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school noun ⇨ schoolschool noun school ♦︎ college ♦︎ university ♦︎ academy ♦︎ seminaryThese are all words for a place where people are taught or are trained in a skill. 这些词均表示学校。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆at / in school / college / university◆at / a / the school / college / university / academy / seminary◆to go to / attend school / college / university / an academy / a seminary◆to study at a college / a university / an academy / a seminary◆to graduate from high school / a college / a university / an academy / a seminary◆to leave school / college / university / an academy / a seminary◆to finish / quit school / college / university■ school [countable, uncountable] a place where children are taught; the process of learning in a school; the time during your life when you go to a school; the time during the day when children are learning in a school (中、小)学校;上学;上学阶段;上课(或上学)时间◆My sister and I went to the same school.我和姐姐上的是同一所学校。◆More money is needed for roads, hospitals and schools.需要有更多的资金来修路、开办医院和学校。◆ (BrE) an infant / a junior / a primary / a secondary school幼儿学校;小学;中学◆ (NAmE) an elementary / a junior high / a high school小学;初级中学;高中◆In Britain children start school when they are five.在英国,儿童五岁开始上学。◆ (BrE) My younger son is still at school.我的小儿子还在上学。◆ (NAmE) My younger son is still in school.我的小儿子还在上学。◆ (NAmE) to teach school (= teach in a school) 教书◆I'll meet you after school today.今天放学后我去找你。◆An announcement was made to the whole school (= all the children and teachers in a school).向全校师生发出了通告。ⓘ When school is being referred to as an institution it is used without the. * school表示机构时不加the◆to go to school上学When you are talking about a particular building, the is used. 表示校舍时要加the◆His parents went to the school to talk to his teacher.他的父母去学校找老师谈话。 ⓘ School is also used in compounds to mean a place where people (not necessarily children) go to learn a particular subject or skill. * school也可用于复合词中,表示人们(不一定是儿童)学习特定科目或技能的学校◆a language / riding school语言/骑术学校◆The university has a school of dentistry.该大学设有口腔医学学院。◆She wants to go to drama school.她想上戏剧学校。In informal American English school can also refer to a college or university or the time that you spend there. 在非正式美式英语中,school也可指大学或学院以及上大学期间◆ (NAmE, informal) famous schools like Yale and Harvard像耶鲁和哈佛这类名牌大学◆Where did you go to school?你在哪里上的大学? ■ college [countable, uncountable] a place where students go to study or receive training after they have left school 学院;职业学校;技术学校◆a college of further education进修学院◆When I left school I went to secretarial college.中学毕业后我去读了文秘职业学校。◆ (NAmE) He got interested in politics when he was in college.他上大学时就开始对政治感兴趣了。◆He's hoping to go to college next year.他希望明年上大学。■ university [countable, uncountable] an institution at the highest level of education where you can study for a degree or do research (综合性)大学◆How many universities are there in Britain?英国有多少所大学?◆the University of York / York University约克大学◆Ohio State University俄亥俄州立大学◆ (BrE) Both their children are at university.他们的两个孩子都在上大学。◆ (BrE) He's hoping to go to university next year.他希望明年上大学。NOTE 辨析 College or university?In British English the usual word for an institution where you can study for a degree is university. In American English university is used in the names of particular institutions, but the usual word to talk about studying at a university in general is college. 在英式英语中,表示授予学位的机构通常是university;在美式英语中,university用在一些特定机构的名称中,表示上大学通常用college (BrE) ◆She's at university.她在上大学。◆to go to university上大学 (NAmE) ◆She's in college.她在上大学。◆to go to college上大学 College is used in both British and American English to talk about a place where you can do further studies after leaving school, especially in technical subjects, that do not lead to a degree. 在英式和美式英语中,college都可用来指中学毕业后继续学习的地方,特别是学习一些非学位的技能课程◆a technical / secretarial college工学院;文秘职业学校A college can also be one of the separate institutions that some British universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge, are divided into. * college也可指组成某些英国大学(如牛津大学和剑桥大学)的学院之一◆King's College, Cambridge剑桥大学国王学院 ■ academy / /əˈkædəmi/ / [countable] a school or college for special training; (in Scotland) a secondary school; (in the US) a private school 专科院校;(苏格兰)中等学校;(美国)私立学校◆She trained at the Royal Academy of Music.她在皇家音乐学院培训过。◆He went to Ayr Academy.他曾就读于艾尔中等学校。■ seminary /ˈsemɪnəri; NAmE ˈsemɪneri/ [countable] a college where priests, religious ministers and rabbis are trained 神学院;修院◆They spend six years in a seminary.他们在神学院学习了六年。◆He went to the Northern Catholic Seminary to train for the ministry.他到北方天主教神学院去接受牧师培训。 |