

单词 letter
letter noun
letter (send a letter) number2 (the letters of the alphabet)


letter ♦︎ message ♦︎ email ♦︎ mail ♦︎ note ♦︎ memo ♦︎ fax ♦︎ text ♦︎ post ♦︎ communication ♦︎ correspondenceThese words all mean sth that you write and send to sb in order to communicate with them. 这些词均表示信函、邮件。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a letter / a message / an email / mail / a note / a memo / a fax / a text / post / a communication / correspondence from / to sb(a) personal / private letter / message / email / mail / note / communication / correspondencea brief letter / message / email / note / memo / communication(a) business letter / email / mail / memo / correspondencea thank-you letter / message / email / noteto send / receive a letter / a message / an email / mail / a note / a memo / a fax / a text / post / a communication / correspondenceto write a letter / a message / an email / a note / a memoto open a letter / a message / an email / the mail / the posta letter / a message / an email / the mail / a fax / the post arrives letter [countable] a piece of text that you write on paper and send to sb, usually in an addressed envelope, in order to tell them sth 信;函You should include a covering letter with your CV.寄简历时应该附上求职信。They wrote a letter of complaint to the television network.他们给电视台写了一封投诉信。You will be notified by letter.你将会收到信函通知。 (BrE) to post a letter寄信 (NAmE) to mail a letter寄信 message [countable] a short piece of written or spoken information that you give to sb when you cannot speak to them directly (书面或口头的)信息,消息,音信I left a message on her answering machine.我在她的电话答录机上留言了。Victoria's not here at the moment. Can I take a message?维多利亚这会儿不在,要我给你传个话吗?The computer displays an error message when I try to run the program.我试着运行该程序时,电脑出现错误信息提示。 email ( e-mail) [countable, uncountable] a written message that you send from your computer to another person's computer over a network such as the Internet 电子邮件;电邮I got an email from Andrew last week.我上周收到安德鲁的一封电子邮件。I have to check my email.我得查收一下电子邮件。 email ( e-mail)


[transitive] David emailed me yesterday.戴维昨天给我发了电子邮件。I'll email the documents to her.我将用电邮把这些文件发给她。
mail [uncountable] the letters and packages which are sent and delivered by the postal system; messages that are sent or received on a computer 邮件;信件;邮包;电子邮件There isn't much mail today.今天邮件不多。Is there a letter from them in the mail?邮包里有他们的来信吗?You've got mail.有你的信件。In British English post is often used instead of mail to mean the letters and packages that sb sends and receives. 在英式英语中,常用post而非mail来表示收发的信件和邮包。 see also mail send verb 1 note [countable] a short informal letter 短笺;便条Just a quick note to say thank you for a wonderful evening.仅以此短笺感谢您让我度过了一个美好夜晚。I left a note for Judith on her desk.我在朱迪丝的书桌上留了个便条。It is suspicious that he did not leave a suicide note.他没有留下遗书,这一点很可疑。 memo / /ˈmeməʊ; NAmE ˈmemoʊ/ ( formal memorandum /ˌmeməˈrændəm/ / ) (plural memoranda / /ˌmeməˈrændə/ / ) [countable] an official note from one person to another in the same organization 备忘录The confidential memo was leaked to the press.那份机密备忘录被人泄露给了媒体。 fax [uncountable, countable] a system for sending documents in electronic form along telephone wires, using a special machine that sends, receives and prints the documents; a document sent by fax 传真(系统);传真文件a fax machine传真机Can you send it to me by fax?你能把它传真给我吗?What is your fax number?你的传真号码是多少?Did you get my fax?你收到我的传真了吗? fax


[transitive] Can you fax me the latest version?你能把最新版本传真给我吗?Can you fax it to me?你能把它传真给我吗?
text ( ˈtext message) [countable] a written message that you send using a mobile phone (手机)短信;短讯简讯Send a text to this number to vote.请发短信到此号码参加投票。 text ( ˈtext-message)


[transitive] I texted him to say we were waiting at the hotel.我发短信告诉他我们在酒店等候。
post [uncountable] (BrE) mail 邮件;信件;邮包The book arrived in the morning post.这本书是上午邮递送来的。 see also post send verb 1 communication [countable] (formal) a message, letter or telephone call 信息;书信;电话If you no longer wish to receive communications from us, follow the instructions at the bottom of the email.如果你不想再收到我们的信息,请按照电邮底部的说明去做。 see also communication communication , communicate convey , communicate talk correspondence [uncountable] (rather formal) the letters a person sends and receives 来往信件;往来书信The editor welcomes correspondence from readers on any subject.编辑欢迎读者就任何问题来信。the correspondence column / page (= in a newspaper) 读者来信专栏 see also correspondence communication


a large number of people 许多人He lives at number 12. 他住在12号。 See also the entry for figure 另见figure条number ♦︎ letter ♦︎ figure ♦︎ symbol ♦︎ digit ♦︎ character ♦︎ mark ♦︎ signThese are all words for a single item that you write or print, that has a fixed meaning. 这些词均表示符号、代号、记号。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to write sth in numbers / letters / figures / symbolsthe symbol / character / sign for stha single letter / figure / symbol / digit / characterdouble letters / figures / digitsa binary / decimal number / figure / digitto print / write a number / letter / figure / digit / character / markto bear / be marked with / have a number / letter / figure / symbola symbol / character / sign means / indicates stha sequence / series / set / string of numbers / letters / figures / symbols / digits / characters number [countable] used to show the position of sth in a series; a series of figures used to identify sth or to communicate by telephone or fax 编号;序数;(电话或传真的)号码The song reached number 5 in the charts.这首歌在排行榜中位列第5。What is your social security number, please?请问你的社会保障号码是多少?My phone number is 266998.我的电话号码是266998。I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number (= wrong telephone number).对不起,我想你打错了。He dialled the number, then changed his mind and hung up.他拨了那个号码,随即却改变了主意,挂断了电话。 letter [countable] a written or printed symbol that represents a sound used in speech 字母'B' is the second letter of the alphabet.B是字母表中的第二个字母。Write your name in capital letters.用大写字母书写姓名。 figure [countable] a written or printed symbol that represents one of the numbers between 0 and 9 数字符号;位数Figure is usually used to talk about a series of symbols that represent an amount larger than 9. For a single symbol between 0 and 9, number is more often used. * figure通常指大于9的数字,0到9之间的数字较常用number表示She's earning a six-figure salary (= over 100 000 pounds, dollars or euros).她挣六位数的薪水。His salary is now in six figures.他的薪水现在是六位数。 (BrE) Inflation is now in single / double figures.通货膨胀率现在是一位数/两位数。In American English use in single/double digits. 在美式英语中用in single/double digits。 symbol [countable] a number, letter or shape that has a fixed meaning, especially in science, mathematics or music 符号;代号;记号What is the chemical symbol for copper?铜的化学符号是什么?A list of symbols used on the map is given in the index.地图上所使用的符号全部列在索引中。 digit / /ˈdɪdʒɪt/ / [countable] any of the ten numbers from 0 to 9 (从0到9的任何一个)数字,数位The number 57306 contains five digits.数字57306是个五位数。 (NAmE) Inflation is now in single / double digits.通货膨胀率现在是一位数/两位数。In British English use in single/double figures. 在英式英语中用in single/double figures。NOTE 辨析 Figure or digit? Figure is used to talk about amounts of money, but digit is usually used with 'number', when it means a series of figures to identify sth, not an amount. * figure用于指金钱的数额;digit通常与number一词连用,用于指识别事物的一串数字,而不是某个数量The deal has been signed for a seven-figure sum.这笔涉及七位数金额的交易已达成。She dialled the four-digit extension number.她拨了四位数的分机号。Either word can be used to talk about an increase, although digit is more common than figure in American English. 这两个词均可用于表示增加,但在美式英语中digit较figure常用The company is currently experiencing double figure / digit growth.该公司目前正经历两位数的增长。 Digit is used more often than figure in texts about the use of technology and numbers appearing on equipment such as radio alarm clocks, calculators, cash machines, etc. 与figure相比,digit较常用于有关技术应用的文本里;此外,收音机闹钟、计算器、自动取款机之类的设备上所显示的数字的位数亦较常用digit表示。 character [countable] (rather formal or technical 术语) a letter, sign, mark or symbol used in writing, printing or on computers (书写、印刷或计算机上的)文字,字母,符号This size of type produces a line 30 characters long.用这种字号,一行可长达30个字符。These are the Chinese characters meaning 'wind' and 'water'.这些汉字的意思是wind(风)和water(水)。 mark [countable] (used in compounds 用于复合词) a written or printed sign that you use in order to write clearly, showing things such as where sentences end 符号;记号punctuation marks标点符号a question / exclamation mark问号;感叹号 sign [countable] (used in compounds 用于复合词) a mark used to represent sth, especially in mathematics (尤指数学)符号;记号a pound / dollar sign英镑/元的符号a plus / minus sign加号;减号NOTE 辨析 Symbol or sign?Apart from being used to talk about the letters representing chemical elements, symbol usually refers to a shape or small picture with a fixed meaning. A sign is likely to be more simple, consisting of one or two lines, such as a dollar sign or an equals sign. The meaning of a symbol may be less well-known than the meaning of a sign. * symbol除了用以指代表化学元素的字母符号外,通常还指具有固定含义的形状或小图。sign可能更简单,由一两条线组成,如dollar sign(元的符号$)或equals sign(等号=)。一个symbol的含义可能不如一个sign的含义那样为人所熟知。




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