

单词 staid
staid adj.


formal ♦︎ staid ♦︎ stuffy ♦︎ stiffThese words all describe a person who behaves in a very serious way and is often boring or old-fashioned, not friendly or relaxed. 这些词均表示一本正经的、古板的、生硬的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配formal / stuffy about stha formal / stiff mannerrather formal / staid / stuffy / stiffa staid / stuffy / stiff old sb formal very correct and serious; suitable for official or important occasions 庄重的;适合正式场合的;正规的She has a very formal manner, which can seem unfriendly.她的举止很是郑重其事,有可能会显得不友好。He insisted on formal dress for dinner.他坚持参加宴会要穿礼服。He kept the tone of the letter formal and businesslike.他在信中从头到尾都用正式的公务口吻。OPP informal , casual informal see also formality respect noun formally


'How do you do?' she said formally.“您好!”她很正式地说。
staid (disapproving) not amusing or interesting; boring and old-fashioned 没意思的;古板的;一本正经的The museum is trying to get rid of its staid image.这家博物馆正努力摆脱古板的形象。 stuffy (rather informal, disapproving) very serious, formal, boring or old-fashioned 一本正经的;古板的;无趣的He reminded her of a stuffy old headmaster she had once had.他让她想起了她昔日的一个古板的老校长。 stiff (usually disapproving) not friendly or relaxed 不友好的;生硬的The speech he made to welcome them was stiff and formal.他那番欢迎他们的话讲得生硬刻板。OPP relaxed informal




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