

单词 heroine
heroine noun
hero (a national heroine) star2 (the heroine of the novel)


 See also the entry for star 1 另见star条第1义hero ♦︎ icon ♦︎ idol ♦︎ heroineThese are all words for a person that you admire very much. 这些词均表示崇拜的对象、偶像。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a hero / an idol / a heroine of mine, his, etc.a hero / heroine to sbsb is my, his, etc. hero / idol / heroinea sporting / cultural / national hero / icon / heroinea film / pop / sports hero / icon / idolto become / make sb a hero / an icon / an idol / a heroine hero / /ˈhɪərəʊ; NAmE ˈhɪroʊ, ˈhiːroʊ/ (plural heroes) [countable] a person, especially a man, who is admired by many people for doing sth brave or good, or that you admire because of a particular quality or skill that they have 英雄;偶像He was a war hero (= sb who was very brave during a war), but he never talked about it.他是个战斗英雄,但他从不提起。The Olympic team were given a hero's welcome on their return home.奥运代表队回国时受到了英雄般的欢迎。James Dean was a childhood hero of mine.詹姆斯•迪恩是我孩提时代的偶像。 icon /ˈaɪkɒn; NAmE ˈaɪkɑːn/ [countable] a famous person or thing that people admire and see as a symbol of a particular idea or way of life 潮流象征;偶像Madonna and other pop icons of the 1980s麦当娜和其他20世纪80年代的流行音乐偶像Sandra has become a style icon, for the fashion world particularly.桑德拉已经成为时尚的象征,尤其在时装界。NOTE 辨析 Hero or icon?You can use hero to talk about sb that you admire yourself. * hero可指自己崇拜的对象a personal hero自己的偶像my hero我的偶像my icon an icon of mine Use icon to talk about sb who is special to a particular group of people (a group that you may or may not belong to yourself). * icon指特定群体崇拜的人,不论说话者是否属于这一群体a feminist / gay icon (= sb that feminists / gay people admire) 女性解放运动者/同性恋者的偶像a feminist/gay hero idol /ˈaɪdl/ / [countable] a person that is loved and admired very much 偶像As a young man, he was a teen idol.他年轻时是青少年的偶像。She has been my idol since I was a child.她是我从小就崇拜的偶像。Idol is often used about young people's attitude to sb famous, for example pop stars, film actors, etc. Common collocates are pop, teen and screen. * idol常用来表示年轻人对流行歌星、影星等名人的热爱和崇拜。常见搭配词有pop、teen和screen。 see also idolize love verb heroine /ˈherəʊɪn; NAmE ˈheroʊɪn/ [countable] a woman who is admired by many people for doing sth brave or good, or that you admire because of a particular quality or skill that she has 女英雄;女偶像She is widely regarded as one of the heroines of the revolution.人们普遍认为她是这场革命中的女英雄之一。Madonna was her teenage heroine.麦当娜是她少女时代的偶像。


a pop star 流行音乐歌星the star role in the play 剧中的主角star ♦︎ lead ♦︎ hero ♦︎ heroine ♦︎ protagonistThese are all words for the main part in a play, film or story, or the person who plays it. 这些词均表示戏剧、电影或小说里的主人公、主角,或扮演主角的演员。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a young star / hero / heroine / protagonista male / female star / lead / protagonista romantic lead / hero / heroinea mythical / fictional / tragic / great hero / heroineto play the lead / hero / heroinethe star / lead role star [countable] a person who has the main part, or one of the main parts, in a TV show, film or play (电视节目、电影或戏剧的)主演,主角She was the star of many popular television series.她在许多受欢迎的电视连续剧中担任过主角。The star of the show was a young Italian singer.那台演出的主角是一名年轻的意大利歌唱演员。Star is usually used when talking about fairly light entertainment such as a TV show or a musical. * star通常用于颇为轻松的娱乐活动场合,比如电视节目或音乐剧。 see also star feature verb lead / /liːd/ / [countable] the main part in a play or film; the person who plays this part (戏剧或电影的)主角,扮演主角的演员Who is playing the lead?谁是主演?I always dreamed of becoming the lead singer in a band.过去我一直梦想成为乐队的主唱。Lead is usually used in the phrases play the lead, the male/female/romantic lead and the lead role/actor/singer. * lead通常用于短语play the lead(扮演主角)、the male/female/romantic lead(男主角;女主角;爱情剧主角)和the lead role/actor/singer(主角;扮演主角的演员;主唱)中。 hero / /ˈhɪərəʊ; NAmE ˈhɪroʊ, ˈhiroʊ/ (plural heroes) [countable] the main male character in a story, novel, play or film (故事、小说、戏剧或电影的)男主人公,男主角The hero of the novel is a ten-year-old boy.这部小说的主人公是个10岁的男孩。Tired of playing boring old romantic heroes, he sought out more challenging roles.他厌倦了扮演无聊老套的爱情剧男主角,于是就挑选一些更具挑战性的角色。 OPP villain villain heroine /ˈherəʊɪn; NAmE ˈheroʊɪn/ [countable] the main female character in a story, novel, play or film (故事、小说、戏剧或电影的)女主人公,女主角The story is narrated entirely by the heroine.这个故事从头到尾都是女主人公讲述的。She has played several of Shakespeare's heroines-Portia and Juliet among them.她演过莎士比亚戏剧中几个女主角-包括波希亚和朱丽叶。 protagonist /prəˈtægənɪst/ / (formal or written) the main character in a play, film or book (戏剧、电影或书的)主要人物,主人公,主角At that time, films rarely had a woman as the main protagonist.那时候,电影很少让女性做主角。Bohi Di, first person narrator and protagonist of the novel博希•迪,小说的第一人称叙述者和主人公NOTE 辨析 Hero, heroine or protagonist?These words all refer to the main character in a story, rather than the actual person who plays the part. 这三个词均指故事中的主要角色而非实际扮演这个角色的人Oliver Twist, the young protagonist / hero奥利弗•退斯特,年轻的主人公/男主角Marilyn Monroe, the beautiful protagonist/heroine Protagonist is more formal and is often used in reviews of plays, films, books, etc. It can refer to a man or a woman. Hero and heroine usually suggest a positive role; protagonist can be positive or negative. * protagonist更正式些,常用于戏剧、电影、书籍等的评论文章中,可以指男主角或女主角。hero和heroine通常表示正面角色,protagonist指正面或反面角色均可。




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