

单词 get back
get back verb
recover2 (get your old job back) return1 (get back home)


recover from an illness 病愈recover the money 收回钱recover ♦︎ regain ♦︎ get sth back ♦︎ retrieve ♦︎ reclaim ♦︎ recoupThese words all mean to get back sth that you no longer have. 这些词均表示重新获得。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to recover sth / get sth back / retrieve / reclaim / recoup sth from sthto recover / regain / get back / reclaim the leadto recover / regain / get back controlto recover / regain consciousnessto recover / get back / retrieve / reclaim / recoup your moneyto recover / get back / reclaim / recoup taxto recover / reclaim / recoup your costs / expensesto recover / get back / recoup your investmentto recover / get back / retrieve the stolen property recover / /rɪˈkʌvə(r)/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to get back an amount of money that you have spent or that is owed to you; to get back or find sth that was lost, stolen or missing; to win back a position that has been lost 收回(钱款);追回,找回(失物或被盗物品);赢回;重新获得He is unlikely ever to recover his legal costs.他不大可能收回他的诉讼费用了。The police eventually recovered the stolen paintings.警方最终追回了失窃的油画。The team recovered its lead in the second half.下半场这支队再次领先。 recovery


[uncountable] There is a reward for information leading to the recovery of the missing diamonds.为找回丢失的钻石提供线索者有酬谢。
regain / /rɪˈgeɪn/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to get back sth you no longer have, such as an ability, quality or position 重新获得,恢复(能力、品质或地位等)I struggled to regain some dignity.我努力恢复自己的一点儿尊严。She paused on the edge, trying to regain her balance.她在边缘处停了下来,努力恢复平衡。The party has regained control of the region.该党重新获得了这一地区的控制权。 ˌget sth ˈback

phrasal verb

(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten)to obtain sth again after having lost it or spent it 寻回,找回,收回(失物或花费的钱)She's got her old job back.她已恢复原职。I never lend books-you never get them back.我的书从不外借-借出去就收不回来。At the higher rate of interest, investors would get their money back after 9 years.利率较高的情况下,投资者可在9年后收回投资。
retrieve / /rɪˈtriːv/ / [transitive] (formal) to bring or get sth back, especially from a place where it should not be 取回,索回(尤指从某物不应出现之处)She bent to retrieve her comb from the floor.她弯腰从地上捡起梳子。The police have managed to retrieve some of the stolen money.警方已经追回了部分被盗钱款。 reclaim / /rɪˈkleɪm/ / [transitive] (especially written) to get sth back or to ask to have it back after it has been lost or taken away 取回,拿回(失物或被人取走的东西);要求归还The team reclaimed the title from their rivals.这个队从对手手中夺回了冠军。Charities can reclaim tax paid on money that is covenanted to them.慈善机构可以要求约定捐款退税。 recoup / /rɪˈkuːp/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to get back an amount of money that you have invested, spent or lost 收回(投资或花费的钱);弥补(亏损)We hope to recoup our initial investment in the first year.我们希望我们的前期投资在第一年就能赚回来。


return home 回家return books to the library 把书还给图书馆return ♦︎ come back ♦︎ go back ♦︎ get back ♦︎ turn backThese words all mean to come or go back from one place to another. 这些词均表示回来、回去、返回。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to return / come back / go back / get back to / from / with sthto return / come back / go back / get back / turn back againto return / come back / go back / get back home / to workto return / come back / get back safely return [intransitive] (rather formal) to come or go back from one place to another 回来;回去;返回I waited a long time for him to return.我等他回来等了很长时间。They were forced to return to their country of origin.他们被迫返回原籍国。He finally returned with the drinks.他最终带着饮料回来了。 return


[singular] He was met by his brother on his return from Italy.他从意大利回来时是他弟弟去接他的。on the return flight / journey / trip在返回的航班/旅程/路程上
ˌcome ˈback

phrasal verb

(came, come)to return 回来;返回Come back and visit again soon!欢迎早日再来访!I asked her to come back to Japan with me.我请她跟我回日本。Come back is usually used from the point of view of the person or place that sb returns to. * come back通常指回到说话人所在的地方。 OPP go away go away
ˌgo ˈback

phrasal verb

(goes, went, gone)to return to the place you recently or originally came from or that you have been to before 回去,返回(指回归来处或去过的地方)Do you ever want to go back to China?你是否想过回中国?John shrugged and went back downstairs.约翰耸耸肩,回到了楼下。She's gone back to her husband (= to live with him again).她回到了丈夫身边。This toaster will have to go back (= to the shop) -it doesn't work.这烤箱得退回去-它有毛病。Go back is usually used from the point of view of the person who is returning. * go back通常是从要返回者的角度来说。
ˌget ˈback

phrasal verb

(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten)to arrive back somewhere, especially at your home or the place where you are staying 返回;回去;回家What time did you get back last night?你昨晚什么时候回家的?We only got back from our trip yesterday.我们昨天刚旅行回来。 (spoken) Oh, well. I must be getting back (= going back home, back to work, etc.).哦,好了,我必须回去了。
ˌturn ˈback

phrasal verb

to return the way that you came, especially because sth stops you from continuing 原路返回,往回走(尤因前行受阻)The weather got so bad that we had to turn back.天气变得非常恶劣,我们不得不原路折回。




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