

单词 solid
solid adj.
solid (frozen solid) decent (a solid achievement) good3 (solid evidence/advice) pure1 (solid gold)
solid noun


solid ♦︎ stiff ♦︎ rigid ♦︎ firm ♦︎ hardThese words all describe things that are not soft to touch or are difficult to bend, break or move. 这些词均表示坚硬的、结实的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配solid / stiff / rigid materiala solid / firm / hard surfacefirm / hard groundto go stiff / hard solid not in the form of a liquid or gas; not soft; difficult to bend, break or move 固体的;坚硬的;结实的;牢固的It was so cold that the stream had frozen solid.天气特别冷,小河冻得严严实实的。The boiler uses solid fuel (= not oil or gas).这种锅炉使用固体燃料。She had refused all solid food (= would not eat, only drink).所有固体食物她都不肯吃。The door was solid as rock.那扇门坚如磐石。OPP liquid material see also solid pure adj. 1 , solid material noun stiff not easy to fold or change in shape 不易折叠(或变形)的;硬的;挺的a sheet of stiff black cardboard一张黑色硬纸板Scrub away any residue with a stiff brush.用硬刷子把残留物擦洗掉。People or parts of the body can be stiff if their muscles hurt when they move them, often because of cold. * stiff可指人的全身或身体某一部位因寒冷等而僵硬,活动时肌肉会疼痛I felt stiff all over.我觉得浑身酸痛。I've got a stiff neck from sleeping in a draught.我睡觉时受了风,脖子发僵。My fingers had gone stiff with cold.我的手指已经冻僵了。 see also stiff tight rigid / /ˈrɪdʒɪd/ / difficult to bend or press out of shape 坚硬的;不易弯曲的;僵直的Sandwiches are best packed in a rigid container.三明治最好用硬盒包装。The material is rigid and brittle.这种材料质地坚硬而且易碎。People can go rigid with fear, anger or some other emotion. * rigid可指人因害怕、生气或其他情感而身体僵直His body suddenly went rigid with fear.他吓得突然浑身发僵。 OPP flexible flexible 2 firm (approving) not soft; not easy to press into another shape 坚固的;坚硬的;结实的It was good to feel the firm ground underfoot.脚下踩着坚硬的土地,那种感觉真好。four large tomatoes, ripe but firm四个大西红柿,熟了却还很硬Bake the cakes until they are firm to the touch.把糕饼烤到摸来有硬感为止。OPP soft soft see also firm firm , firm tight hard not soft; impossible to press into another shape 坚硬的;坚固的;不易变形的Wait for the concrete to go hard.等待混凝土凝结。a hard bench / chair硬板凳;硬椅子The ground is still rock-hard.地面仍然极其坚硬。 OPP soft soft NOTE 辨析 Firm or hard? Hard things are harder than firm things. Hard can mean 'very hard' * hard比firm的硬度大。hard可表示非常硬Diamonds are the hardest known mineral.钻石是已知最坚硬的矿物。or 'too hard'. 或表示太硬a hard mattress一张硬梆梆的床垫 Firm is always a positive word: a hard mattress is a bad thing, but a firm mattress is good. * firm总是含有肯定意义:hard mattress是不好的,而firm mattress则是好的。


 See also the entry for adequate 另见adequate条decent ♦︎ solid ♦︎ respectable ♦︎ soundThese words all describe sth that is of a good enough standard or quality. 这些词均表示事物良好的、不错的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a decent / solid / respectable / sound performancea decent / solid / respectable resultpretty decent / solid / soundperfectly decent / respectable / sounddecent / respectable / sound enough decent / /ˈdiːsnt/ / (rather informal, especially spoken) of a good enough standard or quality 像样的;相当不错的;挺好的He looks as if he could do with a decent meal.他看上去好像想要好好吃一顿。I need a decent night's sleep.我需要好好睡上一宿。This place looks decent enough-let's stay here.这地方看起来还不错,咱们就住这儿吧。 decently


The car is decently sized and cheap to run.这辆汽车大小适中,而且跑起来省油。
solid [usually before noun] (especially business 尤用于商业) good and steady, but not always excellent or special 相当好的,表现稳定的(但不一定出色或独特)2006 was a year of solid achievement.2006年是成就颇丰的一年。He's a good, solid player.他是个挺有实力的运动员。Trade remained solid throughout the year.全年的贸易情况保持良好。Solid is used especially to talk about how a person or company performs or achieves over a period of time. * solid尤用于形容个人或公司在一段时间内的表现或成绩。 respectable fairly good; not giving you any reason to feel ashamed 相当好的;不丢面子的It was a perfectly respectable result.这是个非常好的结果。Economic growth has averaged at a respectable 2.5 per cent.经济增长率平均为2.5%,相当不错。Respectable is used especially to talk about sb/sth's performance in a game, competition or entertainment, or in business. * respectable尤用于形容某人或某事物在比赛、竞争、表演或生意中的表现。 respectably


The candidate did respectably rather than brilliantly.该候选人表现得相当不错,但说不上杰出。
sound good and accurate, but not excellent 不错的,扎实的(但说不上出色)This was another sound performance by the team.这是该队又一次挺不错的表现。


in good condition/Good work! 状况良好;干得不错!Now is a good time to... 现在是做⋯的合适时机a good idea/reason/question/point 好主意;正当理由;好问题;好的观点a good actor; good at languages; good with your hands 出色的演员;语言能力强;手巧a good person/deed/life 正派人;善行;高尚的生活a good impression/opinion/reputation 良好的印象;赞同的意见;好名声a good boy/girl/dog 乖巧的男孩/女孩;温驯的狗 See also the entry for rational 另见rational条good ♦︎ solid ♦︎ sound ♦︎ valid ♦︎ legitimate ♦︎ well foundedThese words all describe sth that has a sensible, logical basis and that there are good reasons for. 这些词均表示合情理的、有充分根据的、理由充足的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a good / solid / sound / valid / legitimate reason / basisgood / solid / sound / valid evidencegood / solid / sound advicea good / sound / valid / legitimate argumenta good / sound / valid conclusionto have good / sound judgementa good / valid / legitimate question / point / excuseperfectly good / sound / valid / legitimate good sensible, logical and very appropriate to what is being discussed or considered 合情理的;有说服力的;有充分根据的'They won't be able to find the way without a map.' 'Good point.'“没有地图他们找不到路的。”“说得对。”You'll have to think of a better excuse than that!你得想一个比那更好的借口!That's a really good idea.那真是个好主意。Students are not allowed to miss classes without good reason.学生无正当理由不许缺课。I have good reason to be suspicious.我的怀疑有充足的理由。Good is used especially about sb's ideas, statements, questions and reasons for doing sth. * good尤用于修饰某人的想法、陈述、问题和做某事的原因。OPP bad wrong 3 solid sensible and logical; having a strong basis in fact or reality 合情理的;有说服力的;坚实的Her advice is always solid and practical.她的建议总是有根有据,切合实际。There's solid evidence to show he wasn't there when the crime took place.有确凿证据表明案发时他不在现场。Their friendship provided a solid foundation for their future together.他们的友谊为他们共同的未来提供了坚实基础。 OPP flimsy A flimsy excuse or flimsy evidence is difficult to believe. * flimsy表示难以取信的、站不住脚的,一般与excuse或evidence搭配He keeps calling on the flimsiest of pretexts.他不停地说着完全站不住脚的借口。 solidly


Their argument was solidly based on fact.他们的辩论完全以事实为依据。
sound that you can rely on and that will probably give good results 明智的;合理的;可靠的He's a person of very sound judgement.他是一个很有判断力的人。The proposal makes sound commercial sense.这项提案从商业角度看完全合情合理。Their policies are environmentally sound.他们的政策对环境无害。OPP unsound A method that is unsound contains mistakes and cannot be relied on to give good results; an idea or practice that is unsound is not acceptable, especially for moral or political reasons. * unsound形容方法时表示有错误的、靠不住的,形容想法或做法时表示不能接受的,尤因道德或政治原因The use of disposable products is considered ecologically unsound.使用一次性产品被认为对生态不利。 valid based on what is logical or true, in a way that supports the decision or claim being made 符合逻辑的;有根据的;确凿的The point you make is perfectly valid.你提的论点完全站得住脚。Accepting valid criticism is an important part of the learning process.接受合理的批评是学习过程的重要一环。OPP invalid An invalid point, criticism, argument, etc. is not based on all the facts, and therefore not correct. * invalid修饰观点、批评、论点等时,表示没有事实依据,因而是不正确的。 validity / /vəˈlɪdəti/ /


[uncountable] Of course we recognize the validity of that argument.我们当然承认那个论证的合理性。
legitimate / /lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/ / (rather formal) based on a fair and acceptable reason 正当合理的;合情合理的All legitimate grievances should be raised with your line manager.所有合乎情理的不满都应该告诉你的顶头上司。The court ruled that celebrities' children were not a legitimate target for press intrusion.法院判定名人子女不应成为媒体侵扰的目标。 ˌwell ˈfounded (rather formal) having good reasons or evidence to cause or support it 理由充足的;有根据的;有事实依据的His fears proved to be well founded.他的恐惧后来证明是有道理的。


100% pure cotton 百分百纯棉pure chance 纯属偶然pure ♦︎ solid ♦︎ refinedThese words all describe sth which is not mixed with anything else. 这些词均表示纯的、纯净的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配pure / solid / refined gold / silverpure / refined oil pure [usually before noun] not mixed with anything else; with nothing added 纯的;纯净的;纯粹的These shirts are 100% pure cotton.这些衬衫是百分百纯棉的。Classical dance in its purest form requires symmetry and balance.真正的古典舞讲求对称和平衡。 solid [only before noun] made completely of the material mentioned (that is, the material is not only on the surface) 纯⋯的;全⋯的Each piece is individually made in solid gold.每一件都是独立用纯金制成的。 see also solid solid refined / /rɪˈfaɪnd/ / [usually before noun](of a substance) made pure by having other substances taken out of it (物质)精炼的,提纯的Avoid foods rich in fat or refined sugar.避免摄入高脂或富含精制糖的食物。


material ♦︎ substance ♦︎ chemical ♦︎ gas ♦︎ liquid ♦︎ fluid ♦︎ stuff ♦︎ matter ♦︎ solid ♦︎ elementThese are all words for sth from which other things are made. 这些词均表示材料、原料、物质。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a natural material / substance / chemical / gasa chemical substance / elementorganic material / substances / chemicals / liquid / matter / elementsradioactive material / substances / chemicals / gas / liquid / matter / elementsa toxic material / substance / chemical / gas / liquid / elementa flammable material / substance / gas / liquid(a) sticky substance / stuff / liquid / fluid / solidwaste material / chemicals / gas / matter material [countable, uncountable] something that things can be made from 材料;原料Toxic chemicals and other materials have been found.已查出有毒化学品和其他原料。There were bricks, sand and other building materials in the courtyard.院子里有砖、沙子和其他建筑材料。Oil is the raw material for plastic.石油是生产塑料的原料。 substance [countable] a material that has particular qualities 物质;物品Psychoactive drugs are chemical substances that act on the brain.精神药物是作用于大脑的化学物质。Substances can be divided into elements, compounds and mixtures.物质可分为元素、化合物和混合物。 chemical [countable] a substance obtained by or used in a chemical process (= a process that involves changes to molecules or atoms) 化学制品;化学品This chemical is often used to make cleaning products.这种化学品常用来制作清洁产品。Hormones are chemicals that are released in the body and control many important functions.激素是体内释放的化学物质,调控很多重要的机能。 gas [countable, uncountable] any substance like air that is neither a solid nor a liquid, for example hydrogen or oxygen 气体Air is a mixture of gases.空气为混合气体。Producing methane gas from organic waste is another extremely practical use of resources.利用有机废物生产沼气是另一种极为切实可行的利用资源的方法。 liquid [countable, uncountable] a substance that flows freely and is not a solid or a gas, for example water or oil 液体She offered me a cup containing a dark brown liquid.她递给我一杯深棕色的液体。As the air became warmer the droplets of liquid turned to invisible water vapour.随着空气变热,液滴转化成看不见的水蒸气。 liquid


Water is liquid at room temperature.水在室温下是液态的。The samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen.这些样本冷冻在液态氮中。OPP solid solid
fluid / /ˈfluːɪd/ / [countable, uncountable] (formal or technical 术语) a liquid; a substance that can flow 液体;流体;液The doctor told him to drink plenty of fluids.医生嘱咐他多喝流质。The attacker's DNA pattern was identified from a sample of body fluid.袭击者的DNA图谱从体液样本中鉴定了出来。Although a fluid is usually a liquid, it can be any substance which can flow, for example a gas or a liquid containing small solid pieces. 尽管fluid通常是liquid,但也有可能是任何流动的物质,如气体或含小块固体的液体。 stuff [uncountable] (informal) used to refer to a substance or material when you do not know the name, when the name is not important or when it is obvious what you are talking about (用于事物名称不详、无关紧要或所指事物明显时)东西,物品,玩意儿What's all that sticky stuff on the carpet?地毯上那黏糊糊的都是什么玩意儿?The chairs were covered in some sort of plastic stuff.那些椅子包了某种塑料膜。This wine is good stuff.这酒不错。 (disapproving) I don't know how you can eat that stuff.我不明白你怎么能吃那种东西。 see also stuff thing 3 , thing thing 2 matter [uncountable] (formal or physics 物理) a substance or things of a particular sort; physical substance in general that everything in the world consists of; not mind or spirit (某种)东西,物品,材料;(统称)物质The soil is rich in organic matter.这里的土壤富含有机物。She didn't approve of their choice of reading matter.她不赞同他们挑选的阅读材料。The behaviour of matter can be quantified by measures such as weight.物质的特性可以用重量等度量单位来作量化描述。 solid [countable] a substance or object that is hard or firm, not a liquid or gas 固体Is calcium carbonate normally a solid or a liquid?碳酸钙在通常情况下是固体还是液体?The baby is not yet on solids (= eating solid food).那婴儿还不能吃固体食物。 see also solid solid adj. element [countable] (chemistry 化学) a simple chemical substance that consists of atoms of only one type and cannot be split by chemical means into a simpler substance. Gold, oxygen and carbon are all elements. 元素(如金、氧、碳)All chemical substances, whether elements, compounds or mixtures, are made up of three types of particles.所有化学物质,无论是元素、化合物还是混合物,都由三种粒子构成。




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