

单词 fairly
fairly adv.


quite difficult 相当难quite sure 有十足把握 See also the entry for partly 另见partly条quite ♦︎ rather ♦︎ pretty ♦︎ fairly ♦︎ reasonablyThese words all mean to some degree. 这些词均表示颇、相当、某种程度上。NOTE 辨析 Which word?Compare these words with the words in the entry for partly. These words are generally more positive and emphasize the degree to which sth is good, successful, difficult, etc., even if it is not completely so. The words in the partly entry are slightly less positive in tone. 把这些词同partly条中的词作比较。这些词总体来说更具肯定意义,强调某事物是好的、成功的或困难的,即便只是在一定程度上如此。partly条中的词在语气上的肯定意味略轻。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达程度的高低
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配quite / rather a / an...quite / rather / pretty / fairly / reasonably good / successful / high / large / quiet / common / easy / pleased / confidentquite / rather / pretty / fairly / reasonably well / soon / quickly / easilyquite / rather / pretty / fairly bad / big / heavy / new / tired / dull / difficult / rare / expensive / dangerousquite / rather / pretty / fairly recently / frequentlyquite / rather / pretty annoyed / exciting / nice / illrather / pretty / fairly / reasonably harmlessrather / pretty / fairly narrow / obviouspretty / fairly / reasonably certain / accurate / happy / safe / sureI quite / rather like sth quite (especially BrE) (not used in negative sentences 不用于否定句) to some degree 颇;相当;某种程度上I went to bed quite late last night.我昨天晚上很晚才睡觉。I see him quite often.我经常看到他。I think it's quite likely we'll win.我认为我们很可能会赢。He plays quite well.他表现得相当好。He's quite a good player.他是很不错的选手。Her children are still quite young.她的孩子都还很小。Even quite young children can manage it.连小孩子都能应付得了。I quite like opera.我很喜欢歌剧。When quite is used with an adjective before a noun, it comes before a or an. * quite同形容词连用修饰名词时,置于a或an之前It's quite a small room.这是个很小的房间。The room is quite small.这房间很小。It's a quite small room. see also quite very adv. rather (especially BrE) to some degree 颇;相当;某种程度上The rules are rather complicated.这些规则相当复杂。I didn't fail the exam; in fact I did rather well!我没有考不及格。事实上,我考得很不错!He looks rather like his father.他长得挺像他的父亲。I'm sorry, I've got rather a lot on my mind.对不起,我的烦心事已经够多了。It's rather a difficult question.这真是个难题。Rather is often used to express slight criticism, disappointment or surprise. * rather常用以表示轻微的批评、失望或惊讶。 pretty (NAmE or informal, BrE) to some degree 颇;相当;某种程度上I was pretty sure I'd seen the coin before.我很肯定以前看到过这枚硬币。I'm afraid we're going to have to go pretty soon.恐怕我们很快就得走了。 fairly to some degree but not very 一定地;相当地The software is fairly easy to use.这款软件用起来相当容易。That's a fairly typical reaction.那是相当典型的反应。 reasonably to some degree but not very 一定地;相当地I was reasonably happy with the situation.我对这种局面还是挺欣慰的。The hostages had been reasonably well cared for.人质还算是受到了善待。 see also reasonable adequate NOTE 辨析 Fairly or reasonably?Both these words are less strong than quite, rather and pretty; fairly is more positive than reasonably, which often suggests that sth is of an acceptable standard, but not the best. 这两个词表示的程度都不如quite、rather和pretty强。fairly比reasonably更正面,reasonably常意味着某事物还算过得去,但并非最好。




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