

单词 uniform
uniform adj.


equal ♦︎ the same ♦︎ identical ♦︎ uniform ♦︎ synonymous ♦︎ homogeneous ♦︎ indistinguishable ♦︎ tantamount to sth ♦︎ interchangeableThese words all describe things that are the same in size, quantity and value. 这些词均表示尺寸、数量和价值上相同的、同等的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配equal / identical / tantamount to sthidentical / synonymous / interchangeable with sthto become equal / synonymous / homogeneous / indistinguishable / interchangeableexactly equal / the same / identical / synonymousalmost equal / the same / identical / uniform / synonymous / indistinguishable / interchangeableapparently the same / identical / uniform / homogeneousroughly equal / the same / synonymous equal the same in size, quantity, value, etc. as sth else (大小、数量、价值等)相同的,同样的,相等的There is an equal number of boys and girls in the class.这个班男女生人数相同。Take two pieces of wood of equal length.取两块长度相等的木料。Cut it into four equal parts.把它切成四等份。One unit of alcohol is equal to half a pint of beer.一单位的酒精等于半品脱啤酒。The two books are more or less equal in length.这两本书长度差不多。OPP unequal different see also equal be linking verb , equal peer noun equally


The money was divided equally among her four children.她的四个孩子平分了这笔钱。They share the housework equally.他们平均分担家务。
the same exactly like the one or ones referred to or mentioned (与所指或所提及的)相同的,同样的I bought the same car as yours (= another car of that type).我买的车跟你的一样。She was wearing the same dress that I had on.她穿的连衣裙和我身上的那条一模一样。The same thing happened to me last week.上星期我也遇到了同样的事。 OPP different different identical / /aɪˈdentɪkl/ / similar in every detail 完全一样的;相同的I came to a row of identical houses.我来到一排一模一样的房子前。The two pictures are similar, although not identical.这两幅画很相似,尽管不完全相同。The number on the card should be identical with the one on the cheque book.卡号应该跟支票簿上的号码一致。 identically


The children were dressed identically.孩子们的穿着完全一样。
uniform the same in all parts 一致的;统一的;一律的The walls were a uniform grey.墙壁一律是灰色。Growth has not been uniform across the country.全国各地的发展程度不一。 see also uniformity similarity uniformly


The principles were applied uniformly across all the departments.这些原则统一适用于所有部门。The quality is uniformly high.质量一律很高。
synonymous / /sɪˈnɒnɪməs; NAmE sɪˈnɑːnɪməs/ (rather formal) (of words or expressions) having the same, or nearly the same, meaning; so closely connected with sth that the two things appear to be the same (词语或表达)同义的,近义的;等同的Few words are truly synonymous.很少有真正的同义词。Wealth is not necessarily synonymous with happiness.财富未必是幸福的同义词。 homogeneous /ˌhɒməˈdʒiːniəs; NAmE ˌhoʊməˈdʒiːniəs/ (formal) consisting of things or people that are all the same or all of the same type 由同类事物(或人)组成的;同种类的Old people are not a homogeneous group, as some people seem to think.有些人似乎认为老年人都是同一类型的,其实并非如此。We no longer live in a culturally homogeneous society.我们不再生活在文化单一的社会里。 OPP heterogeneous diverse indistinguishable /ˌɪndɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃəbl/ / (rather formal) if two things are indistinguishable, or one is indistinguishable from the other, it is impossible to see any differences between them 无法分辨的;无法区分的The male of the species is almost indistinguishable from the female.这个物种的雄性和雌性几乎无法分辨。The two parties' policies are almost indistinguishable.这两个党派推行的政策大同小异。 OPP distinguishable recognizable ˈtantamount to sth


(written) having the same bad effect as sth else 无异于;效果与⋯一样坏If he resigned it would be tantamount to admitting that he was guilty.他若辞职就等于承认自己有错。Tantamount typically combines with nouns such as a crime, a declaration of war, cruelty, killing, stealing, treachery and treason. * tantamount一般与crime、declaration of war、cruelty、killing、stealing、treachery和treason等名词搭配。
interchangeable /ˌɪntəˈtʃeɪndʒəbl; NAmE ˌɪntərˈtʃeɪndʒəbl/ (rather formal) that can be exchanged, especially without affecting the way in which sth works 可交换的;可互换的;可交替的The two words are virtually interchangeable (= have almost the same meaning).这两个词大体上可以通用。The V8 engines are all interchangeable with each other.V8型发动机全都可以相互替换。 interchangeably


These terms are used interchangeably.这些措辞交替使用。




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