

单词 share
share verb
share (share a house) join (share in the work)
share noun


share ♦︎ divide ♦︎ split ♦︎ pool ♦︎ carve sth upThese words all mean to separate sth into parts or to collect things together so that different people can have a part of it or can use it. 这些词均表示共有、分配、分摊。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to share sth / divide sth / split sth / carve sth up between / among different peopleto share / split / pool sth with sbto share / divide / split the money / workto share / divide the spoils / bootyto divide / split your timeto share / divide / split sth equally / evenly share [transitive, intransitive] to have or use sth at the same time as sb else; to give some of what you have to sb else or let sb use sth that is yours; to separate sth into parts so that two or more people can have a part of it 共有;分享;分配;分摊She shares a house with three other students.她和另外三个学生合住一所房子。There isn't an empty table. Would you mind sharing?没有空桌子了。你愿不愿意拼桌?Tom shared his chocolate with the other kids.汤姆把他的巧克力分给别的孩子吃。The conference is a good place to share information and exchange ideas.研讨会是互通信息、交流思想的好场所。The old man shared his money out among his six grandchildren.老人把钱分给自己的六个孙子孙女。 divide [transitive] to separate and share sth; to use different parts of sth for different activities or purposes 分配;分享;分担;把⋯分别用于The story is about a father who divides his property among his sons.这个故事讲的是一个父亲给儿子们分配财产的事。Jen divided up the rest of the cash.珍把余下的现金分了。He divides his energies between politics and business.他把精力一部分用在政治上,一部分用在生意上。 see also division division 1 split (splitting, split, split) [transitive] (rather informal) to separate and share sth between different people, things or places 分担;分摊;分享She split the money she won with her brother.她把赢得的钱与弟弟分了。Four of us live here and we split all the bills four ways.我们四个人住在这儿,所有费用都是平均分摊。His time is split between the London and Paris offices.他一半时间在伦敦办事处,一半时间在巴黎办事处。 see also split division 1 NOTE 辨析 Share, divide or split?Things are shared between people; things can be divided between people, uses or places or split between people, things or places. Divide is often used to talk about things that are considered very important, such as land and large amounts of money. Use share to talk about things that are not so important. * share表示若干人合用或共享某物;divide所指涉的对象是人、用处或场所;split所指涉的对象是人、事物或场所。divide常指分配十分重要的东西,如土地或大笔款项。share指分享不太重要的东西He shared his sweets out among his four friends.他把糖果和四个朋友一起分着吃了。He divided his sweets among his four friends. Split is used in less formal contexts to talk about money, time or work. * split用于不太正式的语境,指分配或分摊金钱、时间或工作。 pool [transitive] to collect money, information, etc. from different people so that it can be used by all of them 把资金(或信息等)集中起来共用The students work individually, then pool their ideas in groups of six.学生先分头工作,然后六人一组交流心得。Police forces across the country are pooling resources in order to solve this crime.全国各地警方集中资源以侦破这宗罪案。People pool things in order to increase their chance of success in a particular shared aim. Common collocates are connected with money (for example funds), information ( knowledge, ideas, results) and other useful or desirable things ( talent, efforts, resources, etc.). * pool表示集中共用资源,以便提高实现某个共同目标的成功几率,常见搭配词涉及金钱(如fund)、信息(如knowledge、idea、result)和其他有用或想要的东西(如talent、effort、resources等)。 see also pool supply noun ˌcarve sth ˈup

phrasal verb

(disapproving) to divide sth such as a company or an area of land into smaller parts in order to share it among a small group of people, companies or countries, and not let those outside the group have any 瓜分They have been accused of carving up the industry for their own benefit.他们被控为谋求私利而瓜分了该行业。The territory was carved up by the colonizing powers.该国领土被殖民列强瓜分了。


join ♦︎ be/get involved ♦︎ participate ♦︎ take part ♦︎ engage in sth ♦︎ enter ♦︎ join in (sth) ♦︎ have/play a part ♦︎ share ♦︎ enter into sthThese words all mean to take part in sth or to do sth with sb else. 这些词均表示参加、参与。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to join sb / get involved / participate / take part / engage / play a part / share in sthto get involved / join in / share sth / enter into sth with sb / sthto fully participate / take part / engage in sth / enter into sthto actively / directly participate / take part / engage in sthto be fully / actively / directly involved in sth join [transitive, intransitive] to become a member of an organization, company or club; to do sth that sb else is also doing or go somewhere with them 成为⋯的一员;参加;加入;参与She joined the company three months ago.她三个月前进了这家公司。I've joined an aerobics class.我参加了有氧健身班。It costs £20 to join.要交20英镑才可参加。Will you join us for lunch?你和我们一起吃午饭好吗?Members of the public joined the search for the missing boy.许多民众参与了搜寻失踪男孩的行动。 be involved get involved


to do a particular type of activity; to be part of or connected with a group, club or society 参与(某项活动);是⋯的成员;和⋯有关联I got involved in politics when I was at college.我上大学时参与了政治活动。She is very much involved with several local charitable groups.她和当地几个慈善组织有着密切的联系。 see also involvement involvement
participate /pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt; NAmE pɑːrˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ [intransitive] (rather formal) to be involved in an activity or event 参加;参与She didn't participate in the discussion.她没有参加讨论。We want to encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college.我们想鼓励学生全面参与学院的管理。 see also participation involvement , participant participant take ˈpart


(took, taken)to be involved in an activity or event 参加;参与He had taken part in a demonstration several years earlier.几年前他参加过一次示威游行。How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games?上届奥运会有多少个国家参赛? see also part involvement
enˈgage in sth

phrasal verb

(rather formal) to be involved in a particular type of activity 从事;参加Even in prison, he continued to engage in criminal activities.他甚至在监狱里还继续从事犯罪活动。 see also engagement involvement NOTE 辨析 Be/get involved, participate, take part or engage in sth?You participate or take part in a particular activity or event: participate is more formal than take part. Be/get involved is a more general expression to talk about the kind of activity or area of interest that sb gives their time to: you might be involved in politics but would participate/take part in a political debate. Engage in sth is also used for more general types of activity, especially (but not only) activities that are bad in some way or cause disapproval. * participate和take part指参与特定的活动或事件,前者比后者更正式些;be/get involved表示花时间参与某种活动或从事某种爱好,含义更宽泛,可以说be involved in politics(参与政治),但要说participate/take part in a political debate(参加政治辩论)。engage in sth所参与的活动也较广,尤指参与(但不限于)不良或招致反对的活动。
enter [transitive, no passive] (rather formal) to become a member of an institution; to start working in an organization or profession; to begin or become involved in an activity or situation 成为⋯的一员;加入;开始从事;着手进行I entered politics late in life.我晚年开始从政。She entered Parliament (= became an MP) in 1998.她于1998年成为英国国会议员。It was his aim to enter the Church (= become a priest).他的目标是成为神职人员。When did the US enter the conflict?美国什么时候卷入了冲突?Several new firms have now entered the market.有几家新公司现已进入了这一市场。 entry


[uncountable] countries seeking entry into the European Union寻求加入欧盟的国家the American entry into the war美国的参战
NOTE 辨析 Join or enter? Join is the usual term for talking about becoming a member of an organization or club. Enter is used to talk about politics, professions such as law and medicine, and institutions such as universities, Parliament and the Church. * join通常指成为某个组织或俱乐部的成员;enter则指从政或从事律师和医生等职业,以及考入大学或成为议员和神职人员等。
ˌjoin ˈin ˌjoin ˈin sth

phrasal verb

to take part in sth with other people 参加,参与(活动)She listens but she never joins in.她只是听,但从不参与其中。I wish he would join in with the other children.我真希望他能够和别的孩子一块玩。He didn't dare to join in the singing.他不敢和大家一起唱。
have a ˈpart play a ˈpart


to be involved in an activity or situation and influence its development 参与(并发挥作用)She plays an active part in local politics.她积极参与地方政治活动。We all have a part in the making of this decision.做这个决定我们大家都有份儿。 see also part involvement
share [intransitive, transitive] to work together with other people in an equal way to make work or responsibilities easier 共同承担;分担I try to get the kids to share in the housework.我试着让孩子们分担点家务活儿。Don't try to do everything yourself: you will need to share the load with your partner.不要什么事都自己做,你需要和同伴分担这些工作。Collocates of share in this meaning include work, load, burden and responsibilities. * share表达此义时的搭配词有work、load、burden和responsibilities。 see also share share noun ˈenter into sth

phrasal verb

(rather formal) to become involved in a formal or business relationship with sb; to take an active part in sth 开始(建立正式或商务关系);进入;积极参与Read the small print before you enter into any agreement.订立任何协议之前,先把协议细则阅读一遍。I refuse to enter into correspondence with such people.我拒绝与这种人建立通信联系。


share ♦︎ quota ♦︎ allocation ♦︎ commission ♦︎ allowance ♦︎ ration ♦︎ cut ♦︎ percentageThese are all words for an amount of sth which is given to sb/sth. 这些词均表示份额、定额、限额。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a share / quota / allocation / allowance / ration / cut / percentage of stha full share / quota / allocation / commission / allowance / rationa large share / quota / allocation / commissiona small share / quota / allocation / commission / percentagean annual quota / allocation / allowancea fixed share / quota / commission / percentageto get your share / your quota / an allocation / a commission / a cut / a percentageto receive a share / an allocation / a commission / a percentageto take a share / commission / cut / percentageto have your share / quota / rationto be entitled to a share / an allocation / a commission share [countable, usually singular] one part of sth that is divided between two or more people; a part that sb has in a particular activity that involves several people; an amount of sth that is thought to be normal or acceptable for one person (分得的或活动中所占的)一份;正常的一份;可接受的一份How much was your share of the winnings?在赢得的钱里你那份有多少?Next year we hope to have a bigger share of the market.明年我们希望获得更大的市场份额。I'm hoping for a share in the profits.我希望利润中有我一份。We all did our share of the work.这项工作我们都尽了一份力。Everyone must accept their share of the blame.每个人都必须为自己的过错负起那一份责任。 see also share join quota / /ˈkwəʊtə; NAmE ˈkwoʊtə/ [countable] the limited number of people or things that is officially allowed; an amount of sth that sb expects or needs to have or achieve 定额;限额;配额;指标They are bringing in a quota system for accepting refugees.他们将推行一种接收难民的限额制度。The show is good fun and yields its full quota of laughs.表演很有趣,博得预期中的阵阵笑声。 allocation /ˌæləˈkeɪʃn/ / [countable] an amount of sth, especially money, that is given to sb for a particular purpose 分配的东西;(尤指)划拨的款项We have spent our entire allocation for the year.我们已经把今年拨给我们的经费全都花光了。 see also allocate allocate commission / /kəˈmɪʃn/ / [uncountable, countable] an amount of money that is paid to sb for selling goods, which increases with the value of goods that are sold; an amount of money that is charged, for example by a bank, for providing a particular service 佣金;回扣;(银行等的)手续费In this job you work on commission (= are paid according to the amount you sell).你做这份工作按销售额提成。You get a 10% commission on everything you sell.你可从你售出的每件商品中获得10%的佣金。One per cent commission is charged for cashing traveller's cheques.兑现旅行支票收取1%的手续费。 allowance / /əˈlaʊəns/ / [countable] the amount of sth that is allowed in a particular situation 限额;定量There is a maximum baggage allowance of 20 kilos.行李限重20公斤。 ration / /ˈræʃn/ / [countable] a fixed amount of sth, especially food, that you are officially allowed to have when there is not enough for everyone to have as much as they want, for example during a war (食品等短缺时的)配给量,定量I gave him my butter ration at breakfast one morning.有一天早餐时我把我那份黄油给了他。a ration book / card / coupon (= allowing you to claim a ration of sth) 定量供给簿;定量供应卡;配给券A ration [singular] is also an amount of sth that is thought to be normal or acceptable for one person. * ration也可表示一个人的正常或合理的量As part of the diet, allow yourself a small daily ration of sugar.作为饮食的一部分,你每天要摄取少量的糖。 see also rations supplies ration


[transitive, often passive] Eggs were rationed during the war.战争期间鸡蛋限量供应。The villagers are rationed to two litres of water a day.村民每天的用水量限定为2升。
NOTE 辨析 Share, quota or ration?These words can all be used to mean 'an amount of sth that is thought to be normal or acceptable for one person'. Share and quota can both be used to talk about pleasant or unpleasant things such as luck, laughs, work or blame. Share is much more frequent; quota is only used in this meaning in more formal or written language. Ration is used to talk about food, or about sth nice that you must not have or expect too much of. 这三个词都可表示一个人的正常或合理的量。share 和quota都可用于愉快或不愉快的事物,如luck、laugh、work或blame。share要常用得多,quota表达此义时仅作较正式用语或书面语。ration用于食物,或用于不应有太多或不能期盼太多的好东西。
cut [countable, usually singular] (rather informal) a share in sth, especially the profits of sth (尤指利润的)份,份额They were rewarded with a cut of 5% from the profits.他们得到占利润5%份额的报酬。There wasn't much left after his agents took their cut.代理商抽走份额后他的利润所剩无几。 percentage /pəˈsentɪdʒ; NAmE pərˈsentɪdʒ/ [countable, usually singular] a share of the profits of sth 利润的分成;提成He gets a percentage for every car sold.他每售出一辆汽车便可得到一份提成。NOTE 辨析 Cut or percentage? Percentage is used especially in a situation where money is paid to sb for doing a job, for example to an employee. Cut is used more often if people divide a total sum of money among themselves. If the percentage figure is given, the word cut is used. * percentage尤用于支付酬劳的场合,例如付给雇员工资;cut更常用于分割总金额的场合。如果提到了明确的分配额度,则用cutOur manager gets a cut of 10%.我们经理得到10%的份额。Our manager gets a percentage of 10%.




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