

单词 decline
decline verb
fall1 (The number of tourists has declined.) refuse (decline an invitation) worsen (sb's health declines)
decline noun


the temperature falls 温度下降fall into the river 掉进河里slip and fall on the ice 在冰上滑一跤 See also the entry for slump 另见slump条fall ♦︎ decline ♦︎ drop ♦︎ diminish ♦︎ decrease ♦︎ sink ♦︎ come downThese are all words that can be used when the amount, level or number of sth goes down. 这些词均表示数量减少或程度下降。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to fall / decline / drop / diminish / decrease / sink / come down by 100, 25%, a half, etc.to fall / decline / drop / decrease / sink / come down from 15 000 to 1 000to decline / diminish / decrease / come down in number, level, size, etc.to decline / diminish / decrease with age, time, experience, etc.numbers fall / decline / drop / diminish / decrease / come downlevels fall / decline / drop / decreaseprices / rates fall / decline / drop / decrease / sink / come downprofits / sales fall / decline / drop / decrease / sinkthe temperature falls / dropssb's voice falls / drops / sinksto fall / decline / drop / diminish / decrease / sink sharply / rapidlyto fall / decline / drop / decrease dramatically / suddenlyto fall / decline / drop / diminish / decrease slightly / slowly / gradually / steadily fall (fell, fallen) [intransitive, transitive] to become lower or less in level, number or strength (数量)减少;(水平)下降;(强度)减小Their profits have fallen by 30 per cent.他们的利润减少了30%。The temperature fell sharply in the night.夜间温度陡降。Falling birth rates could have an impact on future economic growth.下降的出生率可能会对未来的经济增长产生影响。 (written) Her voice fell to a whisper.她的声音变小,成了耳语。Share prices fell 30p.股价下跌了30便士。OPP rise rise see also fall reduction noun decline / /dɪˈklaɪn/ / [intransitive] (rather formal, especially written) to become lower or less in level, number, size, strength or importance (水平、数量、大小、强度或重要性)减少,下降,衰退The number of tourists visiting the resort declined by 10% last year.去年到这个胜地旅游的人数减少了10%。Manufacturing industry has slowly declined in importance.制造业已慢慢变得不如从前那么重要了。OPP increase rise see also decline reduction noun drop (-pp-) [intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to become lower or less in level, number or strength (数量)减少;(水平)下降;(强度)减小The Dutch team have dropped to fifth place.荷兰队已降至第五名。At last the wind dropped.风势终于减弱了。OPP rise , climb rise see also drop reduction noun NOTE 辨析 Fall, decline or drop?In many cases you can use any of these words. 这些词在很多情况下可以通用Sales have fallen / declined / dropped by 20%.销售额下降了20%。They can all be used to talk about numbers, levels, rates, prices, profits and sales. To talk about a loss of economic strength in a particular place or industry, use decline. 这些词均可描述数量、水平、比率、价格、利润和销售额。描述特定地方或行业的经济实力衰退用declineThe area / city / industry / market / sector has declined (in importance).该地区/城市/行业/市场/领域(的重要性)降低了。You can also use decline to talk about support for or interest in sth, or a person's health. A person's voice can fall or drop. Temperatures fall or drop. The wind can only drop. Things can fall or decline over a period of time, but drop cannot be used in the progressive tenses. * decline还可表示对事物的支持减少、兴趣下降或人的健康状况恶化。人的声音变小或温度下降用fall或drop均可。风势减弱只能用drop。fall和decline均可指在一段时间内减少、下降,而drop不能用于进行时Sales have been falling / declining.销售额一直在下降。falling / declining sales下降的销售额Sales have been dropping. dropping sales diminish / /dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/ / [intransitive] (rather formal, especially written) to become lower or less in number, amount or strength (数目、数量或强度)减少,下降,变弱The world's resources are rapidly diminishing.世界的资源正在迅速减少。His influence has diminished with time.随着时间的推移,他的影响已不如从前了。Our efforts were producing diminishing returns (= we achieved less although we spent more time or money).我们加大了投入,收益却在递减。Numbers and amounts of sth can diminish, but figures, rates, levels, profits and sales cannot. * diminish可与number和amount搭配,指数量减少,但不能表示数字、比率、水平、利润和销售额下降。 OPP enhance improve 1 decrease [intransitive] (rather formal) to fall in number or level (数量)减少;(水平)下降The number of new students decreased from 210 to 160 this year.今年新生人数从210减少到160。The number of quarrels among children decreases with age (= the older they are, the fewer quarrels they have).儿童间争吵的次数随着年龄增长而减少。OPP increase rise see also decrease reduction noun sink (sank, sunk) [intransitive] (especially business 尤用于商业) to fall in value or strength (价值或强度)降低,减弱The pound has sunk to its lowest recorded level against the dollar.英镑对美元的比价已降到历史新低。His voice sank almost to a whisper.他的声音渐低,几乎成了耳语。 OPP rise rise ˌcome ˈdown

phrasal verb

(came, come)(especially of prices) to fall in level (尤指价格)下降,降低The price of gas is coming down.煤气价格在下跌。Gas is coming down in price.煤气价格在下跌。OPP go up rise


refuse ♦︎ reject ♦︎ deny ♦︎ decline ♦︎ turn sb/sth down ♦︎ veto ♦︎ throw sth out ♦︎ rebuff ♦︎ disallowThese words all mean to decide or say that you will not accept or consider sth, such as an offer, proposal or request. 这些词均表示拒绝、回绝、否决。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to reject / turn down sth in favour of sth elseto refuse / reject / decline / turn down / veto / throw out a proposalto refuse / reject / decline / turn down / rebuff a / an offer / requestto refuse / reject / decline / turn down a / an chance / opportunity / invitationto refuse / reject / turn down / throw out / disallow an appealto refuse / reject / turn down / veto / throw out a planto refuse / reject / decline / turn down / veto / disallow an applicationto refuse / reject / veto / rebuff a suggestionto reject / veto / throw out a billto refuse / deny sb access to sthto politely refuse / reject / decline sth refuse [intransitive, transitive] to say that you will not do sth that sb has asked you to do, or that you do not want sth that has been offered to you; to decide not to accept or consider sth; to say that you will not give sb sth that they want or need 拒绝;回绝;推却;拒绝给(所需之物)Go on, ask her. She can hardly refuse.去吧,去求她,她不大会拒绝的。She refused to accept that there was a problem.她拒不承认有问题存在。He flatly refused to discuss the matter.他断然拒绝商讨这件事。We invited her to the wedding but she refused.我们邀请她参加婚礼,但她推掉了。The job offer was simply too good to refuse.这个工作机会太好了,无法拒绝。The government has refused all demands for a public enquiry.政府拒绝了所有进行公开调查的要求。They refused him a visa.他们拒绝给他签证。She would never refuse her kids anything.她对孩子百依百顺。OPP agree agree 2 , accept take 5 see also refusal refusal reject [transitive] to decide or say that you will not accept or consider sth; to decide not to accept sb for a job or position 拒绝接受;不予考虑;不录用He urged the committee to reject the plans.他敦促委员会拒绝接受这些计划。The proposal was rejected as too costly.由于耗资过高,该提案被否决了。I've been rejected by all the colleges I applied to.所有我申请的大学都没有录取我。OPP approve agree 2 , accept let sb in deny [transitive] (formal) to refuse to allow sb to have sth that they want or need 拒绝;拒绝给予(所需之物)They were denied access to the information.他们未获准接触那些情报。Access to the information was denied to them.他们未获准接触那些情报。 decline [transitive, intransitive] (formal) to say politely that you do not want to accept or do sth 谢绝;婉拒Their spokesman declined to comment on the allegations.他们的发言人拒绝对这些指控加以评论。We politely declined her invitation.我们礼貌地谢绝了她的邀请。OPP accept take 5 ˌturn sb/sth ˈdown

phrasal verb

to reject an offer or proposal or the person who makes it 拒绝,回绝(提议、建议或提议人)His appeal against conviction was turned down.他上诉要求改判,被驳回了。He has been turned down for ten jobs so far.他迄今申请了十份工作均遭拒绝。He asked her to marry him but she turned him down.他请求她嫁给他,但是她回绝了。OPP take sth up take 5
veto / /ˈviːtəʊ; NAmE ˈviːtoʊ/ [transitive] to stop sth from happening or being done by using your official authority; to say that you will not accept or do what sb has suggested 对⋯行使否决权;拒绝认可;拒不接受;反对Plans for the dam have been vetoed by the Environmental Protection Agency.修建大坝的计划已被环境保护局否决。I wanted to go camping but the others quickly vetoed that idea.我想去野营,但这个主意很快遭到其他人的反对。It is usually a person in a position of authority who vetoes sth; often the decision or plan has already been agreed by other people. * veto通常指权威人士否决某事物,常为其他人已同意的决定或计划。 see also veto ban noun ˌthrow sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(threw, thrown)to decide not to accept or consider a proposal, idea or legal case, often after having a vote to decide this (常经过投票表决后)拒不接受,否决(建议、想法或法律案件等)The case was thrown out for lack of evidence.此案因证据不足未予立案。The recommendation was thrown out by an overwhelming majority.该建议以压倒性多数被否决。
rebuff /rɪˈbʌf/ / [transitive] (written, often disapproving) to refuse a friendly offer, request or suggestion in an unkind way 粗暴回绝,生硬拒绝(善意的提议、要求或建议)They rebuffed her request for help.他们一口拒绝了她的请求,不给她帮助。The offer was immediately rebuffed by union leaders.工会领导人立刻拒绝了这一提议。 disallow / /ˌdɪsəˈlaʊ/ / [transitive, often passive] to officially refuse to accept sth, often because it has not been done correctly or a rule has been broken (因不符合规定)不准许,不接受,驳回The second goal was disallowed.第二个进球被判无效。Her claim for unfair dismissal was disallowed.她提出的自己遭不公平解雇的索赔被驳回。


 See also the entry for weaken 另见weaken条worsen ♦︎ get worse ♦︎ weaken ♦︎ deteriorate ♦︎ decline ♦︎ slip ♦︎ degenerate ♦︎ fail ♦︎ relapseThese words all mean to get smaller, weaker or worse in some way. 这些词均表示某方面减弱、衰退或恶化。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to deteriorate / degenerate / relapse into sthsb's health worsens / gets worse / deteriorates / declines / failsa situation worsens / gets worse / deteriorates / degeneratesconditions worsen / get worse / deterioratethe weather worsens / gets worse / deterioratessales weaken / deteriorate / decline / slipsb / sth's popularity weakens / declines / slipsquality deteriorates / declines / slipsto worsen / weaken / deteriorate / decline / degenerate rapidlyto worsen / weaken / deteriorate / decline significantly / steadilyto worsen / weaken / decline / slip considerablyto worsen / weaken / decline slightlyto worsen / deteriorate / decline dramaticallyto get steadily / considerably / slightly worse worsen [intransitive] (rather formal) to become worse 变得更坏;变得更糟;恶化The political situation is steadily worsening.政治局势在持续恶化。Her symptoms have worsened considerably since we last saw her.自从我们上次见她,她的症状严重了很多。OPP improve improve 2 get ˈworse


(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) (rather informal, especially spoken) to worsen; to become even more ill 变得更坏;变得更糟;(病情)加重Things are just getting worse and worse.事情变得越来越糟。If he gets any worse we'll call the doctor.要是他病情加重,我们就请医生。OPP get better improve 2
weaken [intransitive] to become less strong or powerful 变得虚弱(或衰弱);减弱His authority is steadily weakening.他的权力日趋减弱。 OPP strengthen strengthen deteriorate / /dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt; NAmE dɪˈtɪriəreɪt/ [intransitive] (rather formal) to become worse 恶化;变坏;退化The overall quality of rivers and canals has deteriorated.河流和运河的整体质量已经恶化。The discussion quickly deteriorated into an angry argument.这场讨论迅速演变成愤怒的争吵。OPP improve improve 2 NOTE 辨析 Worsen or deteriorate?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用sb's health / a situation / conditions / the weather / a relationship worsen(s) / deteriorate(s)某人的健康/状况/条件/天气/关系恶化 Worsen is often used to talk about particular problems, represented by countable nouns, including problem, crisis, position and symptom. * worsen常指特定问题恶化,与problem、crisis、position和symptom等可数名词搭配Her symptoms have deteriorated considerably. Deteriorate is often used to talk about more general things, represented by uncountable nouns, including life, work, behaviour, morale and quality; it is also used in the phrase sth deteriorates into sth. * deteriorate常用于较一般的事情,与life、work、behaviour、morale和quality等不可数名词搭配。deteriorate还可用于短语sth deteriorates into sthThe overall quality of rivers and canals has worsened. The discussion worsened into an angry argument. decline /dɪˈklaɪn/ / [intransitive] (rather formal) to become weaker 下降;衰弱;衰退Support for the party continues to decline.对该党的支持持续下降。Her health was declining rapidly.她的健康状况迅速恶化。In this meaning decline is used to talk about sb's health, the economic strength of a country, area or industry, or support for sb/sth. Collocates include health, economy, industry, fortunes, prosperity, support and popularity. There is a closely related meaning of decline, 'to become lower in level or number'. 表达此义时,decline指某人的健康状况恶化,某国家、地区或某行业的经济衰退,或对某人、某事的支持下降。搭配词有health、economy、industry、fortunes、prosperity、support和popularity。decline的另一相关含义是“水平降低或数量减少”。 see also decline reduction noun slip (-pp-) [intransitive] (rather informal, especially business 尤用于商业) to fall to a slightly lower level; to become gradually worse 稍为下降;退步;逐渐变差His popularity has slipped recently.近来他已不如过去那样受欢迎。That's three times she's beaten me-I must be slipping!她已经赢我三回了-我一定是退步了!Pre-tax profits slipped to $3.7 million, from $3.9 million the previous year.税前利润从上一年的390万元滑落到370万元。 degenerate / /dɪˈdʒenəreɪt/ / [intransitive] (rather formal) to change into sth worse 恶化;蜕变;衰退The march rapidly degenerated into a riot.示威游行迅速演变成了暴动。Degenerate is most often used in the phrase degenerate into sth. Typical collocations include degenerate into a conflict/a riot/a battle/chaos/violence/a farce/a brawl. * degenerate最常用于短语degenerate into sth。常见的搭配有degenerate into a conflict/a riot/a battle/chaos/violence/a farce/a brawl(演变成一场冲突/暴动/战斗/混乱/暴力事件/闹剧/斗殴事件)。 fail [intransitive] (used especially in the progressive tenses 尤用于进行时) (of sb's health or sight) to become weak (健康或视力)衰退Her eyesight is failing.她的视力日渐衰退。His last months in office were marred by failing health.由于健康恶化,他任职最后几个月的工作受到了影响。 relapse / /rɪˈlæps/ / [intransitive] (rather formal) to go back into a worse state of health after making an improvement 旧病复发Two days after leaving the hospital she relapsed into a coma.出院两天后,她再度昏迷。 OPP recover recover 1 relapse /rɪˈlæps, ˈriːlæps/


[countable, uncountable] to have / suffer a relapse旧病复发


reduction ♦︎ cut ♦︎ decline ♦︎ fall ♦︎ drop ♦︎ downturn ♦︎ decrease ♦︎ slump ♦︎ cutbackThese are all words for a situation when the amount, level, number or size of sth goes down. 这些词均表示减少、缩小、降低。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a reduction / cut / decline / fall / drop / downturn / decrease / slump / cutback in stha reduction / cut / decline / fall / drop / decrease / cutback of 20%a 20% reduction / cut / decline / fall / drop / decrease in sth(a) sharp reduction / cuts / decline / fall / drop / downturn / decrease / slump / cutbacks(a) large / significant reduction / cuts / decline / fall / drop / downturn / decrease / cutbacks(a) big / huge / massive / major reduction / cuts / decline / fall / drop / downturn / slump / cutbacks(a) dramatic reduction / cuts / decline / fall / drop / downturn / slump(a) drastic reduction / cuts / decline / fall / drop / downturn / cutbacksa sudden reduction / decline / fall / drop / downturn / decrease / slumpa slight reduction / decline / fall / drop / downturn / decreaseto lead to / result in / cause a reduction / cut / decline / fall / drop / decreaseto see a reduction / decline / fall / drop / downturn / decreaseto make reductions / cuts / cutbacks reduction [countable, uncountable] an act of making sth less or smaller; the state of being made less or smaller 减少;缩小;降低This year has seen a 33% reduction in the number of hospital beds available.今年医院可用床位数量减少了33%。The report recommends further reductions in air and noise emissions.这份报告建议进一步降低有害气体和噪音排放量。There are reductions (= in the price) for children sharing a room with two adults.孩子和两个大人合住一间房可以打折。There has been some reduction in unemployment.失业人数有所减少。OPP increase increase noun cut [countable] a reduction that is made in the amount, size or supply of sth (数量、尺寸或供应的)削减,减少,缩减They had to take a 20% cut in pay.他们不得不接受减薪20%。The company has announced a new round of job cuts.公司宣布了新一轮工作岗位的削减。The proposed tax cuts will come into effect next May.减税提议将于明年5月生效。OPP increase increase noun see also cut cut verb 1 , lay-off unemployment NOTE 辨析 Reduction or cut? Reduction can be used for things that become less or smaller by themselves, or things that are reduced deliberately by sb. A cut cannot happen by itself-it has to be made by sb. A cut is often (but not always) a negative thing. * reduction可指事物自行或被人为变少或变小。cut不指自行减少,只指人为减少。cut经常是(但并非总是)负面的job / salary / pay cuts裁员;减薪A cut cannot happen over time. A reduction can. * cut不指持续递减,而reduction可以a gradual reduction逐渐的减少a gradual cut decline [countable, usually singular, uncountable] a continuous reduction that happens in the number, value or quality of sth; the process of a place, tradition or institution gradually becoming less important or coming to an end (数量、价值或质量的)减少,下降;(地方、传统或机构的)衰落,衰退These measures have failed to reverse the country's economic decline.这些措施未能扭转该国的经济衰退。His book charts the decline and fall of a great civilization.他在书中记载了一个伟大文明的衰亡。The town fell into (a) decline (= started to be less busy, important, etc.) after the mine closed.这个镇在矿井关闭后开始萧条。Industry in Britain has been in decline since the 1970s.英国工业自20世纪70年代以来一直在走下坡路。OPP rise increase noun see also decline fall verb 1 , decline worsen verb fall [countable] (especially business 尤用于商业) a reduction that happens in the size, number, rate or level of sth (尺寸)减小;(数量)减少;(比率或水平)降低Share prices suffered a slight fall yesterday.股票价格昨日微幅下挫。This figure represents a fall of 23% on the same period last year.这一数据与去年同期相比下降了23%。OPP rise increase noun see also fall fall verb 1 drop [countable, usually singular] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) a reduction that happens in the size, number, rate or level of sth (尺寸)减小;(数量)减少;(比率或水平)降低If you want the job, you must be prepared to take a drop in salary.如果你想干这份工作,就必须对薪水减少做好思想准备。The restaurant has suffered a 10% drop in trade.餐厅的生意下降了10%。OPP rise increase noun see also drop fall verb 1 NOTE 辨析 Decline, fall or drop?These words all describe a process that happens, rather than a deliberate action by sb. Decline tends to emphasize the process, whether this is fast or slow. 这些词均指自然发生的情况,而不是某人有意所为。decline往往强调衰落的过程,不论快慢a steady / sharp decline in profits利润稳步/急剧下降a civilization in terminal decline处于衰亡期的文明 Fall and drop tend to emphasize the result of the process. * fall和drop往往强调这一过程的结果a fall / drop of 30%30%的下降A fall, like a decline, can happen over time, but a drop cannot. * fall和decline一样可指持续递减,但drop不能a gradual decline / fall逐步下降a gradual drop downturn / /ˈdaʊntɜːn; NAmE ˈdaʊntɜːrn/ [countable, usually singular] a fall in the amount of business that is done; a time when the economy becomes weaker (生意或经济的)衰退,下降;衰退期The building industry is experiencing a severe downturn in its workload.建筑业正经历工程量的严重滑坡。OPP upturn increase noun decrease /ˈdiːkriːs/ / [countable, uncountable] a reduction that happens in the amount, level or number of sth (数量)减少;(水平)降低There has been a decrease of nearly 6% in the number of visitors to the museum.参观该博物馆的人数下降了近6%。Marriage is still on the decrease.结婚率仍在下降。OPP increase increase noun see also decrease fall verb 1 Decrease looks like the most direct opposite of increase, but it is not nearly as frequent as increase. For deliberate reductions, use reduction or cut. For reductions that happen, fall or drop are often preferred, especially in business contexts. * decrease看起来像是increase最直接的反义词,但它远不如increase常用。表示人为的降低用reduction或cut;表示自然发生的降低往往用fall或drop,特别是在商务语境中。 slump [countable] a sudden fall in sales, prices or the value of sth (销售量、价格或价值的)骤降,猛跌,锐减The recession led to a slump in consumer spending.经济衰退导致消费开支急剧下滑。The present slump has hit manufacturing hard.目前的金融危机严重打击了制造业。 see also slump recession noun , slump slump verb NOTE 辨析 Downturn or slump?Both words can be used in the context of business or the economy. 这两个词均可用于商务或经济语境a downturn / slump in demand / trade / business / profits需求/贸易额/生意/利润下滑/骤降However, a slump is a bigger and more sudden fall, usually seen from the point of view of the business that is losing money. 不过,slump是更严重、更突然的下降,一般是从亏损企业的角度看。 cutback / /ˈkʌtbæk/ / [countable, usually plural] a reduction that is made in sth, especially money spent, people employed or benefits (尤指支出、雇员人数或福利的)削减,缩减,减少Many theatres are having to make major cutbacks.许多剧场不得不大幅削减开支。 see also cut sth back cut 1




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