

单词 olect_wet_0


wet clothes/grass/hair 湿衣服;湿草;湿头发wet weather/a wet day 雨天 See also the entry for soft 另见soft条wet ♦︎ moist ♦︎ damp ♦︎ soaked ♦︎ sodden ♦︎ drenched ♦︎ saturatedThese words all describe things that are covered with or full of liquid, especially water. 这些词均表示潮的、湿的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达湿的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配wet / moist / damp / soaked / drenched / saturated with sthsoaked / drenched in sthsb's clothes / hair is / are wet / damp / soaked / sodden / drenchedsb's coat / shirt is wet / damp / soaked / drenchedsb's shoes are wet / damp / soaked / drenchedwet / moist / damp / sodden / saturated ground / earthwet / moist / damp / saturated soilto become wet / moist / damp / soaked / drenched / saturatedto get wet / moist / damp / soaked / sodden / drenchedvery / slightly wet / moist / dampabsolutely / thoroughly / completely soaked / drenched / saturated wet covered with or full of liquid, especially water 潮的;湿的The car had skidded in the wet road.车在湿漉漉的路上打滑了。You'll get wet (= in the rain) if you go out now.你要是现在出去会被淋湿的。Try not to get your shoes wet.尽量别把鞋子弄湿了。We were all soaking wet (= extremely wet).我们都成了落汤鸡。 (BrE) My shirt was wet through (= completely wet).我的衬衣湿透了。OPP dry In this meaning dry has no synonyms of its own. 形容干燥时,dry没有同义词Is my shirt dry yet?我的衬衫干了吗?Store onions in a cool dry place.洋葱要贮存在凉爽干燥处。 see also wet soak verb moist (often approving) slightly wet, often in a way that is pleasant or useful 微湿的,湿润的(常指舒适或有益)The warm moist air is perfect for growing fruit trees.温暖湿润的空气最适于果树生长。a lovely rich moist cake形状可爱、松软味浓的蛋糕Water the plants regularly to keep the soil moist.定时给植物浇水以保持土壤湿润。 see also moisture moisture , moisten soak damp (sometimes disapproving) slightly wet, often in a way that is unpleasant 潮湿的,湿气重的(常指令人不舒服)The cottage was cold and damp.这小屋又冷又潮。Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.用湿布擦拭表面。 see also damp moisture , dampen soak soaked / /səʊkt; NAmE soʊkt/ (rather informal) very wet 湿透的;湿漉漉的He woke up soaked with sweat.他醒了,浑身都是汗。His soaked shirt stuck to his chest.他的衬衫湿透了,紧贴在前胸上。 (especially BrE) You're soaked to the skin (= completely wet)!你浑身湿透了! see also soak soak sodden very wet 湿透的;湿漉漉的I had to get out of my sodden clothes.我不得不换掉湿漉漉的衣服。I preferred not to sit on the sodden grass.我不愿坐在湿漉漉的草上。 drenched /drentʃt/ / [not usually before noun] very wet 湿透;湿漉漉His face was drenched with sweat.他满头大汗。Her clothes were drenched in blood.她的衣服让血浸透了。 see also drench soak NOTE 辨析 Soaked, sodden or drenched? Soaked and drenched, but not sodden can be used with with or in. * soaked和drenched可以与with或in连用,但是sodden不可以soaked / drenched with / in sweat / blood / tears / perspiration被汗水/鲜血/泪水/汗水浸透了sodden with/in sweat/blood/tears/perspiration Soaked and sodden but not usually drenched can also be used before a noun. * soaked和sodden还可用于名词前,但是drenched通常不可以their soaked / sodden clothes / sheets他们那湿透了的衣服/被单their drenched clothes/sheets Things that are sodden are usually wet with water, especially rain; it is often used to describe the ground. * sodden通常指被雨水淋湿,常描述土地the sodden earth / ground / grass / turf / fields被淋湿的大地/土地/草地/草皮/农田Things that are soaked or drenched can be wet with water, sweat or blood; these words are not used to describe the ground. * soaked或drenched可以指被水、汗水或血液浸透,不用于描述土地the soaked/drenched earth/ground/grass/turf/fields saturated / /ˈsætʃəreɪtɪd/ / (rather formal, written) very wet 湿透的;浸透的Saturated soil lacks air, without which plant roots die.浸透的土壤缺乏空气,而没有空气植物的根会腐烂。




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