

单词 patron
patron noun
customer (Patrons are requested not to smoke.) sponsor (the patron of many artists/a charity)


customer ♦︎ client ♦︎ consumer ♦︎ buyer ♦︎ purchaser ♦︎ shopper ♦︎ patron ♦︎ punter ♦︎ regular ♦︎ end-userThese are all words for a person or organization that buys sth from a shop or business. 这些词均表示顾客、买家、客户。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to have / deal with / get / lose a customer / client / buyerto attract customers / clients / consumers / buyers / shoppers / puntersto encourage customers / clients / consumers / buyers / shoppersto entice / persuade customers / clients / consumers / buyersto tempt customers / buyers / shopperscustomers / clients / consumers / buyers / purchasers / shoppers buy / spend sth customer [countable] a person or organization that buys sth from a shop or business or who uses a bank 顾客;主顾;客户He comes in twice a week and is one of our best customers.他每周来两次,是我们最好的顾客之一。Schools are among the biggest customers for this service.学校可说是这种服务最大的客户群。I'd like to speak to someone in the customer service department, please.我想找客户服务部的人,谢谢。 see also custom business 2 client / /ˈklaɪənt/ / [countable] a person who uses the services or advice of a professional person or organization 委托人;当事人She's a well-known lawyer with many famous clients.她是一个知名律师,有许多著名的委托人。It is our job to act on behalf of the client.代表客户行事是我们的职责。 see also clientele market 1 consumer / /kənˈsjuːmə(r); NAmE kənˈsuːmər/ [countable] a person who buys goods or uses services 消费者;顾客;用户Health-conscious consumers want more information about the food they buy.注重健康的消费者想得到更多有关他们所购买的食物的信息。The big stores are, of course, responding to consumer demand.大商店当然会对顾客需求作出反应。We live in a consumer society (= one in which buying and selling is considered to be very important).我们生活在一个消费型社会。Consumer is usually used to talk about the habits and behaviour of people who buy things in general, rather than about any person in particular. Consumer is often used like an adjective before words such as demand, boycott, boom, confidence, and spending. * consumer通常用来谈论一般大众消费的习惯和行为,不指具体的某个人。consumer常像形容词一样置于demand、boycott、boom、confidence和spending等词前。 buyer [countable] a person who buys sth, especially sth expensive (尤指昂贵商品的)买主,买方Have you found a buyer for your house?你的房子找到买主了吗?Buyer is most often used to talk about a person buying a house or car, or a large amount of goods for a company. * buyer主要用于指买房、买车,或为某家公司购买大量商品的人。 see also buy buy purchaser /ˈpɜːtʃəsə(r); NAmE ˈpɜːrtʃəsər/ [countable] (formal, especially written) a person who buys sth, especially sth expensive (尤指昂贵商品的)买主,买方The purchaser reserves the right to change his or her mind.买方保留改变意愿、退出交易的权利。Purchaser is most often used in formal written English to talk about a person buying a house or car, a business or shares in a business. * purchaser主要用在正式书面语中,指购买房产、汽车、公司或公司股票的人。 see also purchase buy shopper [countable] a person who buys goods from a shop 购物者;(商店的)顾客Crowds of shoppers had to be evacuated from the store after the bomb threat.收到炸弹威胁后,一群群顾客被迫从商店疏散。Competition between stores can result in big savings for shoppers.商店间的竞争可以使购物者省很多钱。 Shopper is most often used in the plural, after words relating to large numbers such as hundreds/thousands/crowds of or words relating to times when large numbers of people buy things in shops. * shopper常用复数形式,用在表示较大数量的词后,如hundreds/thousands/crowds of,或表示购物高峰期的词后Christmas / Saturday-morning shoppers圣诞节/周六早晨的购物者 see also shop buy patron /ˈpeɪtrən/ / [countable] (formal) a person who uses a particular shop, restaurant, theatre, etc. (商店、餐馆、剧院等的)老主顾,常客,顾客Patrons are requested not to smoke.请顾客不要吸烟。 punter [countable] (BrE, informal) a person who buys or uses a particular product or service (产品或服务的)顾客,主顾,客户It's important to keep the punters happy.重要的是让客户满意。Your average punter won't notice the difference.普通顾客不会注意到那个差别。 regular [countable] a customer who often goes to a particular shop, bar, restaurant, etc. (商店、酒吧、餐馆等的)常客,老主顾He's one of our regulars.他是我们的一位老主顾。 ˌend-ˈuser [countable] a person who actually uses a product rather than one who makes or sells it, especially a person who uses a product connected with computers (尤指计算机产品的)最终用户,直接用户,终端用户Programs are tailored to meet the needs of end-users.这些程序是为满足最终用户的需求量身订做的。


sponsor ♦︎ donor ♦︎ patron ♦︎ promoter ♦︎ backer ♦︎ contributor ♦︎ benefactor ♦︎ philanthropistThese are all words for a person or organization that gives money or other support to another person or organization. 这些词均表示赞助人、捐赠者、资助者。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a donor / contributor / benefactor to sththe main / principal sponsor / donor / patron / promoter / backer / contributor / benefactora major / potential sponsor / donor / patron / backer / contributor / benefactora generous sponsor / donor / patron / contributor / benefactora wealthy donor / patron / backer / benefactor / philanthropista great patron / promoter / benefactor / philanthropista private sponsor / donor / patron / benefactoran anonymous donor / patron / benefactorto look for / seek / find / get a sponsor / donor / patron / backera sponsor / donor / benefactor / philanthropist gives stha sponsor / benefactor / philanthropist donates stha sponsor / donor / promoter / backer / philanthropist supports sb / sth [countable] a person or company that pays for a radio or television programme, or for a concert or sports event, usually in return for advertising; a person who agrees to give sb money for a charity if that person succeeds in completing a particular activity; a person or company that supports sb by paying for their training or education (广播电视节目、音乐会或体育赛事的)赞助者,赞助商;义赛(或义演)的捐款者;(培训或教育的)资助者The race organizers are trying to attract sponsors.比赛的组织者在想方设法吸引赞助商。I'm collecting sponsors for next week's charity run.我在为下周的慈善赛跑活动征求捐款者。Unless he can find a sponsor he'll be forced to retire from athletics.除非他能够找到一位资助者,否则他只能从田径场退役。 see also sponsor fund verb , sponsorship investment / /ˈdəʊnə(r); NAmE ˈdoʊnər/ [countable] a person or organization that makes a gift of money, clothes, food or other items to a charity; a person who gives blood or a part of their body to be used by doctors to help sick people 捐赠者;捐赠机构;献血者;器官捐献者She is one of the charity's main donors.她是该慈善机构的主要捐赠者之一。a blood / an organ donor献血者;器官捐献者 see also donate give 5 /ˈpeɪtrən/ / [countable] a person who gives money and support to artists and writers; a famous person who supports an organization such as a charity and whose name is used in the advertisements for the organization (艺术家和作家的)赞助人,资助者;名义赞助人(支持慈善组织等的名人,其名字常用于有关的广告宣传中)He was a great patron of the arts and helped to establish the Baltimore Museum.他是一位伟大的艺术赞助人,帮助建立了巴尔的摩博物馆。The Duchess of Cornwall is to be patron of the new Unicorn Theatre for Children.康沃尔公爵夫人将成为新独角兽儿童剧场的赞助人。 patronage / /ˈpætrənɪdʒ, ˈpeɪtrənɪdʒ/ /


[uncountable] Patronage of the arts comes from businesses and private individuals.对艺术的资助来自企业和个人。
/ /prəˈməʊtə(r); NAmE prəˈmoʊtər/ [countable] a person or company that organizes or provides money for an artistic performance or sporting event (艺术演出或体育比赛的)筹办人,发起者,赞助者The boxing promoter expects a full house when the World Champion defends his title.拳击比赛筹办人预计,世界冠军卫冕比赛时将会座无虚席。A promoter is more commercial than most of the other types of people in this group: a promoter's aim is usually to use sport or the arts to make money, rather than to use money to help sport or the arts. * promoter比本组大多数其他单词都更商业化,他们的目的通常是利用体育或艺术来赚钱,而不是出钱来资助体育或艺术。 [countable] (especially business 尤用于商业) a person or company that gives support to sb/sth, especially financial support 支持者;资助者;赞助人The project receives its money from European backers.该项目所需款项由欧洲赞助人提供。 see also supporter supporter /kənˈtrɪbjətə(r)/ / [countable] (rather formal, especially business 尤用于商业) a person or a thing that provides money to help pay for sth, or support for a project 捐款者;捐赠者;作出贡献者Older people are important contributors to the economy.老一辈人为发展经济作出了重要贡献。Which country is the largest net contributor to EU funds?哪个国家是对欧盟基金除税后的最大捐赠者?Contributor is often used to talk about the number of people, countries or customers who give their money to an organization or economy by paying their taxes or buying things. * contributor常指那些以纳税或购物的方式把钱捐给某个机构或经济体的人、国家或顾客。 see also contribute give 5 / /ˈbenɪfæktə(r)/ / [countable] (formal) a person who gives money or other help to a person or an organization such as a school or charity 施主;捐款人;赞助人He was a generous benefactor, providing schools and churches throughout the region.他是个慷慨的捐款人,为该地区的学校和教堂提供资金。Typical collocates of benefactor are generous, kind, great and wealthy. It is also common for benefactors to be mysterious, anonymous or unknown. * benefactor的常见搭配词有generous、kind、great和wealthy。该词也常与mysterious、anonymous或unknown搭配使用。 / /fɪˈlænθrəpɪst/ / [countable] (rather formal) a rich person who helps the poor and those in need, especially by giving money 慈善家;乐善好施的人He was a wealthy businessman and philanthropist.他是个富有的企业家和慈善家。




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