

单词 cut across
cut across phrasal verb


cross ♦︎ cut across sth ♦︎ cut through sth ♦︎ take ♦︎ negotiateThese words all mean to go across a road, river or other boundary, or across, over, or around an area of land. 这些词均表示穿越、越过、通过。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to cross / cut through the hills / mountainsto cross / negotiate a road / bridgeto cross / cut across a fieldto cut across / cut through a parkto take / negotiate a bend / cornerto cross / negotiate sth successfully / safely cross [intransitive, transitive] to go from one side of sth to the other 穿越;越过;横过The ferry crosses from Portsmouth to Santander.渡船从朴次茅斯横渡至桑坦德。He crossed over from the other side of the road.他从马路的另一边穿了过来。A bridge crosses the river a few miles upstream.一座桥在上游几英里处横跨此河。It was the first time she had crossed the Atlantic.这是她第一次横越大西洋。They were arrested as they tried to cross the border.他们因试图越过边境而被捕。 see also crossing cruise ˌcut aˈcross sth

phrasal verb

(cutting, cut, cut)to cross an area instead of going around it, especially because it is quicker than the usual route 抄近路穿过;走近路We'll go round past the stables and cut across the fields.我们要绕道马房抄近路从田里走。
ˌcut ˈthrough sth

phrasal verb

(cutting, cut, cut)to cut across sth 抄近路穿过;走近路They cut through the woods towards the farm.他们在林地里抄近路前往农场。He cut through the station to get to his office.他从车站抄近路去他的办公室。NOTE 辨析 Cut across sth or cut through sth?People generally cut across an open area such as fields or a park, but cut through a place that is more enclosed or presents a barrier such as woods, mountains or a forest. * cut across一般指从田野或公园等开阔的地方穿过,但cut through指从林地、山区或森林等较封闭或有障碍的地方穿过。
take (took, taken) [transitive] to go over a barrier or around a bend 跨过,跳过(障碍物);拐过(弯道)The horse took the jump (= jumped over the barrier) safely but then stumbled.那匹马安全地跳过了障碍,随即却绊倒了。He took the bend (= drove the car around it) much too fast.他拐弯时车开得太快。 negotiate /nɪˈgəʊʃieɪt; NAmE nɪˈgoʊʃieɪt/ [transitive] (rather formal) to successfully get over or past a difficult part on a path or route 通过,越过(险要路段)We then had to negotiate a steep rock face.我们接下来要攀越陡峭的岩壁。She negotiated her way past the hot ovens.她小心翼翼地从热烤箱旁边走过去。




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