

单词 dubious
dubious adj.
controversial (of dubious benefit) suspicious2 (dubious business practices) unsure (dubious about sth)


controversial ♦︎ questionable ♦︎ debatable ♦︎ dubious ♦︎ contentious ♦︎ arguableThese words all describe sth that people disagree about. 这些词均表示引起争议的、未有共识的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配It is questionable / debatable / dubious / arguable whether...a controversial / questionable / dubious / contentious decisiona controversial / a debatable / a contentious / an arguable pointa controversial / debatable / contentious issue / subject / questiona controversial / contentious matter / view / opinionhighly / very / extremely / rather / somewhat controversial / questionable / debatable / dubious / contentious controversial / /ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːʃl; NAmE ˌkɑːntrəˈvɜːrʃl/ causing a lot of angry public discussion and disagreement 引起争论的;有争议的Her controversial new play sparked a riot outside the theatre.她那部有争议的新戏在剧院外引起了骚动。Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon were both controversial figures.温斯顿•邱吉尔和理查德•尼克松都是有争议的人物。 OPP uncontroversial Something that is uncontroversial does not cause, or is not likely to cause, any disagreement. * uncontroversial指不会或不太可能会引起人们争论的an uncontroversial policy / opinion没有争议的政策/意见 see also controversy debate noun controversially


Punishments for prisoners include loss of privileges and, more controversially, the stopping of visits.对囚犯的惩罚包括丧失特别待遇,以及更具争议的禁止探视。
questionable /ˈkwestʃənəbl/ / that you have doubts about because you think it is not accurate or correct 可疑的;有问题的;未必准确(或正确)的The conclusions that they come to are highly questionable.他们得出的结论大有问题。It is questionable whether this is a good way of solving the problem.这是不是解决问题的好办法值得商榷。 debatable / /dɪˈbeɪtəbl/ / not certain because people can have different ideas and opinions about the thing being discussed 可争辩的;有争议的Whether or not that's a good thing remains a debatable point.那是不是件好事仍存争议。It is highly debatable whether conditions have improved for low-income families.低收入家庭的生活状况是否已经得到改善是个颇有争议的问题。 dubious / /ˈdjuːbiəs; NAmE ˈduːbiəs/ that you cannot be sure about; that is probably not good 不确定的;不一定好的They consider the plan to be of dubious benefit to most families.他们认为这项计划对大多数家庭不一定有益。 (ironic) She had the dubious honour of being the last woman to be hanged in England (= it was not an honour at all).她成为英格兰最后一个受绞刑的女子,这也算是一种荣幸吧。 contentious /kənˈtenʃəs/ / (formal) likely to cause disagreement between people 可能引起争论的Both views are highly contentious.两种观点都很有争议。Try to avoid any contentious wording.尽量避免使用任何可能会引起争议的措辞。OPP uncontentious Something that is uncontentious is not likely to cause disagreement between people. * uncontentious指不太可能引起争议的The proposal is relatively uncontentious.这个建议相对而言没有太大争议。 NOTE 辨析 Controversial or contentious?These words are very close in meaning but controversial has a wider range and can describe people and things as well as issues and opinions. 这两个词意思很相近,但controversial使用范围更广,除了可以形容问题和意见外,还可以形容人和事物a controversial figure / book / film / play / plan / building有争议的人物/书/电影/戏剧/计划/建筑物a contentious figure/book/film/play/plan/building arguable /ˈɑːgjuəbl; NAmE ˈɑːrgjuəbl/ (formal) not certain; that you do not accept without question 无把握的;可疑的It is arguable whether the case should have ever gone to trial (= perhaps it should not have).这个案子原本是否应该审判亦具可议之处。


be suspicious of sb/sth 怀疑某人/某事suspicious circumstances 可疑的情况suspicious ♦︎ suspect ♦︎ questionable ♦︎ dubious ♦︎ dodgy ♦︎ shifty ♦︎ shady ♦︎ fishyThese words all describe people or actions that make you feel that sth is wrong, illegal or dishonest. 这些词均表示可疑的、靠不住的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a suspicious / suspect / questionable / dubious / shifty / shady charactera suspicious / questionable / dubious circumstancesa suspicious / shifty look / mannera suspicious / suspect packagea dodgy / shady deal / pasta dodgy / fishy businessThere's something suspicious / suspect / shifty / shady / fishy about sb / sth.There's something suspicious / shady / fishy going on.very suspicious / suspect / questionable / dubious / dodgy / shifty / shady / fishya bit suspicious / suspect / questionable / dubious / dodgy / shifty / fishyrather / pretty suspicious / suspect / questionable / dubious / dodgy / shiftyhighly / slightly / somewhat suspicious / suspect / questionable / dubious suspicious making you feel that sth is wrong, illegal or dishonest 令人怀疑的;可疑的Didn't you notice anything suspicious in his behaviour?你难道没注意到他的行为有可疑之处?Police are not treating the death as suspicious.警方认为那人的死亡没有可疑之处。It might look suspicious if we arrived together.如果我们一起到达,可能会令人起疑。 see also suspicion doubt noun 2 suspiciously


Let me know if you see anyone acting suspiciously.如发现有人形迹可疑,你就告诉我。Everything was suspiciously quiet.一切都那么安静,真让人觉得可疑。
suspect / /ˈsʌspekt/ / (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) that may be false and that cannot be relied on; that you suspect to be dangerous or illegal 不可信的;靠不住的;可能有危险的;有违法嫌疑的Some of the evidence they produced was highly suspect.他们出示的证据有些非常不可信。The police have been informed of the discovery of a suspect package (= that may contain drugs, a bomb, etc.).警方接到报案,称发现了一个可疑包裹。 questionable (rather formal) likely to be dishonest or morally wrong 可能不诚实(或不道德)的;别有用心的Her motives for helping are questionable.她帮忙的动机令人生疑。OPP unquestionable conclusive dubious / /ˈdjuːbiəs; NAmE ˈduːbiəs/ (rather formal) likely to be dishonest or morally wrong 可能不诚实(或不道德)的;靠不住的The man who sold it to him was known to be of dubious character.那个卖东西给他的男人出了名的不可靠。NOTE 辨析 Questionable or dubious? Questionable is used most often to talk about people's actions and motives (= the reasons for their actions). Dubious is more often used to talk about the value of things or people or their morals. A typical pattern is:sb / sth is of dubious character / nature / provenance / quality / reputation / value * questionable最常修饰人的行为和动机。dubious更常修饰事物的价值或者人及其道德,常用句型为sb/sth is of dubious character/nature/provenance/quality/reputation/value。 dodgy (BrE, informal) (especially of a business activity) likely to be dishonest (尤指商业行为)狡猾的,狡诈的,可疑的Travel websites that offer dodgy deals have been uncovered in a worldwide investigation.在一次全球性调查中,涉嫌诈骗的旅行网站被曝光。 shifty (informal) seeming to be dishonest; looking guilty about sth 好像不可靠的;贼眉鼠眼的;显得心里有鬼的I don't trust him-he's got shifty eyes.他长得贼眉鼠眼的,我信不过他。He was trying not to look shifty.他尽量不让自己显得贼头贼脑的。Shifty is most often used to talk about people's eyes or the way they look. * shifty最常修饰人的眼睛或样子。 shady /ˈʃeɪdi/ / [usually before noun] (informal) seeming to be dishonest or illegal 可疑的;鬼祟的;可能非法的He's a bit of a shady character.他有点靠不住。I don't want anything to do with your shady deals.我可不想卷进你那些勾当。 fishy (informal) that makes you suspicious because it seems dishonest 可疑的;值得怀疑的There's something fishy going on here.这儿有点不大对头。I don't know what they're up to. It sounds a distinctly fishy business.我不知道他们在干什么,听起来显然值得怀疑。Fishy is mostly used in the phrases fishy business, something fishy and sth sounds fishy. * fishy主要用于短语fishy business、something fishy和sth sounds fishy中。


unsure ♦︎ undecided ♦︎ uncertain ♦︎ hesitant ♦︎ ambivalent ♦︎ doubtful ♦︎ dubious ♦︎ in doubtThese words all describe sb who has feelings of doubt or uncertainty about sb/sth. 这些词均表示无把握的、拿不准的、不确定的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配unsure / undecided / uncertain / hesitant / ambivalent / doubtful / dubious / in doubt about sthunsure / undecided / uncertain / doubtful / dubious / in doubt as to sthunsure / uncertain / hesitant / doubtful / dubious of sthunsure / undecided / uncertain what...unsure / uncertain how...a bit / rather / somewhat unsure / hesitant / ambivalent / doubtful / dubioussomewhat unsure / hesitant / ambivalent / doubtful / dubiousvery unsure / undecided / uncertain / hesitant / ambivalent / doubtful / dubious unsure [not before noun] not certain or confident about sth; feeling doubt 无把握;犹豫;拿不准There were a lot of things I was unsure about.有许多事情我没把握。He was unsure of what to do next.他对下一步该做什么犹豫不定。I was unsure how to reply to this question.我拿不准该如何回答这个问题。OPP sure sure undecided / /ˌʌndɪˈsaɪdɪd/ / [not usually before noun] not having made a decision about sb/sth 未拿定主意;犹豫不决I'm still undecided about who to vote for.我还拿不定主意投谁的票。 see also decide decide uncertain [not usually before noun] not sure or confident about sth; feeling doubt 无把握;犹豫;拿不准They're both uncertain about what to do.他们两人都拿不定主意该怎么办。I'm still uncertain of my feelings for him.我仍不能肯定我对他的感情。 OPP certain sure see also uncertainty doubt noun 1 NOTE 辨析 Unsure or uncertain?When you are talking about people's feelings there is no real difference in meaning between these words, but unsure is about twice as frequent in both spoken and written English, and uncertain is slightly more formal. Uncertain (but not unsure) is more frequently used to talk about facts or situations that are not definite or decided. 谈论人的感情时这两个词在含义上没有实质差别,但unsure在口语和书面语的使用频率均约为uncertain的两倍,uncertain略正式些。uncertain(而非unsure)较常用以描述不确定的事实或悬而未决的局面。 see also uncertain unclear hesitant / /ˈhezɪtənt/ / [not before noun] slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain, embarrassed or unwilling 犹豫;踌躇;不情愿She's hesitant about signing the contract.她对是否签这个合同犹豫不决。Doctors are hesitant to comment on the new treatment.医生不愿对新疗法作出评论。 see also hesitant hesitant ambivalent / /æmˈbɪvələnt/ / (rather formal, especially written) having or showing both good and bad feelings about sb/sth 矛盾情绪的(喜忧参半、好坏参半等)She is deeply ambivalent about her feelings for him.她对他的感情十分矛盾。He has an ambivalent attitude towards her.他对她怀着矛盾的态度。 doubtful thinking that sth is probably not possible or not a good idea; showing this 不确定的;拿不定主意的;怀疑的He was doubtful about accepting extra work.他拿不定主意是否接受额外工作。A doubtful look crossed her face.她脸上掠过一丝怀疑的神色。 see also doubt doubt noun 1 doubtfully


He shook his head doubtfully.他怀疑地摇了摇头。
dubious /ˈdjuːbiəs; NAmE ˈduːbiəs/ [not usually before noun] doubtful 不确定;拿不定主意;怀疑I was rather dubious about the whole idea.我对整个想法持相当怀疑的态度。Kate looked dubious, but did as she was asked.凯特看上去半信半疑,但还是按要求的做了。 dubiously


He looked dubiously at her.他怀疑地看了看她。
NOTE 辨析 Doubtful or dubious?There is no real difference in meaning between these words; dubious is slightly more frequent in spoken English, but it is less often used before a noun. 这两个词在含义上没有实质差别;dubious稍多用于口语,但较少用于名词前。 in ˈdoubt


feeling unsure about sth, especially about what you should do (尤指对该做什么)不肯定,不确定,拿不准If in doubt, wear black.拿不定主意的话就穿黑色衣服。




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