法,故通常与have to、be forced to等动词连用。 see also U-turn revolution 2 retract /rɪˈtrækt/ / [transitive] (formal) to say that sth you said earlier is not true or correct or that you did not mean it 撤销,收回(说过的话)He made a false confession which he later retracted.他作了假供词,后来又翻供。 see also retraction denial NOTE 辨析 Withdraw or retract?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用to withdraw / retract a claim / an allegation / a confession撤销声明/说法/供词However, retract is used more often when sb has been forced to say sth (like a false confession) that they did not really mean and wish to give their true opinion; withdraw is used more often when sb has made a claim or accusation against sb that they cannot prove, and is forced to admit that it is not true. 不过,某人被迫说了本意不想说的话(如假供词),但希望能说出真实的看法时较常用retract;某人作出了针对他人未经证实的断言或指控,被迫承认所言非实时较常用withdraw。 recant / /rɪˈkænt/ / [transitive, intransitive] (formal) (especially in the past) to say publicly that you no longer have the same belief or opinion (尤指旧时)公开宣布放弃(原先的信仰或观点)In 1633 he was forced to recant his assertion that the earth orbited the sun.他在1633年被迫公开宣布放弃地球围绕太阳运转的断言。 ˌtake sth ˈback

phrasal verb

(took, taken) (rather informal, especially spoken) to admit that sth you said was wrong or that you should not have said it 收回,撤回(说过的不当的话)OK, I take it all back!好吧,我把我说过的话统统收回!Take sth back is most often used in spoken expressions such as Would you like to take that back? (said to sb who has just offended the speaker), Can I take that back? or I take it (all) back. * take sth back最常用于口语表达,如Would you like to take that back?(你愿意收回那句话吗?);Can I take that back?(我可以收回那句话吗?);I take it (all) back.(我把我说过的话(统统)收回。)
backtrack / /ˈbæktræk/ / [intransitive] (especially business 尤用于商业 or politics 政治) to change an earlier statement, opinion or promise because of pressure from sb/sth (屈于压力而)改变声明(或主张),出尔反尔;退缩The trade unions have had to backtrack on their main demand.工会不得不改变了主要的诉求。 ˌgo ˈback on sth

phrasal verb

(goes, sent, gone) (rather informal) to fail to keep a promise; to change your mind about sth 违背承诺;食言;改变主意They have no intention of going back on any of their commitments.他们无意背弃他们作出的任何承诺。


 See also the entry for tell 1 另见tell条第1义convey ♦︎ send ♦︎ communicate ♦︎ relay ♦︎ repeat ♦︎ impart ♦︎ get sth across ♦︎ pass sth on ♦︎ breakThese words all mean to make sure sb receives and understands information, ideas or feelings about sth. 这些词均表示传达或传递信息、思想或感情。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to convey / send / communicate / relay / repeat / impart / get across / pass on / break sth to sbto convey / communicate / relay / repeat / break it to sb that...to convey / communicate / relay / repeat to sb what...to convey / send / communicate / relay / repeat / impart / get across / pass on a messageto convey / communicate / get across your ideasto convey / pass on / break the newsto convey sth / communicate sth / get sth across clearly / effectively convey / /kənˈveɪ/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to make information, ideas or feelings known to sb 表达,传递(信息、思想或感情)He tried desperately to convey how urgent the situation was.他竭尽全力想要说明情况是多么紧急。Colours like red convey a sense of energy and strength.红色之类的颜色给人充满活力与力量的感觉。 (formal, spoken) Please convey my apologies to your wife.请向你的妻子转达我的歉意。 send (sent, sent) [transitive] to tell sb sth in a message 传达;转致;告知My parents send their love.我父母问您好。What sort of message is the irresponsible behaviour of these celebrities sending to young people?这些名人不负责任的行为向年轻人传达的是何种信息? (formal or literary) She sent word that she could not come.她传来了信儿说她来不了。 communicate [transitive, intransitive] (rather formal) to make information, ideas or feelings known to other people 传达,传递(信息、思想或感情)He was eager to communicate his ideas to the group.他急于把他的想法传达给小组。Her nervousness was communicating itself to the children.她紧张不安的情绪传递给了孩子们。Candidates must be able to communicate effectively.候选人必须善于表达。 see also communication communication , communication letter , communicator speaker 1 NOTE 辨析 Convey or communicate?You can convey information, an idea or a feeling to one other person, a group of people or people in general. You can communicate sth to a group of people or people in general, but not usually to one other person. * convey指向另一个人、一组人或公众传递信息、想法或感觉。communicate的对象可以是一组人或公众,但一般不是单个的人Please communicate my apologies to your wife. Convey must take an object, which must be different from the subject. * convey必须带宾语,而宾语不能和主语是相同的人或事物Her nervousness was conveying itself to the children. Candidates must be able to convey effectively. relay /ˈriːleɪ, rɪˈleɪ/ [transitive] (rather formal) to give information to sb else after receiving it yourself 转发(信息)He relayed the message to his boss.他把这个消息转给了他的老板。Instructions were relayed to her by phone.指令通过电话转达给她了。 repeat [transitive] to tell sb sth that you have heard or been told by sb else 转述;转告I don't want you to repeat a word of this to anyone.这些话你对任何人都不要提起。The rumour has been widely repeated in the press.报界广泛转载了这个传闻。Why did you go and repeat what I said to Ian?你为什么把我说的话告诉了伊恩? see also repeat repeat 1 impart /ɪmˈpɑːt; NAmE ɪmˈpɑːrt/ [transitive] (formal) to pass information or knowledge to other people 通知;透露;传授Her aim was not merely to impart knowledge, but rather to help students learn for themselves.她的目的不只是传授知识,而是帮助学生自主学习。 ˌget sth aˈcross

phrasal verb

(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) (rather informal) to succeed in communicating sth 把⋯讲清楚He's not very good at getting his ideas across.他不太善于清楚地表达自己的思想。
ˌpass sth ˈon

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to give information to sb else after receiving it yourself 转发(信息)I passed your message on to my mother.我把你的留言转告我妈了。You can also pass on things other than information. 除信息之外,pass on的宾语也可以是物品。 see also pass sth on pass sth on
break (broke, broken) [transitive, intransitive] to be the first to tell sb some bad news, especially in a kind way; (of news) to become known (第一个将坏消息)透露,说出(尤其以善意的方式);(消息)透露,传开I don't know how to break it to him.我不知道该怎么告诉他这件事。Just break the news to her gently.就把这个消息委婉地告诉她吧。There was a public outcry when the scandal broke.丑闻一传开,舆论一片哗然。


the school holidays 学校假期a camping holiday 露营度假holiday ♦︎ vacation ♦︎ break ♦︎ leave ♦︎ time off ♦︎ day off ♦︎ recess ♦︎ sabbaticalThese are all words for a period of time when you are not at work, school or college. 这些词均表示假期。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配during the holidays / the vacation / the break / the recess / a sabbaticalto be on holiday / vacation / leave(the) summer / Christmas holiday / vacation / recessannual holiday / vacation / leavepaid / unpaid holiday / vacation / leave / time off / sabbaticalthree weeks' / two days' / a month's, etc. holiday / vacation / leave / recess / sabbaticalto take leave / time off / a day off / a sabbaticalto spend your holiday / vacation / leave / time off / day off / sabbatical doing sth holiday [uncountable] ( holidays [plural]) (BrE) a period of time when you do not have to go to work, school or college 假期My assistant is on holiday this week.我的助手这周休假。You are entitled to four weeks' annual holiday.你享有四周的年假。Your holiday entitlement is 25 days a year.你每年有25天的假期。My sister's coming to stay in the holidays.我姐姐假期要过来住。In both British and American English a holiday is also a day when most people do not go to work or school, especially because of a religious or national celebration. * holiday在英式和美式英语中还可指假日,尤指宗教或全国性节假日The president's birthday was declared a national holiday.总统的生日被定为全国假日。Today is a holiday in Scotland.今天是苏格兰的假日。In American English the holidays means the time in late December and early January that includes Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year. * the holidays在美式英语中指12月底到1月初的一段假期,包括圣诞节、修殿节和新年。 vacation [uncountable, countable] (NAmE) a period of time when you do not have to go to work, school or college 假期Their son is home on vacation.他们的儿子放假在家。The schools were closed for summer vacation.学校已放暑假,不开放。Vacation time and other benefits were cut.假期和其他福利都被取消了。In Britain a vacation is one of the periods of time when universities or courts are closed. 在英国,vacation指大学放假或法庭休庭时期the Christmas vacation圣诞假the long (= university summer) vacation暑假In the US, courts have a recess, like Congress or a committee (see below). 在美国,法庭休庭称recess,议会或委员会休会期也称作recess(见下面的分词条)。 break (informal) a period of time when school, college or university students do not have to go to classes (学校)假期 (NAmE) A lot of students go to Florida for Spring Break.很多学生到佛罗里达州度春假。 (BrE) Have you got any plans for the Easter break?复活节假期你有什么打算吗?In this meaning break is uncountable in American English but countable in British English. * break表达此义时,在美式英语中是不可数名词,在英式英语中是可数名词。 leave [uncountable] a period of time when you do not have to be at work, either in order to take a holiday or for a special reason 假期;休假Sylvia's on maternity leave (= after having a baby).西尔维娅在休产假。Fathers are allowed a week's paternity leave (= after the birth of a baby).新生儿的父亲有一周的育婴假。There are new provisions for parental leave (= for parents of young children).关于父母亲育婴假有了新规定。He was on sick leave following a heart attack.心脏病发作后他休了病假。She was given compassionate leave to attend the funeral.她请了恩恤假去参加葬礼。He applied for study leave (= from teaching at a university) to write the book.他向任教的大学请了学术假去写那本书。 ˌtime ˈoff [uncountable] time when you do not have to work 休息时间Why not come with me if you can get the time off?如果你那个时间有空,为什么不和我一起去呢?Can you get some time off work?你能在上班时离开一会儿吗?The children were given time off school to watch the ceremony.学校早放学让孩子们看那场典礼。 ˌday ˈoff [countable] a day when you do not have to work 休息日;休假日She's had only two days off in the past year.去年她只休了两天假。I've got the day off from school.我今天请假,不用上学。Sunday is my only day off.我只有星期天才休息。 recess / /rɪˈses, ˈriːses/ [countable, uncountable] a period of time during the year when members of a parliament or committee do not meet (议会或委员会)休会期Tomorrow MPs break for the Christmas recess.明天议员们休息,圣诞节休会期到了。The peace talks resumed after a month-long recess.和平谈判在休会一个月后重新开始。The report was published while Congress was in recess.那份报告是在国会休会时公布的。 see also recess rest noun 2 sabbatical /səˈbætɪkl/ / [countable, uncountable] a period of time when sb, especially a teacher in a university, is allowed to stop their usual work in order to study, write or travel (尤指供大学教师进行学术研究或旅行的)公休假,休假He's been given a year's sabbatical.他获准休一年的公休假。She's on sabbatical until January.她休公休假到1月份。


the school holidays 学校假期a camping holiday 露营度假 See also the entry for trip 另见trip条holiday ♦︎ vacation ♦︎ break ♦︎ getawayThese are all words for a period of time spent away from home relaxing or travelling around. 这些词均表示度假。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a great / relaxing holiday / vacation / break / getawaya dream / family holiday / vacationa summer / winter holiday / vacation / break / getawaya holiday / vacation abroada holiday / vacation destination / home / resort / spotto go / be on holiday / vacationto take a holiday / vacationto cancel a holiday / vacation / breaka week's / three-day, etc. holiday / vacation / break holiday [countable] (BrE) a period of time spent travelling or relaxing away from home 度假The neighbours are away on holiday.邻居们出门度假了。He's never had a holiday abroad.他从未去过国外度假。We're going on a skiing holiday in Austria.我们要去奥地利滑雪度假。Package holidays (= in which your flight, accommodation, etc. are all organized for you and included in the price) are generally becoming less popular.度假套餐普遍不像以前那么受欢迎了。Let's have a look at your holiday photos.我们看看你度假时拍的照片吧。 vacation [countable] (NAmE) a period of time spent travelling or relaxing away from home 度假The senator is on vacation in Maine.那位参议员正在缅因州度假。How was your vacation?你假期玩得好吗?They usually go on a ski vacation this time of year.每年这个时候他们通常去滑雪度假。The area is a popular vacation choice for families.这个地区是家庭出游的热门之选。 break [countable] a short holiday/vacation 短期度假The prize is a three-night break in Paris.大奖是巴黎的三天住宿券。Choose from our range of city breaks.请选择我们的城市短游系列中的项目。It's a great city for a weekend break.这个城市非常适合度周末。 getaway / /ˈgetəweɪ/ / [countable, usually singular] (rather informal) a short holiday/vacation; a place that is suitable for a holiday 短期度假;假日休闲地;适合度假的地方a romantic weekend getaway in New York在纽约度过的浪漫周末the popular island getaway of Penang深受人们喜爱的槟榔屿度假岛 ˌget aˈway

phrasal verb

We're hoping to get away (= go away on holiday) for a few days at Easter.我们打算复活节出去玩几天。


opportunity ♦︎ chance ♦︎ turn ♦︎ possibility ♦︎ moment ♦︎ occasion ♦︎ break ♦︎ start ♦︎ window ♦︎ goThese are all words for a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve sth. 这些词均表示机会、时机。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the opportunity / a chance / your turn to do sthan opportunity / possibilities / an occasion for stha suitable opportunity / occasion / momentthe last opportunity / chance / momentto have an opportunity / a chance / a turn / a break / a window / a moment / a goto get / give sb an opportunity / a chance / a turn / a break / a start / a window / a moment / a goto wait for an opportunity / a chance / your turn / the moment / an occasionto take advantage of an opportunity / a chance / the possibilities / a windowto take the opportunity / your chance / turnsto seize an opportunity / a chance / the momentto miss an opportunity / your chance / a turn / a go opportunity [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve sth 机会;时机I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues for their support.我谨借此机会感谢同事的支持。He is rude to me at every opportunity (= whenever possible).他动不动就对我粗鲁无礼。There are more job opportunities in the south.南方有更多的工作机会。Our company promotes equal opportunities for women (= women are given the same jobs, pay, etc. as men).本公司提倡男女机会均等。There'll be plenty of opportunity for relaxing once the work is done.工作一完成,放松的机会有的是。 chance [countable] an opportunity 机会;时机;机遇Please give me a chance to explain.请给我一个解释的机会。 (BrE) We won't get another chance of a holiday this year.我们今年不会再有机会度假了。 (NAmE) We won't get another chance at a vacation this year.我们今年不会再有机会度假了。Jeff deceived me once already-I won't give him a second chance.杰夫已骗过我一次,我不会再给他机会。This is your big chance (= opportunity for success).这是你成功的大好机会。NOTE 辨析 Opportunity or chance?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用You'll have the opportunity / chance to ask questions at the end.你们最后将有机会提问。 Opportunity tends to be used in more formal contexts than chance, and in some phrases only one of the words can be used. 与chance相比,opportunity往往用于较正式的语境;有些短语只能用其中的一个词job/equal chances I won't give him a second opportunity. turn [countable] (especially spoken) the time when sb in a group of people should do sth or is allowed to do sth (依次轮到的)机会Please wait your turn.请等着轮到你。Whose turn is it to cook?轮到谁做饭了?The male and female birds take turns sitting on the eggs.雄鸟和雌鸟轮流抱窝。 (BrE) We take it in turns to do the housework.我们轮流做家务。 possibility [countable, usually plural] something that gives you a chance to achieve sth 机会;契机The class offers a range of exciting possibilities for developing your skills.这门课程提供一系列令人兴奋的技能训练。Career possibilities for women are much greater than they were fifty years ago.女性的职业发展机会比五十年前多很多。In this meaning, possibilities is often used to talk about work-related situations. 表达此义时,possibilities常用于与工作相关的情形career / employment / development / commercial / design possibilities职业发展/就业/发展/商业/设计机会It is also often used after positive-sounding adjectives. * possibilities亦常用于褒义的形容词后excellent / interesting / exciting / creative possibilities绝佳的/有吸引力的/令人激动的/表现创造力的机会Note that you cannot say 'a/the possibility to do sth'. 注意,不能说a/the possibility to do sthI had the possibility to spend a year in Paris while I was a student. In these cases use opportunity or chance. 在这些情况下可用opportunity或chanceI had the opportunity / chance to spend a year in Paris.我曾有机会在巴黎待过一年。 see also possible possible 1 moment [countable] (especially spoken) a particular occasion; a time for doing sth 时机;机遇;做某事的时刻I'm waiting for the right moment to tell him the bad news.我在找适当的时机告诉他这个坏消息。Have I caught you at a bad moment?我是不是来得不是时候? occasion [singular] (rather formal) a suitable time for doing sth 适当的机会;时机It should have been an occasion for rejoicing, but she could not feel any real joy.原本应该是高兴的时刻,她却丝毫不感到快乐。I'll speak to him about it if the occasion arises (= if I get a chance).有机会的话,我要跟他谈谈这件事。 see also occasion time 1 break [countable] (informal) a chance to do sth, usually to get sth that you want or to achieve success (满足心愿或成功的)机会,机遇I got my lucky break when I won a 'Young Journalist of the Year' competition.我时来运转,在“年度最佳青年记者”竞赛中获胜。 start [countable, usually singular] the opportunity that you are given to begin sth in a successful way 起始优势;良好的基础条件They worked hard to give their children a good start in life.他们力争为孩子们奠定一个良好的基础。The job gave him his start in journalism.那份工作让他开始进入新闻行业。 see also start start noun window [countable] (especially business 尤用于商业) a time when there is an opportunity to do sth, although it may not last long 一丝机会;短暂的时机We now have a small window of opportunity in which to make our views known.我们现在有一线机会使人了解我们的观点。 go (plural goes) [countable] (BrE, spoken) a person's turn to move or play in a game or activity (游戏或活动中轮到的)机会Whose go is it?轮到谁了?It's your go.轮到你了。'How much is it to play?' 'It's 50p a go.'“玩这游戏多少钱?”“50便士一回。”Can I have a go on your new bike?我能骑骑你的新自行车吗?In American English use turn. 在美式英语中用turn。


pause ♦︎ break ♦︎ interruption ♦︎ lull ♦︎ gapThese are all words for a period of time when sth stops before starting again. 这些词均表示停顿、间断。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a pause / a break / an interruption / a lull / a gap in sthafter a pause / a break / an interruption / a lull / a gapwithout pause / a break / interruptiona short pause / break / interruption / lull / gapa long pause / break / gapa sudden pause / break / lullto fill a pause / gap pause [countable] (especially written) a period of time during which sb stops talking or when sth stops before starting again 停顿;停顿的时间There was a long pause before she answered.她停了好一会儿才回答。After a brief pause, they continued climbing.他们略停了一下就继续爬山。 break [countable] a period of time when sth stops before starting again; a pause for advertisements in the middle of a television or radio programme 暂停;间断;(电视或电台节目的)插播广告的间隙I need a break in my daily routine.我需要脱离日复一日的常规生活,调剂一下。She wanted to take a career break in order to have children.她想暂时放下工作,去生孩子。More news after the break.广告后继续播报新闻。a commercial break广告时间Break is often used to talk about people stopping work for a period of time. * break常指暂时放下工作。 see also break rest noun 2 interruption [countable] something that temporarily stops an activity or situation; a period of time when an activity is stopped before starting again 阻断物;中断时间The birth of her son was a minor interruption to her career.儿子的出生使她的事业小小中断了一下。There's been an interruption in the power supply.曾经发生停电。I managed to work for two hours without interruption.我总算连续工作了两个小时。An interruption to/in sth is often used in announcements or statements about the power supply/normal service/sb's career/activities/output/production being stopped for a period of time. * interruption to/in sth常用于关于服务或活动暂时中断的通告或声明,如interruption to/in the power supply/normal service/sb's career/activities/output/production(电力供应/正常服务/事业/活动/输出/生产的中断)。 see also interrupt disrupt lull [countable, usually singular] (especially written) a quiet period between times of activity (活动间的)平静时期,间歇There was a lull in the conversation.谈话中出现了一段沉寂。Just before an attack everything would go quiet, but we knew it was just the lull before the storm (= before a time of noise or trouble).就在攻击开始前一切都变得沉寂,但我们知道这只是风暴前的平静。 Lull is often used in business contexts to talk about a period of time when people are not buying many products or services. * lull常用于商务语境,指业务淡季 (business 商业) There will probably be a lull over the winter, followed by a resurgence of activity next spring.整个冬天都可能会是淡季,接着会在来年春天复苏。 gap [countable] (especially spoken) a period of time when sth stops before starting again, or between two events 间断;间隔;间隙I waited for a gap in the conversation.我等待谈话中出现间隙。They met again after a gap of twenty years.他们阔别二十年后又见面了。NOTE 辨析 Break, lull or gap?A break is often planned: you need a break in your own activities in order to have a rest or do sth different. A lull in a conversation, in fighting or in business activity is sth that just happens without being planned. A gap also usually happens without being planned: it is usually either a gap in the conversation or a period of time between two events. * break常常是计划好的,因活动期间需要间歇来休息或做些其他事情。lull指谈话、战事或商务活动中未经计划的间歇。gap通常也不是安排好的,通常用于gap in the conversation,或指两件事之间的间隔。


the rest of the world 世界其他地区take a rest 休息一下rest ♦︎ break ♦︎ respite ♦︎ time out ♦︎ breathing space ♦︎ breather ♦︎ recessThese are all words for a short period of time spent relaxing. 这些词均表示短暂的休息。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a rest / a break / respite / time out from sthto have / take a rest / a break / time out / a breatherto need a rest / a break / respite / some time outto give sb a rest / a break / respite / a breathing space rest [countable, uncountable] a period of relaxing, sleeping or doing nothing after a period of activity 休息时间;睡眠时间You need a rest from all your hard work.你需要放下繁重的工作,休息一下。We stopped for a well-earned rest.我们停下来休息,也该休息一下了。Try to get some rest-you have a busy day tomorrow.休息一下吧-你明天还要忙一天呢。 break [countable] a short period of time when you stop what you are doing and rest or eat 间歇;休息Let's take a break.咱们休息一会儿吧。a coffee / lunch / tea break工间喝咖啡/午餐/茶点休息时间a break for lunch午餐休息I need a break from mental activity.我需要让大脑休息一下。She worked all day without a break.她接连工作了一整天。In British English break or break time [uncountable] is a period of time between lessons at school. 在英式英语中,break或break time指学校的课间休息Come and see me at break.课间休息时来见我。 Break is also used in American English for a very short period of time between lessons to change classrooms; a longer period of free time between lessons is called recess in American English. * break在美式英语中亦指短暂的课间休息;较长的课间自由时间在美式英语中称为recess。 see also break pause noun respite / /ˈrespaɪt; NAmE ˈrespɪt/ [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a short break from sth difficult or unpleasant; a short delay allowed before sth difficult or unpleasant must be done (困境或不愉快状态的)暂停,暂缓;短暂的延缓;喘息The drug brought a brief respite from the pain.药物暂时缓解了疼痛。 (BrE) respite care (= temporary care arranged for old, mentally ill, etc. people, so that the people who usually care for them can have a rest) 临时换班看护His creditors agreed to give him a temporary respite.他的债权人同意给他一个喘息的机会。 ˌtime ˈout [uncountable] (rather informal) time for resting or relaxing away from your usual work or studies (工作或学习的)暂停时间,休息时间Take time out to relax by the pool.去游泳池边放松会儿吧。 ˈbreathing space [countable] a short rest in the middle of a period of mental or physical effort (脑力或体力活动期间的)短暂休息,喘息时间This delay gives the party a breathing space in which to sort out its policies.这一延迟使该党有了喘息之机来厘定其政策。 breather /ˈbriːðə(r)/ / [countable] (informal) a short pause in an activity to rest or relax (活动进行中的)短暂休息Can we take a five-minute breather?我们能休息五分钟吗?NOTE 辨析 Breather or breathing space?You decide when to take a breather; a breathing space has to be given or won. A breather is for relaxing; a breathing space is for sorting things out. * breather指自己决定的休息,breathing space则指要等待机会或主动争取的休息。breather是为了放松,breathing space是为了理顺或整理事物。 recess / /rɪˈses, ˈriːses/ / [countable] a short break in a trial in court 休庭The judge called a short recess.法官宣布短暂休庭。In American English recess [uncountable] is a period of time between lessons at school. The British English word for this is break or break time. 在美式英语中,recess指学校的课间休息,在英式英语中表达此义用break或break time。 see also recess holiday 1




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