例句 |
distress noun distress ♦︎ pain ♦︎ suffering ♦︎ anguish ♦︎ torture ♦︎ agony ♦︎ hurt ♦︎ miseryThese are all words for a feeling of great unhappiness that you get when you are hurt emotionally by sth that happens or what sb does or says. 这些词均表示感情上的巨大伤痛。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达伤痛的程度distress | ➔ | anguish | ➔ | torture | pain | | misery | | agony | suffering | | | | | hurt | | | | | PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆distress / pain / anguish / hurt / misery at sth◆in distress / pain / anguish / agony / misery◆great distress / pain / suffering / anguish / agony / hurt / misery◆real distress / pain / suffering / anguish / torture / hurt / misery◆sheer / absolute torture / agony / misery◆physical / emotional distress / pain / suffering / anguish / torture / agony / hurt◆mental distress / pain / suffering / anguish / torture / agony◆personal distress / pain / suffering / anguish / agony / hurt / misery◆to endure the distress / pain / suffering / torture / agony / misery◆to bear the pain / suffering / anguish / torture / misery◆to go through pain / suffering / anguish / torture / agony / misery◆to suffer distress / pain / anguish / torture / agony / hurt / misery◆to inflict pain / suffering / anguish / torture / agony / hurt / misery◆to cause (sb) distress / pain / suffering / anguish / agony / hurt / misery◆to spare sb the distress / pain / anguish / torture / agony / misery◆to ease sb's distress / pain / suffering / anguish / agony / misery■ distress [uncountable] a feeling of great unhappiness or worry caused by sth unpleasant that has happened to you or that you think might happen 忧虑;悲伤;痛苦◆He was obviously in distress after the attack.他受到攻击后显然很痛苦。◆The newspaper article caused the actor considerable distress.报上的文章给这名演员带来很大痛苦。 see also distress ⇨ hurt verb 1 , distressed ⇨ upset , distressing ⇨ painful 2 ■ pain [uncountable] a feeling of great unhappiness caused by sth unpleasant that has happened to you or that sb has done or said 痛苦;心灵受创◆The pain of separation remained intense.离别的痛苦依然很强烈。◆She had never meant to cause him any pain.她从不想伤害他的感情。ⓘ Pain can also be a physical feeling. * pain也可指身体上的疼痛。 see also pain ⇨ pain OPP pleasure ⇨ fun , pleasure ⇨ pleasure see also pain ⇨ hurt verb 1 , painful ⇨ painful 2 ■ suffering [uncountable] a feeling of great unhappiness caused by sth unpleasant that has happened to you, sometimes involving being without a home, money, food or safety 痛苦;折磨;苦难◆The taunts of her schoolmates caused her intense mental suffering.校友们的辱骂给她带来极大的精神痛苦。◆This war has caused widespread human suffering.这场战争给许许多多的人带来了苦难。ⓘ Suffering can also be a physical feeling. * suffering也可指身体上的疼痛。 see also suffering ⇨ pain NOTE 辨析 Distress, pain or suffering?These are all words for a feeling of great unhappiness. Distress can also be a feeling of worry. 这些词都指痛苦的感受,其中distress还可指忧虑◆I was in such distress, wondering what had happened to them.不知道他们出了什么事,我陷入了深深的忧虑。◆I was in such pain/suffering, wondering what had happened to them. Both pain and suffering can also be physical and sometimes they can be both physcial and emotional at the same time. * pain和suffering都可指身体上的痛苦,有时还指身体和情感上同时受苦◆It was a life full of pain and suffering.那是一种充满痛苦与折磨的生活。 Pain is used especially when the hurt is more individual and the cause more personal, such as the death of a loved one or sth unkind that sb has said or done to you. Suffering is used especially when the hurt affects a large number of people and is caused by sth on a larger scale such as a war or natural disaster. * pain尤指个人的痛苦,或痛苦原因与私人生活有关,如亲人去世,或别人的言行不友善带来的伤害。suffering尤指受害人数众多或由影响范围大的事件(如战争或自然灾害)引发的痛苦。 ■ anguish / /ˈæŋgwɪʃ/ / [uncountable] (rather formal) great suffering, especially emotional suffering (尤指精神上的)强烈痛苦,折磨◆Tears of anguish filled her eyes.她双眸噙满了伤心的泪水。◆He groaned in anguish.他痛苦地呻吟。 see also anguished ⇨ upset ■ torture / /ˈtɔːtʃə(r); NAmE ˈtɔːrtʃər/ [uncountable] (informal) extreme suffering, especially emotional suffering; sth that causes this (精神上的)极大痛苦,折磨;折磨人的事◆Falling in love with a man she could never have was exquisite torture.爱上一个永远得不到的男人是她极大的痛苦。◆The interview was sheer torture from start to finish.这次面试从头至尾都使人备受煎熬。ⓘ Torture is the only word in this group that cannot be used after 'in'. * torture是本组同义词中唯一不能用于介词in之后的词◆He cried out in torture. ■ agony /ˈægəni/ / [uncountable, countable] extreme emotional suffering; sth that causes this (精神上的)极大痛苦;带来痛苦的事◆It was agony not knowing where the children were.孩子们下落不明,真让人揪心。◆She waited in an agony of suspense.她提心吊胆地等待着。◆The worst agonies of the war were now beginning.战争最深重的苦难现在开始了。ⓘ Agony can also be physical pain. * agony也可指身体上的疼痛。 see also agony ⇨ pain ■ hurt [uncountable, singular] (rather informal) a feeling of unhappiness because sb has been unkind or unfair to you 心灵创伤;委屈◆There was hurt and real anger in her voice.从她的声音可以听出,她既难过又真的生气。◆It was a hurt that would take a long time to heal.那是需要很长时间才能愈合的心灵创伤。 see also hurt ⇨ hurt verb 1 , hurt ⇨ upset adj. , hurtful ⇨ mean adj. 1 ■ misery / /ˈmɪzəri/ / [uncountable, countable] great suffering, especially emotional suffering, that lasts a long time; a very unpleasant experience or situation in which people suffer very much (长期的情感)痛苦;悲惨的遭遇(或境况)◆Fame brought her nothing but misery.名声给她带来的仅是痛苦而已。◆The bad news had plunged him into abject misery.那一坏消息使他陷入了极度的痛苦。◆ (BrE) My old boss used to make my life a misery.我以前的老板经常让我陷入水深火热之中。ⓘ In American English say make my life miserable. 在美式英语中要说make my life miserable。 see also miserable ⇨ negative , miserable ⇨ unhappy 1 NOTE 辨析 Anguish, torture, agony or misery?The main differences between these words are the degree of suffering and the level of formality. Agony suggests the most suffering. Torture also suggests extreme suffering, but it is used in informal spoken English in an exaggerated way: the situations that cause the torture may not in fact be very serious. Anguish is a rather formal word and is slightly less extreme than agony and torture. Misery may be less intense suffering but it may last a much longer time. 这四个词的主要区别在于所表示痛苦的程度和语言的正式程度不同。agony表示的痛苦程度最强;torture也表示极端痛苦,但会用于非正式口语以示夸张,造成痛苦的情况不一定真的很严重;anguish相当正式,其痛苦程度比agony和torture稍弱;misery所指的痛苦可能不太强烈,但持续的时间则可能长得多。 |