

单词 revel in
revel in phrasal verb


enjoy ♦︎ relish ♦︎ savour ♦︎ revel in sth ♦︎ delight in sth ♦︎ bask in sth ♦︎ wallow in sth ♦︎ glory in sthThese words all mean to get pleasure from an activity or experience. 这些词均表示享受、喜爱。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to enjoy / relish / revel in / delight in doing sthto enjoy / relish / savour / revel in / bask in the momentto enjoy / relish / bask in your moment of glory / triumph / victory / powerto enjoy / relish / revel in / bask in the attentionto enjoy / relish / revel in your freedomto enjoy / relish a challengeto enjoy / delight in sb's companyto really enjoy / relish / revel in / delight in sth enjoy [transitive] to get enjoyment from an activity, event or experience 享受(活动、事件或经历)的乐趣We thoroughly enjoyed our time in New York.我们在纽约过得十分快活。Thanks for a great evening. I really enjoyed it.非常感谢你,我今晚真的玩得很开心。I hope you enjoy your trip.祝你旅途愉快。I enjoy playing tennis and squash.我喜欢打网球和壁球。In informal spoken English, enjoy can also be used without an object to say that you hope sb gets enjoyment from sth that you are giving them or recommending to them. 在非正式口语中,enjoy还可以不带宾语,表示希望对方喜欢你提供或推荐的东西Here's that book I promised you. Enjoy!这就是我答应给你的那本书。好好欣赏吧!In all other situations enjoy must have an object. 在其他情况下enjoy必须带宾语Thanks for a great evening. I really enjoyed. I hope you enjoy. see also enjoyment fun relish / /ˈrelɪʃ/ / [transitive] to get great pleasure from an activity or experience or the thought of doing sth 享受;从(活动、经历或想象做某事)中获得乐趣I always relish a good debate.我总是喜欢与人进行有益的争辩。I don't relish the prospect of getting up early tomorrow.我可不想明天早早就起床。 savour (BrE) (NAmE savor) / /ˈseɪvə(r)/ / [transitive] (especially written) to enjoy the full taste or flavour of sth, especially by eating or drinking it slowly; to get great pleasure from an experience or feeling 品味,享用(食品或饮品);享受(经历或感受)He ate his meal slowly, savouring every mouthful.他慢慢吃着,细细品味每一口美食。I wanted to savour every moment.我想要尽情地享受每一刻。 ˈrevel in sth

phrasal verb

(-ll-, NAmE -l-) [no passive] to enjoy an activity or experience very much 陶醉于,纵情于(活动或经历)He revelled in the freedom he was allowed.他尽情享受着他所能拥有的自由。
deˈlight in sth

phrasal verb

[no passive] (especially written) to get great pleasure from sth; to enjoy doing sth very much, especially sth that makes other people feel embarrassed or uncomfortable 享受;以⋯为乐(尤指做令人尴尬、不舒服的事)He was tall, handsome and amiable and she delighted in his company.他又高又帅,亲切和善,她很喜欢和他在一起。He delighted in playing tricks on colleagues.他以戏弄同事为乐事。 see also delight joy noun
ˈbask in sth

phrasal verb

[no passive] to enjoy the good feelings that you have when other people praise or admire you, or when they give you a lot of attention 沉浸于,沐浴于(赞美、钦佩或关注中)I never minded basking in my wife's reflected glory (= enjoying the praise and attention that she got).妻子的荣耀惠及于我,我并不觉得有什么不好。
ˈwallow in sth

phrasal verb

[no passive] (often disapproving) to enjoy a feeling or activity that gives you pleasure, especially one that is considered bad or self-indulgent 沉湎于,放纵于(感觉或活动)He seemed to wallow in his self-pity.他似乎顾影自怜,不能自拔。She wallowed in the luxury of the hotel.她沉湎于旅馆的豪华奢侈享受之中。
ˈglory in sth

phrasal verb

[no passive] (especially written) to get great pleasure or enjoyment from a feeling or achievement 因(感受或成就)而欣喜She gloried in her new-found independence.她为自己刚刚获得的独立而欣喜。They were wonderful horsemen and gloried in their skills.他们是优秀的骑士,以自己的骑术为荣。




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