

单词 genre
genre noun


 See also the entry for category 另见category条kind ♦︎ sort ♦︎ type ♦︎ form ♦︎ version ♦︎ variety ♦︎ style ♦︎ genre ♦︎ nature ♦︎ brandThese are all words for a group of people or things that are the same in some way. 这些词均表示种类、类型。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a kind / sort / type / form / version / variety / style / genre / brand of sthof a / the ... kind / sort / type / form / variety / style / naturein kind / type / form / style / naturedifferent kinds / sorts / types / forms / versions / varieties / styles / genresvarious kinds / sorts / types / forms / versions / styles / genresa different kind / sort / type / form / version / style / nature / brandanother kind / sort / type / form / version / variety / style / brandthe same kind / sort / type / form / version / variety / style / genre / nature / brandall kinds / sorts / types / forms / varieties / styles / brands (of sth)every / any kind / sort / type / form / variety / style / naturesome kind / sort / type / form / variety / nature (of sth)a particular kind / sort / type / form / version / variety / style / genre / nature / brandthe best / worst kind / sort / type / forma / the / that kind / sort / type of thingof this / that kind / sort / typeof every kind / sort / type / form / variety / style / nature kind [countable, uncountable] a group of people or things that are similar in a particular way 同类的人(或事物);种类They play music of all kinds.他们演奏各种类型的音乐。The school is the first of its kind in the UK.这是英国同类学校中最早的一所。She does the same kind of work as me.她和我做同一种工作。She isn't that kind of person.她不是那种人。I miss him, in a funny kind of way.我对他有一种莫名其妙的思念。They sell all kinds of things.他们出售各种各样的东西。You're going to need some kind of cover to protect it from the rain.你得拿什么东西把它盖上以防止雨淋。'I was terrible!' 'You were nothing of the kind!'“我那时糟透了!”“你才不哩。” sort [countable] (especially BrE) a group of people or things that are similar in a particular way 同类的人(或事物);种类'What sort of music do you like?' 'Oh, all sorts.'“你喜欢哪一类音乐?”“噢,哪一类都喜欢。”This sort of problem is quite common.这类问题相当普遍。He's the sort of person who only cares about money.他这种人一心只想着钱。Most people went on training courses of one sort or another.多数人都上过这样那样的培训班。 (spoken) What sort of price are you willing to pay (= approximately what price)?你愿意出什么样的价? see also sort classify verb type [countable] a class or group of people or things that share particular qualities or features or are part of a larger group 类型;种类He mixes with all types of people.他和各种类型的人打交道。What type of car do you drive?你开的是哪种类型的汽车?How much do you charge for this type of work?这种活你收多少钱?This is the oldest existing shrine of its type.这是现存的同类神社中历史最悠久的一座。You can divide his novels into three main types.他的小说可以分成三大类。She has a very rare blood type.她的血型非常罕见。This is a new formula for all skin types.这是一种适合各种肤质的新配方。NOTE 辨析 Kind, sort or type? Kind is the most frequent of these words in this meaning. Sort is also frequent but is slightly more informal than kind and is used more in spoken English than in written English, and more in British English than in American English. Type is slightly more formal than the other two words and tends to be used more to talk about things that can be divided into classes or groups in a fairly objective way, for example in official, scientific or academic contexts. 这几个词中kind的使用频率最高,sort的使用频率也较高,但稍不如kind正式。sort多用于口语而非书面语,多用于英式英语而非美式英语。type比另外两个词稍正式些,往往指可以很客观地去分类的事物,例如官方、科学或学术语境中的事物。 form [countable] one type of a thing that exists in a number of different types, especially when these have different physical characteristics (尤指根据物理特性界定的)类型,种类We need to look for an alternative form of energy.我们需要寻找一种替代型能源。This is one of the most common forms of cancer.这是其中一种最常见的癌症。Will we ever discover intelligent life forms on other planets?我们会在其他星球上发现高智能的生命形态吗?Music is not like other art forms.音乐不同于其他艺术形式。Different forms of a thing are usually different in their physical characteristics, in a way that different types of a thing need not be. 一种事物的不同form通常具有不同的物理特性,而一种事物的不同type则不一定这样He mixes with all forms of people. Are there intelligent life types on other planets? see also form form 1 version [countable] a copy of sth, especially a product, that is slightly different from the original thing (尤指产品的)版本,型式the latest version of the Volkswagen Golf大众高尔夫车系的最新车型the de luxe / luxury version豪华型The English version of the novel is due for publication next year.这部小说的英译本预定明年出版。 variety [countable] a type of a thing, for example a plant or language, that is different from the others in the same general group (植物、语言等的)变种,变体;品种Apples come in a great many varieties.苹果品种繁多。The variety of English that they speak is closer to American than British.他们所讲的那种英语更接近于美式英语而非英式英语。They stock over 200 varieties of cheese.他们备有200多种奶酪。 style [countable, uncountable] the features of a book, painting, building, etc. that make it typical of a particular author, artist, historical period, etc. (文学作品、绘画、建筑等的)风格,体This is a fine example of the Gothic style.这是哥特风格的一个佳例。The city contains many different styles of architecture.这座城市拥有多种不同的建筑风格。They were told to write the passage in the style of Hemingway.他们被要求模仿海明威的风格写短文。 genre / /ˈʒɒ̃rə, ˈʒɒnrə; NAmE ˈʒɑːnrə/ [countable, uncountable] (formal) a particular style or type of literature, art, music or film that can be recognized because of its special features (文学、艺术、音乐或电影的)体裁,类型Crime fiction is a genre which seems likely to stay with us for many years.看来犯罪小说这种文学样式在很长一段时间内不会消亡。His essay discusses theories of style and genre.他的文章探讨了风格与体裁方面的理论。 nature /ˈneɪtʃə(r)/ / [singular] (rather formal) a particular type of sth 种类;类型His books were mainly of a scientific nature.他的书主要是科学类的。Don't worry about things of that nature.不用担心那类事情。Decisions of this nature often take a long time.作这类决定常常要花很长时间。In this meaning nature is usually used in the phrase of a ... nature. * nature表达此义时通常用于短语of a ... nature。 brand [countable] a particular type of sth, especially sb's particular way of doing or thinking about sth 类型(尤指某人独特的行为或思维方式)She has her own unique brand of humour.她有自己别具一格的幽默。




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