

单词 delay
delay verb
delay (delay a decision) hold sb/sth up (What could have delayed him?) take your time (Don't delay — call us today!)


delay ♦︎ postpone ♦︎ adjourn ♦︎ wait ♦︎ put sth off ♦︎ defer ♦︎ suspend ♦︎ shelve ♦︎ rescheduleThese words all mean to not do sth until a later time or to make sth happen at a later time. 这些词均表示推迟、延后。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to delay sth / postpone sth / adjourn sth / wait / put sth off / defer sth / suspend sth / shelve sth for a few days / the time being, etc.to wait / reschedule sth for later in the year, etc.to delay sth / postpone sth / adjourn sth / wait / put sth off / defer sth until sthto postpone / defer sth to sthto delay / postpone / put off / defer doing sthto delay / postpone / adjourn / reschedule a meetingto delay / postpone / adjourn a case / trialto delay / postpone / put off your departure / returnto delay / postpone / put off / reschedule a visitto delay / postpone a flightto suspend visits / flightsto delay / postpone / put off / defer a decisionto delay / postpone / suspend plansto delay / postpone / adjourn / put off / defer / suspend / shelve sth indefinitely delay [transitive] (rather formal) to not do sth until a later time; to make sth happen at a later time 推迟;延后;延缓The judge will delay his verdict until he receives medical reports on the offender.法官将推迟裁决,直至收到有关违法者的医疗报告。He delayed telling her the news, waiting for the right moment.他没有马上把消息告诉她,等待适当的时机再说。These drugs can significantly delay the onset of the disease.这些药物能够大大延缓疾病发作的时间。She's suffering a delayed reaction (= a reaction that did not happen immediately).她正承受着一种滞后反应。OPP hasten accelerate see also delay hold sb/sth up , delay take your time postpone / /pəˈspəʊn; NAmE poʊˈspoʊn/ [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) to arrange for an event or action to take place at a later time or date 推迟;延期The game has already been postponed three times.这场比赛已经三度延期了。They have agreed to postpone repayment of the loan to a future unspecified date.他们已同意推迟还贷时间,具体日期未定。 see also cancel abolish postponement


[uncountable, countable] Riots led to the postponement of local elections.骚乱致使地方选举延期了。
adjourn /əˈdʒɜːn; NAmE əˈdʒɜːrn/ [intransitive, transitive, often passive] (formal) to stop a meeting or official process for a period of time, especially in court 休庭;休会;延期The court adjourned for lunch.午餐时间法庭休庭。The trial has been adjourned until next week.审判延期至下周。 adjournment


[countable, uncountable] The judge granted us a short adjournment.法官允许我们暂时休庭。
wait [intransitive] (rather informal) to be left to be dealt with at a later time because it is not urgent (因不紧急)搁置,推迟,延缓I've got some calls to make but they can wait until tomorrow.我有几个电话要打,不过可以等到明天再说。I'm afraid this can't wait. It's very important.这事非常重要,恐怕不能耽搁。Note that with wait, the thing that is left until a later time is the subject of the sentence, not the object. * wait表达此义时,被搁置或推迟的事情在句中作主语,不作宾语I can wait those calls. ˌput sth ˈoff

phrasal verb

(putting, put, put) (rather informal) to arrange for an event to take place at a later time or date; to not do sth until a later time 推迟;延迟We've had to put off our wedding until September.我们只得把婚期推迟到9月。He keeps putting off going to the dentist.他把看牙医的事一拖再拖。
defer /dɪˈfɜː(r)/ / (-rr-) [transitive] (formal) to delay a decision or action until a later time 推迟;延缓;展期The department deferred the decision for six months.该部门推迟了六个月才作出决定。She had applied for deferred admission to college.她已经申请延期入学。 suspend / /səˈspend/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to officially delay carrying out a plan or making a judgement; to stop a system from operating until a later date (公开或正式地)推迟,延缓;暂缓(⋯的运作)The jury was asked to suspend judgement (= delay forming or expressing an opinion).陪审团接到了延缓裁决的请求。Aid flights have been suspended for a week after fighting near the city's airport.在该市机场附近的战斗打响后,空运救援物资已经暂停了一周。Suspend can mean to delay starting sth, or to stop sth that has already been started: things that might be suspended include plans, work, aid, flights, visit and payments. * suspend可表示推迟开始某事或中止已开始的事情,其宾语可以是plans、work、aid、flights、visit和payments。 suspension / /səˈspenʃn/ /


[uncountable, singular] These events led to the suspension of talks.这些事件导致了谈判延期。
shelve / /ʃelv/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to decide not to continue with a plan, either for a short time or permanently (暂时或永久地)搁置,停止(计划)The government has shelved the idea until at least next year.政府决定搁置这个想法,至少推迟到明年再说。Plans to expand the company have been quietly shelved.扩展公司的计划被悄悄搁置起来。 reschedule /ˌriːˈʃedjuːl; NAmE ˌriːˈskedʒuːl/ [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) to change the time at which sth has been arranged to happen, especially so that it takes place later 将⋯改期;重新安排⋯的时间表The meeting has been rescheduled for next week.会议改为下周举行。NOTE 辨析 Postpone or reschedule? Postpone often has negative associations, giving a sense of disappointment. It is often used with verbs like have to, be forced to and be obliged to. Reschedule has more a positive feel, and is often followed by for + a date or time. * postpone常带有负面联想,给人以失望的感觉,常与have to、be forced to和be obliged to等动词短语连用。reschedule给人的印象较正面,后常接for + 日期或时间The event has been rescheduled for 5 June / Sunday / the spring.这项活动已改期于6月5日/星期日/春季举行。
hold sb/sth up

phrasal verb

 See also the entry for block 1 另见block条第1义hold sb/sth up ♦︎ delay ♦︎ keep ♦︎ stall ♦︎ be/get bogged down ♦︎ retard ♦︎ set sb/sth back ♦︎ stunt ♦︎ detainThese words all mean to slow down the progress, movement or development of sb/sth. 这些词均表示延迟、阻碍。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be held up / delayed / stalled / set back by / for hours / days / months, etc.to hold up / delay / retard / stunt the development / growth of sthto delay / bog down / stall / retard a processto hold up / delay / retard the progress of sthto hold up / delay (a) flight / traffic / workto seriously hold up / delay / retard sthto be unavoidably delayed / detained ˌhold sb/sth ˈup

phrasal verb

(held, held)to slow down or prevent the movement or progress of sb/sth 延迟;阻碍The launch was held up for several hours by environmental protesters.因环保主义者进行抗议,新品发布会推迟了几个小时。An accident is holding up traffic.一场事故造成了交通阻塞。I'm holding everybody up-you go ahead without me.我耽误了大伙儿-你们先走吧,别管我了。 ˈhold-up


[countable] We should finish by tonight, barring hold-ups.倘若没有延误,我们应该今晚完工。What's the hold-up (= what is causing it)?遇到什么障碍了?
delay [transitive, often passive] to make sb late or make them do sth more slowly; to make sth happen later than planned 延迟;延期;推迟Thousands of commuters were delayed for over an hour.数千名乘车上下班的人被耽搁了一个多小时。What could have delayed him?是什么让他耽搁了呢?These arguments will inevitably delay the start of construction.这些争论肯定将导致开工延期。The government is accused of using delaying tactics (= deliberately doing sth to delay a process, decision, etc.).政府被指责故意采取拖延战术。 see also delay delay verb , delay take your time delay


[countable] Commuters will face long delays on the roads today.通勤族今天要在路上耽搁很长时间了。We apologize for the delay in answering your letter.来信收悉,迟复为歉。
keep (kept, kept) [transitive] (especially spoken) to make sb late when they are on their way somewhere, especially by making them stay in one place longer than they should 使耽搁,延误(尤指在路上)You're an hour late-what kept you?你晚了一个小时-什么事把你给耽搁了?I won't keep you long. I've just got a couple of quick questions.我不会耽误你很长时间,我就问几个简单的问题。I must go now. I've kept you from your dinner too long.我得走了,已经耽误太长时间,影响你吃晚饭了。 stall [transitive, intransitive] to stop sth from happening until a later time; to stop making progress 暂缓;搁置;停顿They could stall the process further by asking for a judicial review.他们可以要求司法审查从而进一步拖延进程。There have been several attempts to revive the stalled peace plan.重新启动搁置的和平方案的尝试已有多次。Discussions have once again stalled.讨论再次停顿下来。 be bogged down get bogged down


to be prevented from making progress or getting sth done, often because there are so many difficult but unimportant problems to deal with 被(琐事造成的困难)妨碍;受阻We mustn't get bogged down in details.我们可不能因纠缠于细节问题而误事。Try to avoid becoming bogged down with routine reporting procedures.尽量避免因为例行汇报程序而耽误正事。
retard / /rɪˈtɑːd; NAmE rɪˈtɑːrd/ [transitive] (formal) to slow down the development or progress of sth 阻碍;减缓;使放慢速度The progression of the disease can be retarded by early surgery.在早期进行手术可以抑制病情的发展。The lack of a rail link retarded the town's development.缺乏铁路交通阻碍了这个城镇的发展。 OPP accelerate accelerate ˌset sb/sth ˈback

phrasal verb

(setting, set, set)to slow down the progress of sb/sth by a particular length of time 使推迟;耽误The bad weather set back the building schedule by several weeks.恶劣的天气使建筑施工延误了几个星期。Her recovery was going well, but this latest infection has really set her back.她本来恢复得很好,但是最近这次感染确实使病情反复了。 see also setback blow noun
stunt [transitive] to prevent sb/sth from growing or developing properly 阻碍(生长);妨碍(发展);遏制The constant winds had stunted the growth of plants and bushes.因为经常刮风,花草和灌木没长好。His illness had not stunted his creativity.疾病没有扼杀他的创造力。 detain /dɪˈteɪn/ / (formal) to delay sb or prevent them from going somewhere, usually by talking to them or keeping them busy (常因谈话或忙碌)使无法脱身,拖住,阻留I'm sorry-he'll be late; he's been detained at a meeting.对不起,他得晚点到,他有个会,脱不开身。
take your time


take your time ♦︎ stall ♦︎ drag your feet ♦︎ dawdle ♦︎ buy time ♦︎ procrastinate ♦︎ delayThese words all mean to be deliberately slow in doing sth or making a decision. 这些词均表示做事或决策时故意拖延时间。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配take your time / stall over sth take yourˈ time


(took, taken)to use as much time as you need without hurrying 从容不迫;慢慢来There's no rush-take your time.别着急,慢慢来。 Take your time is often used in an ironic way to say that you think sb is late or too slow in doing sth. * take your time常用于讽刺,指别人迟到或做事慢腾腾You certainly took your time getting here.你真是姗姗来迟啊!


[intransitive] (rather formal) to avoid making a decision or giving a definite answer, in order to gain time 故意拖延(以争取时间)They are still stalling on the deal.他们仍在拖时间,不急于达成协议。'What do you mean?' she asked, stalling for time.“你这是什么意思?”她问道,故意拖延着时间。
drag your ˈfeet


(-gg-) (rather informal) to be deliberately slow in doing sth or in making a decision 故意拖拉;故意延迟(作出决定)They've been dragging their feet on settling the claim.他们一直拖着不解决这项索赔要求。


[intransitive] to take a long time to do sth or go somewhere, especially by walking slowly 拖延;磨蹭;慢步而行Stop dawdling! We're going to be late!别磨蹭了,我们快迟到了!They dawdled along by the river, laughing and talking.他们沿着河边闲逛,谈笑风生。
buy ˈtime


(bought, bought)to do sth in order to delay an event or decision 拖延时间(以阻延事件或决策)The negotiators kept the gunman talking to buy time for the hostages.谈判者不断让持枪歹徒说话,以便为人质争取时间。Buying time is often seen as a clever thing to do, rather than sth that is disapproved of. * buy time常被视为聪明之举,而非贬义。
procrastinate /prəʊˈkræstɪneɪt; NAmE proʊˈkræstɪneɪt/


(disapproving) to leave sth that you should do until a later time, usually because you do not want to do it (常因不愿做某事而)拖延,耽搁People were dying of starvation while governments procrastinated.饥民正挣扎在死亡线上,而政府行动却拖拖拉拉。Procrastinating usually involves finding other, often unimportant, things to do, in order to avoid what you really should be doing. * procrastinate常指找别的一些较不重要的事做,以避免做真正应做之事。


[intransitive] (often used in negative sentences 常用于否定句) to not do sth until a later time 延迟;延期Don't delay-call us today!别拖延了,今天就给我们打电话!We can't delay much longer.我们不能再拖延了。 see also delay delay , delay hold sb/sth up delay


[uncountable] There's no time for delay.没有时间拖延了。Report it to the police without delay (= immediately).赶快将此事报告警方。




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