

单词 phone
phone verb


We called the baby Mia. 我们给婴儿取名米娅。call the office/the police/a taxi 给办公室打电话;打电话叫警察/出租车hear a voice calling 听见呼喊声hear a bird callingcall ♦︎ ring ♦︎ phone ♦︎ dial ♦︎ telephone ♦︎ reach ♦︎ call sb upThese words all mean to make a telephone call to sb. 这些词均表示打电话给某人。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to call sb / ring sb / phone sb / telephone sb / call sb up about sthto call / ring / phone / telephone from somewhereto call / ring / phone / telephone to do sthto call / ring / phone / dial / telephone a number / a hotline / the switchboard / receptionto call / ring / phone / dial / telephone New York / India, etc.to call / ring / phone / telephone the doctor / fire brigade / police / hospitalto call / ring / phone / telephone hometo call / ring / phone / dial / telephone directto call / ring / phone (sb) up / back call [transitive, intransitive] to make a telephone call to sb; to ask sb/sth to come quickly to a particular place by telephoning (给⋯)打电话;打电话叫⋯快来My brother called me from Germany last night.我哥哥昨晚从德国打电话给我。I called the office to tell them I'd be late.我给办公室打了电话,说我会迟到。Has anyone called the police?有人报警了吗?I'll call you a taxi.我来打电话给你叫辆出租车。I'll call back later.我晚点再回电话给你。 call


[countable] to get / have / receive a call from sb接到某人的电话to give sb / to make a call给某人打电话;打电话Were there any calls for me while I was out?我不在时有电话找我吗?I'll take (= answer) the call upstairs.我会上楼接电话。
ring [transitive, intransitive] (BrE, rather informal, especially spoken) to make a telephone call to sb (给⋯)打电话I'll ring you later.我晚点打电话给你。When is the best time to ring New York?打电话去纽约什么时间最合适?David rang up while you were out.你不在的时候戴维打电话来了。He said he was ringing from London.他说他是从伦敦打来的电话。Could you ring for a cab?你打电话叫辆出租车好吗?She rang to say she'd be late.她打电话来说她会迟到。 phone [intransitive, transitive] (BrE, rather informal, especially spoken) to make a telephone call to sb (给⋯)打电话Could you phone back later?你过一会儿再打来好吗?I'm phoning about your ad in the paper.我打电话来想问问你在报上登的广告。For reservations, phone 0207 281 3964.预订请拨打0207 281 3964。 phone


[countable, uncountable] The phone rang and Pat answered it.电话铃响了,帕特接了起来。They like to do business by phone / over the phone.他们喜欢用电话/在电话上谈生意。He's been on the phone (= using the phone) to Kate for more than an hour.他和凯特通电话已经一个多小时了。
NOTE 辨析 Call, ring or phone? Call is the only one of these three words used in American English. Ring and phone are the most frequent words in this group in spoken British English, but call is usually preferred, even in British English, when there is an emergency that involves asking sb/sth to come to a place: call the police/fire brigade is much more frequent than 'ring/phone the police/fire brigade'. You call/ring/phone a person, place or institution; you call a cab/a taxi/an ambulance. 这三个词中只有call用于美式英语,ring和phone则最常用于英式英语的口语。但在紧急情况下打电话呼叫某人或某物时,一般倾向用call,即便在英式英语中也如此。call the police/fire brigade(报警;报火警)比ring/phone the police/fire brigade常用得多。call、ring、phone后可以接人、地点或机构,而cab、taxi、ambulance前要用callI'll ring/phone you a cab.
dial / /ˈdaɪəl/ / (-ll-, NAmE -l-) [transitive, intransitive] to use a telephone by pushing the buttons or turning the dial (= the round part on some older telephones with holes for the fingers) to call a number 拨(电话号码)He dialled the number and waited.他拨号后等着通话。Dial 0033 for France.打电话到法国拨0033。She picked up the receiver, paused a moment, and then dialled.她拿起话筒,顿了一下,然后拨电话。 telephone [intransitive, transitive] (especially BrE, formal) to make a telephone call to sb (给⋯)打电话Please write or telephone for details.欲知详情,请来信或来电。You can telephone your order 24 hours a day.一天24小时你都可以打电话订购。I was about to telephone the police.我正要打电话报警。 telephone


[countable, uncountable] The telephone rang and Pat answered it.电话铃响了,帕特接了起来。You're wanted (= sb wants to speak to you) on the telephone.有电话找你。
reach [transitive] to communicate with sb, especially by telephone (尤指用电话)联系,与⋯取得联系Do you know where I can reach him?你知道我在哪儿能联系上他吗?You can reach me at this number.你可以打这个号码找我。 ˌcall sb ˈup

phrasal verb

(especially NAmE, rather informal) to make a telephone call to sb 给⋯打电话I called him up and asked him how he was doing.我打电话给他问他过得怎么样。




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