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proud2 adjective Don't be too proud to ask for advice. 不要自尊心太强而羞于向人讨教。too proud to be seen with his former friends 自视甚高,不愿与旧友来往 ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ patronizing 另见patronizing条proud ♦︎ arrogant ♦︎ pompous ♦︎ vain ♦︎ cocky ♦︎ haughty ♦︎ self-important ♦︎ high-handed ♦︎ conceited ♦︎ boastfulThese words all describe sb who feels or behaves as if they are better or more important than other people. 这些词均表示自负的、傲慢的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆arrogant / vain / cocky / conceited about sth◆a proud / an arrogant / a pompous / a vain / a haughty / a self-important / a conceited man◆a proud / an arrogant / a vain / a haughty / a conceited woman◆an arrogant / a pompous / a haughty / a high-handed way / manner◆an arrogant / a cocky / a haughty / a high-handed attitude◆arrogant / self-important / high-handed behaviour■ proud (disapproving) feeling that you are better and more important than other people 自负的;傲慢的◆She was too proud to admit she could be wrong.她太傲慢,不愿承认自己可能出错。◆He was too proud now to be seen with his former friends.如今他自视甚高,不愿和旧友来往。 OPP humble ⇨ modest see also pride ⇨ pride , proud ⇨ glad ■ arrogant / /ˈærəgənt/ / (disapproving) behaving in an unpleasant way as if you are better or more important than other people, showing little thought for their feelings or opinions 傲慢的;自大的;目中无人的◆He was a rude, arrogant young man.他是个不懂礼貌、目中无人的年轻人。◆The chief inspector disliked his arrogant manner.总督察不喜欢他那副自命不凡的样子。 see also arrogance ⇨ pride ▸ arrogantly adverb ◆Luke was arrogantly confident.卢克自信到了自以为是的地步。■ pompous / /ˈpɒmpəs; NAmE ˈpɑːmpəs/ (disapproving) showing that you think you are more important than other people, especially by using long and formal words 傲慢自大的;言辞浮夸的◆a pompous official自负的官员◆She made a long, pompous speech.她的演讲篇幅冗长,言辞浮夸。▸ pomposity /pɒmˈpɒsəti; NAmE pɑːmˈpɑːsəti/ noun [uncountable] ◆The prince's manner was informal, without a trace of pomposity.王子的态度平易谦和,没有一点傲气。■ vain (disapproving) too proud of your appearance, abilities or achievements (对自己的容貌、能力或成就)自负的,自视过高的◆She's too vain to wear glasses.她太爱虚荣,不肯戴眼镜。◆I don't think it's vain to care about how you look.我并不认为注重自己的容貌就是爱慕虚荣。OPP modest ⇨ modest see also vanity ⇨ pride ■ cocky (informal, disapproving) too confident about yourself in a way that annoys other people 过分自信的;自以为是的◆Don't get cocky with me!别这么自以为是地对我!■ haughty /ˈhɔːti/ / (especially written, disapproving) behaving in an unfriendly way towards other people because you think that you are better than them 傲慢的;高傲自大的◆She threw him a look of haughty disdain.她鄙夷地瞥了他一眼。▸ haughtily adverb ◆She looked haughtily at me, waiting for me to leave .她傲慢地看着我,等着我离开。■ ˌself-imˈportant (disapproving) thinking that you are more important than other people 妄自尊大的;自负的◆He was a self-important little man.他是个讨厌的自命不凡的家伙。OPP humble ⇨ modest ■ ˌhigh-ˈhanded (disapproving) using authority in an unreasonable way, without considering the opinions of other people 专横的;高压的◆Customers are angry over the bank's high-handed attitude.银行那种傲慢专横的态度让顾客非常气愤。■ conceited / /kənˈsiːtɪd/ / (disapproving) too proud of yourself and what you can do 自负的;骄傲自大的◆It's very conceited of you to assume that your work is always the best.认为自己的工作总是最好的,你真是太自大了。 see also conceit ⇨ pride ■ boastful (disapproving) talking about yourself in a very proud way 自吹自擂的;自夸的◆I tried to emphasize my good points without sounding boastful.我在强调自己的优点时尽量不让人觉得是在自我吹嘘。OPP modest ⇨ modest see also boast ⇨ boast |