

单词 play
play verb
play1 (children playing) play2 (play football) play3 (play the piano) play a part join
play noun
play (a play by Shakespeare) entertainment (children at play)


children playing 孩子们在玩耍play football/for England/against France 踢足球;代表英格兰参赛;跟法国队比赛play the piano/the role of Hamlet 弹钢琴;扮演哈姆雷特play ♦︎ celebrate ♦︎ have fun ♦︎ enjoy yourself ♦︎ have a good/great time ♦︎ party ♦︎ live it upThese words all mean to do things for pleasure and/or get enjoyment from sth. 这些词均表示玩乐。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配Let's play / celebrate / have fun / enjoy ourselves / have a good time / party / live it up play [intransitive, transitive] to do things for pleasure, as children do, instead of working 玩耍;游戏;玩乐A group of kids were playing with a ball in the street.一群孩子在街上玩球。You'll have to play inside today.你们今天只能在屋里玩了。I haven't got anybody to play with!没有人跟我玩!There's a time to work and a time to play.工作、玩耍皆有时。Let's play a different game.我们玩点别的吧。 see also play entertainment noun celebrate [intransitive, transitive] to show that a day or event is important by doing sth special on it 庆祝;庆贺Jake's passed his exams. We're going out to celebrate.杰克考试通过了,我们出去庆祝一下。We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in Florence.我们在佛罗伦萨庆祝25周年结婚纪念日。How do people celebrate New Year in your country?在你们国家,人们怎么庆祝新年? celebration


[uncountable] Her triumph was a cause for celebration.她的胜利是庆祝的理由。 see also celebration event 2
have ˈfun


(has, had, had) (informal, especially spoken) to get enjoyment from what you are doing 得到快乐;玩得开心Have fun!尽情地玩吧!The kids were having fun in the water.孩子们在水里玩得正高兴呢。You can have a lot of fun with a cheap digital camera.一部廉价的数码相机就能带来很多乐趣。 see also fun fun , fun entertainment
enˈjoy yourself


to get enjoyment from what you are doing 得到快乐;玩得开心Enjoy yourselves!尽情地玩吧!The kids all seemed to enjoy themselves at the party.孩子们在聚会上好像都玩得很痛快。 see also enjoyment fun
have a good ˈtime have a ˈgreat time


(has, had, had) (informal, especially spoken) to get (great) enjoyment from what you are doing 得到(极大的)快乐;玩得(非常)开心Did you have a good time in Spain?你们在西班牙玩得高兴吗?Yes, we had a great time.是的,我们玩得非常开心。 Have a great time is not used in questions. * have a great time不用于疑问句Did you have a great time? NOTE 辨析 Have fun, enjoy yourself or have a good time? Have fun and have a good time are more informal than enjoy yourself and used especially in spoken English. Have fun can be used ironically as an instruction to sb who is going to do sth that they do not expect to enjoy. * have fun和have a good time比enjoy yourself较非正式,尤用于口语。have fun可以是反语,用于告诉对方他们要做的事不会很令人愉快 (ironic) Oh, is it your exam today? Have fun!哦,你今天考试吧?好好享受吧!
party [intransitive] (informal) to enjoy yourself, especially by eating, drinking alcohol and dancing 寻欢作乐;吃喝玩乐They were out partying every night.他们每晚都外出寻欢作乐。 see also party party noun 2 live it ˈup


(informal) to enjoy yourself in an exciting way, usually spending a lot of money 尽情欢乐;纵情挥霍享乐They had this great win on the lottery and now they're living it up in Hawaii.他们买彩票得了这大奖,现在正在夏威夷尽情享乐呢。


children playing 孩子们在玩耍play football/for England/against France 踢足球;代表英格兰参赛;跟法国队比赛play the piano/the role of Hamlet 弹钢琴;扮演哈姆雷特play ♦︎ go in for sth ♦︎ compete ♦︎ enterThese words all mean to be involved in an activity, especially a game, race or competition. 这些词均表示参加比赛。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to play / compete in a competition, etc.to play / compete against sbto go in for / compete in / enter a competition / contest / raceto compete in / enter a tournamentto play / compete well play [transitive, intransitive] to be involved in a game; to compete against sb in a game; to take a particular position in a sports team 参加比赛;同⋯比赛;(在运动队中)担任They play football on Saturday mornings.他们每周六上午都踢足球。Do you want to play cards with me?想跟我玩纸牌吗?Have you ever played her at chess?你跟她下过国际象棋吗?France are playing Wales tomorrow.明天法国队迎战威尔士队。France are playing against Wales on Saturday.星期六法国队迎战威尔士队。He plays for Cleveland.他加入克利夫兰队参赛。Evans played very well.埃文斯比赛很出色。Who's playing on the wing?谁担任边锋?I've never played right back before.我过去从未打过右后卫。 ˌgo ˈin for sth

phrasal verb

(goes, went, gone) (usually used in negative statements 通常用于否定陈述) to enjoy and take part in sth as an interest or hobby 对⋯有兴趣;爱好She doesn't go in for team games.她对团体比赛项目不感兴趣。In British English go in for sth also means to put your name on the list for an exam or competition. 在英式英语中,go in for sth还指报名参加考试或竞赛She's going in for the Cambridge First Certificate.她准备参加剑桥初级证书考试。
compete [intransitive] to take part in a contest or game 参加比赛(或竞赛)He's hoping to compete in the London marathon.他希望参加伦敦马拉松比赛。Compete is often followed by in with names of sports events like the marathon, the Olympic Games, the Grand Prix and the British Open. * compete常后接in及运动赛事名称如the marathon、the Olympic Games、the Grand Prix和the British Open。 see also competitor participant enter [transitive, intransitive] to put your name on the list for an exam or competition; to do this for sb 报名参加,为(某人)报名参加(考试或比赛)1 000 children entered the competition.1 000个孩子报名参加比赛。 (BrE) Only four British players have entered for the championship.只有四名英国选手参加了锦标赛。 (BrE) How many students have been entered for the exam?让多少学生参加了考试? see also entrant candidate


children playing 孩子们在玩耍play football/for England/against France 踢足球;代表英格兰参赛;跟法国队比赛play the piano/the role of Hamlet 弹钢琴;扮演哈姆雷特play ♦︎ perform ♦︎ stage ♦︎ do ♦︎ produce ♦︎ act ♦︎ put sth on ♦︎ presentThese words all mean to play a musical instrument, sing, act in a play, etc., especially to entertain an audience. 这些词均表示演奏、演唱或扮演。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to play / perform / do a pieceto play / act a role / partto perform / stage / do / produce / act in / put on / present a play / showto perform / stage / do / act in / put on a productionto stage / do / put on / present a / an performance / concert / exhibitiona band / musician plays / performs / does stha company stages / does / produces / puts on / presents a play / showto play / perform / stage / act / present sth wellto play / perform / stage / present sth brilliantlyto play / perform / act sth togetherto play / perform / do sth live / in public play [transitive, intransitive] to make music on a musical instrument; to take a part in a play or film 演奏(乐器);(在戏剧或电影中)扮演I'm learning to play the piano.我正学弹钢琴。Play us that new piece.给我们演奏那首新曲子吧。In the distance a band was playing.远处有个乐队在演奏。The part of the Queen was played by Helen Mirren.女王这一角色由海伦•米伦扮演。He had always wanted to play Othello.他一直想扮演奥赛罗。 perform [transitive, intransitive] to entertain an audience by playing a piece of music, acting in a play, etc. 演出;表演The play was first performed in 1987.该剧于1987年首演。I'd like to hear it performed live.我希望能听现场演出。I'm looking forward to seeing you perform.我期待着看你演出。 see also performance performance , performer actor stage [transitive] (especially written) to organize a play or event for people to see 上演;举办;举行The local theatre group is staging a production of 'Hamlet'.当地剧团在上演《哈姆雷特》。They're staging an exhibition in the church hall.他们正在教堂大厅里办展览。Birmingham has bid to stage the next national athletics championships.伯明翰申办了下届全国田径锦标赛。 see also stage drama do (does, did, done) [transitive] (rather informal, especially spoken) to perform or organize a performance of a play, opera, concert, etc. 演出,编排(戏剧、歌剧、音乐会等)The local dramatic society is doing 'Hamlet' next month.当地剧社下月上演《哈姆雷特》。 produce [transitive] to be in charge of preparing a play, film or television programme for the public to see 制作,拍摄(戏剧、电影或电视节目)She produced a TV series about adopted children.她拍摄了一部描写被收养儿童的电视系列片。 see also production performance act [intransitive, transitive] to perform a part in a play or film 扮演(戏剧或电影中的角色)Most of the cast act well.这出戏大多数演员演得不错。He just can't act (= acts very badly).他根本不会演戏。The play was well acted.这出戏演得不错。She is acting the role of Juliet.她在演朱丽叶这一角色。 see also acting drama , actor actor NOTE 辨析 Play or act?In this meaning, act can be used with an object ( act a part/role) as well as without ( He just can't act.); play can only be used with an object. It is more common to talk about a person playing rather than acting a role or part. People usually talk about acting a part when they are talking about sb pretending to be a particular type of person in everyday life. 表达此义时,act可以带宾语,如act a part/role,也可以不带,如He just can't act。play必须带宾语。表示扮演某个角色较常用play,而不用act。表示在日常生活中装成某类人时通常用actI found myself acting the part of the happy newly-married wife.我发现自己正假扮成一个幸福的新婚妻子。A play or film as a whole is acted, not played. 谈论戏剧或电影的整体表演,用act而不用play。The play/film was well played. see also act pretend ˌput sth ˈon

phrasal verb

(putting, put, put)to organize or produce a play or event for people to see 举办;上演;展出The local drama club is putting on 'Macbeth' at the Playhouse.当地的剧社正在剧场演出《麦克白》。
present [transitive] (written) to organize or produce a play or event for people to see 举办;上演;展出Compass Theatre Company presents a new production of 'King Lear'.罗经剧团推出了全新制作的《李尔王》。We plan to present the film uncensored and without commercial breaks.我们计划推出这部影片的未经删剪版,且不插入任何广告。NOTE 辨析 Stage, put sth on or present?You can stage, put on or present a live performance, show, play, concert or exhibition. You can present a film or a programme that has been recorded, but you cannot stage or put on a film. Put on is used especially to talk about amateur (= not professional) performances. * stage、put on或present可以与现场演出如performance、show、play、concert搭配,或与exhibition搭配。present与film或录制好的节目搭配,但是stage或put on不能与film搭配。put on尤指业余演出。


join ♦︎ be/get involved ♦︎ participate ♦︎ take part ♦︎ engage in sth ♦︎ enter ♦︎ join in (sth) ♦︎ have/play a part ♦︎ share ♦︎ enter into sthThese words all mean to take part in sth or to do sth with sb else. 这些词均表示参加、参与。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to join sb / get involved / participate / take part / engage / play a part / share in sthto get involved / join in / share sth / enter into sth with sb / sthto fully participate / take part / engage in sth / enter into sthto actively / directly participate / take part / engage in sthto be fully / actively / directly involved in sth join [transitive, intransitive] to become a member of an organization, company or club; to do sth that sb else is also doing or go somewhere with them 成为⋯的一员;参加;加入;参与She joined the company three months ago.她三个月前进了这家公司。I've joined an aerobics class.我参加了有氧健身班。It costs £20 to join.要交20英镑才可参加。Will you join us for lunch?你和我们一起吃午饭好吗?Members of the public joined the search for the missing boy.许多民众参与了搜寻失踪男孩的行动。 be involved get involved


to do a particular type of activity; to be part of or connected with a group, club or society 参与(某项活动);是⋯的成员;和⋯有关联I got involved in politics when I was at college.我上大学时参与了政治活动。She is very much involved with several local charitable groups.她和当地几个慈善组织有着密切的联系。 see also involvement involvement
participate /pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt; NAmE pɑːrˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ [intransitive] (rather formal) to be involved in an activity or event 参加;参与She didn't participate in the discussion.她没有参加讨论。We want to encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college.我们想鼓励学生全面参与学院的管理。 see also participation involvement , participant participant take ˈpart


(took, taken)to be involved in an activity or event 参加;参与He had taken part in a demonstration several years earlier.几年前他参加过一次示威游行。How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games?上届奥运会有多少个国家参赛? see also part involvement
enˈgage in sth

phrasal verb

(rather formal) to be involved in a particular type of activity 从事;参加Even in prison, he continued to engage in criminal activities.他甚至在监狱里还继续从事犯罪活动。 see also engagement involvement NOTE 辨析 Be/get involved, participate, take part or engage in sth?You participate or take part in a particular activity or event: participate is more formal than take part. Be/get involved is a more general expression to talk about the kind of activity or area of interest that sb gives their time to: you might be involved in politics but would participate/take part in a political debate. Engage in sth is also used for more general types of activity, especially (but not only) activities that are bad in some way or cause disapproval. * participate和take part指参与特定的活动或事件,前者比后者更正式些;be/get involved表示花时间参与某种活动或从事某种爱好,含义更宽泛,可以说be involved in politics(参与政治),但要说participate/take part in a political debate(参加政治辩论)。engage in sth所参与的活动也较广,尤指参与(但不限于)不良或招致反对的活动。
enter [transitive, no passive] (rather formal) to become a member of an institution; to start working in an organization or profession; to begin or become involved in an activity or situation 成为⋯的一员;加入;开始从事;着手进行I entered politics late in life.我晚年开始从政。She entered Parliament (= became an MP) in 1998.她于1998年成为英国国会议员。It was his aim to enter the Church (= become a priest).他的目标是成为神职人员。When did the US enter the conflict?美国什么时候卷入了冲突?Several new firms have now entered the market.有几家新公司现已进入了这一市场。 entry


[uncountable] countries seeking entry into the European Union寻求加入欧盟的国家the American entry into the war美国的参战
NOTE 辨析 Join or enter? Join is the usual term for talking about becoming a member of an organization or club. Enter is used to talk about politics, professions such as law and medicine, and institutions such as universities, Parliament and the Church. * join通常指成为某个组织或俱乐部的成员;enter则指从政或从事律师和医生等职业,以及考入大学或成为议员和神职人员等。
ˌjoin ˈin ˌjoin ˈin sth

phrasal verb

to take part in sth with other people 参加,参与(活动)She listens but she never joins in.她只是听,但从不参与其中。I wish he would join in with the other children.我真希望他能够和别的孩子一块玩。He didn't dare to join in the singing.他不敢和大家一起唱。
have a ˈpart play a ˈpart


to be involved in an activity or situation and influence its development 参与(并发挥作用)She plays an active part in local politics.她积极参与地方政治活动。We all have a part in the making of this decision.做这个决定我们大家都有份儿。 see also part involvement
share [intransitive, transitive] to work together with other people in an equal way to make work or responsibilities easier 共同承担;分担I try to get the kids to share in the housework.我试着让孩子们分担点家务活儿。Don't try to do everything yourself: you will need to share the load with your partner.不要什么事都自己做,你需要和同伴分担这些工作。Collocates of share in this meaning include work, load, burden and responsibilities. * share表达此义时的搭配词有work、load、burden和responsibilities。 see also share share noun ˈenter into sth

phrasal verb

(rather formal) to become involved in a formal or business relationship with sb; to take an active part in sth 开始(建立正式或商务关系);进入;积极参与Read the small print before you enter into any agreement.订立任何协议之前,先把协议细则阅读一遍。I refuse to enter into correspondence with such people.我拒绝与这种人建立通信联系。


play ♦︎ drama ♦︎ comedy ♦︎ tragedy ♦︎ sketch ♦︎ farceThese are all words for a piece of writing that is intended to be performed as entertainment. 这些词均表示戏剧、剧本。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a play / drama / comedy / tragedy / sketch / farce by sba play / drama / comedy / tragedy / sketch / farce about stha Shakespearean play / drama / comedy / tragedya television / radio play / drama / comedya historical play / dramato write a play / drama / comedy / tragedy / sketch / farceto perform a play / drama / sketchto do a play / sketchto see a play / drama / comedy / sketch play [countable] a piece of writing that is intended to be performed by actors in a theatre or on television or radio 戏剧;剧本Kate's class decided to put on (= organize and perform) a play for the school.凯特的班打算为学校演出排演一个剧目。The theatre was refused permission to stage the play.剧场未获准上演这个剧。 see also playwright writer drama / /ˈdrɑːmə/ / [countable] a play, especially one that has a very exciting or emotional story (尤指剧情令人兴奋或激动的)戏,剧The story easily fits into the standard mould of a courtroom drama.这个故事很符合法庭戏的常规模式。It is a lavish costume drama (= a film, especially on television, about a period in the past) set in the early twentieth century.这是一部耗资巨大的古装戏,背景设定在20世纪初。 see also drama drama , dramatist writer comedy / /ˈkɒmədi; NAmE ˈkɑːmədi/ [countable, uncountable] a play or film that is intended to be funny, usually with a happy ending; plays and films of this type 喜剧;喜剧片It's a romantic comedy starring Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks.这是由梅格•瑞安和汤姆•汉克斯主演的浪漫喜剧。They spent hours watching comedy on television.他们看了几个小时的电视喜剧片。 tragedy /ˈtrædʒədi/ / [countable, uncountable] a serious play with a sad ending, especially one in which the main character dies; plays of this type 悲剧;悲剧作品Revenge tragedies were very popular in Elizabethan England.复仇悲剧在伊丽莎白一世时代的英格兰非常受欢迎。In Greek tragedy the main character usually identifies himself upon entering the stage.在希腊悲剧中,主要人物上场后通常要表明身份。 sketch / /sketʃ/ / [countable] a short funny scene that is part of a longer show in a theatre or on television or radio 幽默短剧;小品The drama group did a sketch about a couple buying a new car.剧社上演了一出夫妻二人买新车的短剧。 farce /fɑːs; NAmE fɑːrs/ [countable, uncountable] a funny play for the theatre based on ridiculous and unlikely situations and events; this type of writing or performance 滑稽戏;闹剧;滑稽戏剧本Feydeau's classic bedroom farce (= a funny play about sex) is set in turn-of-the-century Paris.费多的经典床上笑剧以世纪之交的巴黎为背景。Farce is often looked down upon by serious theatre goers.以严肃的态度去戏院看戏的人常常看不起滑稽剧。


entertainment ♦︎ fun ♦︎ recreation ♦︎ relaxation ♦︎ play ♦︎ pleasure ♦︎ amusementThese are all words for things or activities used to entertain people when they are not working. 这些词均表示娱乐活动、消遣。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to do sth for entertainment / fun / recreation / relaxation / pleasure / amusementto do sth for sb's entertainment / amusementpure entertainment / fun / pleasureto provide entertainment / fun / recreation / relaxation / amusementa form of entertainment / recreation / relaxation / amusement entertainment [uncountable] films, television, music, etc. used to entertain people 娱乐片;娱乐节目;娱乐活动There are three bars, with live entertainment seven nights a week.共有三个酒吧,每天晚上都有现场表演的娱乐节目。There was no TV or radio so we had to make our own entertainment (for example by playing games).没有电视,也没有广播,我们只好自娱自乐。The stories will be judged purely on their entertainment value.这些故事纯粹按娱乐价值进行评价。 fun [uncountable] (rather informal) behaviour or activities that are not serious but come from a sense of enjoyment 嬉戏;逗乐;玩笑She's very lively and full of fun.她很活泼,挺有趣的。It wasn't serious-it was all done in fun.那不是认真的,全是闹着玩儿的。Teaching isn't all fun and games, you know.教学并非全是嬉戏和玩耍,你晓得吧。 Fun is often used in fixed phrases when sb is trying to defend an activity that other people might think is dangerous or silly. * fun常构成固定短语,用于为他人以为危险或愚蠢的活动进行辩解The lottery provides harmless fun for millions.彩票活动为千千万万的人提供了无伤大雅的娱乐。 (BrE) We didn't mean to hurt him. It was just a bit of fun.我们没想伤害他,只是开个玩笑而已。 see also have fun play verb 1 recreation / /ˌrekriˈeɪʃn/ / [uncountable] (rather formal) things people do for enjoyment when they are not working 娱乐活动;消遣She cycles for recreation.她骑自行车来消遣。His only form of recreation is playing cards.他唯一的娱乐是玩纸牌。 recreational


recreational activities / facilities娱乐活动/设施
relaxation / /ˌriːlækˈseɪʃn/ / [uncountable] (rather formal) things people do to rest and enjoy themselves when they are not working; the ability to relax 休闲活动;娱乐活动;放松I go hillwalking for relaxation.我要是想活动活动,就到山上走走。a chance for relaxation from work休息放松的机会It's a good idea to learn some relaxation techniques.掌握一些消遣放松的方法挺不错的。 see also relax rest verb NOTE 辨析 Recreation or relaxation?Both these words can be used for a wide range of activities, physical and mental, but relaxation is sometimes used for gentler activities than recreation. 这两个词均可指多种形式的体力或脑力活动。但是与recreation比,relaxation有时指较温和的活动I play the flute in a wind band for recreation.我在管乐队吹长笛来消遣。I listen to music for relaxation.我听音乐消遣。 Relaxation is a skill as well as a pleasure, but recreation is not. * relaxation既是一门技能,也是一种娱乐,recreation则不然recreation techniques play [uncountable] things that people, especially children, do for enjoyment rather than as work (尤指儿童的)游戏,玩耍;娱乐the happy sounds of children at play儿童嬉戏的欢闹声the importance of learning through play寓教于乐的重要性 see also play play verb 1 pleasure [uncountable] the activity of enjoying yourself, especially in contrast to working 玩乐;休闲Are you in Paris on business or pleasure?你来巴黎是公干还是游玩?I never mix business with pleasure.我从不把公务和娱乐混在一起。 OPP business task amusement [uncountable] (rather formal) the fact of being entertained by sth 愉悦;娱乐What do you do for amusement around here?你在这附近有什么娱乐?I write purely for my own amusement. I don't expect to make money out of it.我写东西只是为了自娱,并不是为了赚钱。




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