

单词 scent
scent noun
smell (the scent of wild herbs) trail (on the scent of the fox)


 See also the entry for odour 另见odour条smell ♦︎ scent ♦︎ aroma ♦︎ fragrance ♦︎ whiffThese are all words for the quality of sth that people and animals can sense through their noses, especially when this is pleasant. 这些词均表示气味,尤指香味。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a smell / the scent / an aroma / the fragrance / a whiff of stha faint smell / scent / aroma / fragrance / whiffa strong smell / scent / aroma / whiffa / an pungent / heady smell / scent / aromaa fresh smell / scent / fragranceto have / give off a smell / a scent / an aroma / a fragrance / a whiffto be filled / fill sth with a smell / a scent / an aroma / a fragranceto catch the smell / the scent / a whiff of stha smell / a scent / an aroma hangs / lingers / comes / wafts somewhere smell [countable, uncountable] the quality of sth that people and animals can sense through their noses 气味There was a musty smell in the attic.阁楼里有一股发霉的气味。What a terrible smell!多难闻的气味啊!Do you like the smell of coffee?你喜欢咖啡的气味吗? smell


[transitive, no passive] (not used in the progressive tenses; often used with can or could 不用于进行时,常与can或could连用) Can you smell something burning?你有没有闻到什么东西烧焦了?I bent down to smell the flowers.我弯下腰去闻花香。
scent / /sent/ / [uncountable, countable] a light, pleasant smell (淡淡的)香味The air was filled with the scent of wild herbs.空气中弥漫着野草的芬芳。 scented


scented soap香皂
aroma / /əˈrəʊmə; NAmE əˈroʊmə/ [countable] a pleasant, fairly strong, smell, especially of food or drinks such as coffee (尤指食物或饮料的)芳香,香味,浓香The aroma of fresh coffee wafted towards them.一股新鲜咖啡的香味朝他们飘来。 aromatic /ˌærəˈmætɪk/ /


aromatic oils / herbs芳香油;香草
fragrance / /ˈfreɪgrəns/ / [uncountable, countable] a pleasant smell, for example of flowers or fruit (花或水果等的)香气,香味,芳香The flowers are chosen for their delicate fragrance.这些花是因其淡雅的芳香而被选中的。The bath oils come in various fragrances.这些沐浴油有不同的香型可供选择。 fragrant


fragrant herbs / flowers / oils芳草;香花;香油
whiff / /wɪf/ / [countable] (usually followed by of 通常后接of) a smell, especially one that you only smell for a short time 一点儿气味;一股气味He caught a whiff of her perfume as she passed.她经过时,他闻到了一股香水味。She can't bear the slightest whiff of tobacco smoke.她一点点烟草味都不能忍受。


trail ♦︎ footprint ♦︎ track ♦︎ scentThese are all words for the marks or smell left by a person, animal or vehicle. 这些词均表示人、动物或车辆留下的痕迹、踪迹。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配fresh footprints / tracks / scentto leave a trail / footprints / tracks / your scentto make a trail / footprints / tracksto follow a trail / tracks / the scentto be on the trail / track / scent of sb / sthto pick up / lose sb / sth's trail / scent trail [countable] a long line or series of marks that is left by sth as it moves and that shows where it has been; a sign or smell that is left behind and can be followed, especially in hunting (长串的)痕迹,踪迹;(尤指打猎时跟踪的)足迹,臭迹a trail of blood / footprints血迹;足迹The hurricane left a trail of destruction behind it.飓风过后满目疮痍。The police are still on the trail of the escaped prisoner.警方仍在追踪逃犯。Fortunately the trail was still warm (= clear and easy to follow).庆幸的是痕迹仍然清晰可循。They had to find the kidnappers before the trail went cold.他们必须在踪迹磨灭之前找到绑匪。 see also trail follow verb 1 footprint / /ˈfʊtprɪnt/ / [countable, usually plural] a mark left on a surface by a person's foot or shoe or by an animal's foot (人或动物的)脚印,足迹footprints in the sand沙地足迹muddy footprints on the kitchen floor厨房地板上的泥脚印He could identify any animal from its footprints.无论什么动物他都可以凭脚印辨认出来。 track [countable, usually plural] marks left by a moving person, animal or vehicle (人或动物的)足迹,踪迹;车辙We followed the bear's tracks in the snow.我们跟着熊在雪地上留下的足迹走。There were two sets of fresh tyre tracks outside.外面有两组新的车辙。 see also track path noun , track follow verb 1 NOTE 辨析 Trail or track?A trail can consist of marks on the ground, a smell, objects that have been left behind by sb/sth or a series of clues. A track is always marks on the ground. Trail places the emphasis on where the marks are leading and that there is sb/sth to be found or caught at the end of the trail. Track places more emphasis on the marks themselves. * trail可包括地上的痕迹、气味、现场所留下的东西或一系列线索。track总是指地上的痕迹。trail强调踪迹指引的方向,循踪追查到底可以找到或抓到某人或某物。track更强调痕迹本身。 scent / /sent/ / [uncountable, countable, usually singular] the smell that a person or animal leaves behind and that other animals such as dogs can follow (人的)气味,气息;(动物的)臭迹,遗臭The dogs must have lost her scent.狗准是闻不到她的气味了。The hounds were now on the scent of the fox.猎犬正在追踪那只狐狸。




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