

单词 grand
grand adj.


 See also the entries for beautiful 2 and wonderful 另见beautiful条第2义和wonderful条magnificent ♦︎ impressive ♦︎ spectacular ♦︎ grand ♦︎ glorious ♦︎ majestic ♦︎ imposingThese words all describe things that are extremely attractive and make you feel admiration. 这些词均表示壮观的、雄伟的、令人赞叹的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达壮观的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a magnificent / an impressive / a spectacular / a glorious / a majestic sighta magnificent / an impressive / a spectacular / a glorious display / arraymagnificent / impressive / spectacular / grand / glorious / majestic scenery / viewsmagnificent / spectacular / glorious countrysidea magnificent / an impressive / a spectacular waterfalla magnificent / spectacular / glorious coastline / sunsetmagnificent / spectacular / majestic mountainsa magnificent / an impressive / a grand / a majestic / an imposing buildinga magnificent / a grand / a majestic / an imposing castlea magnificent / a grand / an imposing palace / staircaseglorious / majestic beautyquite magnificent / impressive / spectacular / grandtruly / rather magnificent / impressive / spectacular / grand / gloriousabsolutely magnificent / spectacular / gloriousvery impressive / spectacular / grand / majestic / imposing magnificent / /mægˈnɪfɪsnt/ / extremely beautiful in a way that makes you feel wonder and admiration 壮丽的;宏伟的;令人赞叹的The Taj Mahal is a magnificent building.泰姬陵是一座宏伟的建筑。She looked magnificent in her wedding dress.她穿着婚纱,看上去美极了。It was an absolutely magnificent performance.那绝对是场精彩绝伦的表演。 magnificence


[uncountable] the magnificence of the scenery景色壮观


The city boasts a wealth of magnificently preserved temples and palaces.这座城市引以为豪的是拥有众多保存完好的庙宇和宫殿。
impressive making you feel admiration, because it is very large, attractive or well or expensively made or built 令人赞叹的;宏伟堂皇的A large portico provides a suitably impressive entrance to the chapel.小教堂的入口是宽敞的柱廊,颇为壮观。This is one of the most impressive novels of recent years.这是近年来给人印象最深的小说之一。Impressive is often used when you feel great admiration for a place or thing but do not necessarily find it beautiful. * impressive常用以描述令你惊叹、但不一定觉得美的地方或事物。 see also impressive impressive spectacular / /spekˈtækjələ(r)/ / (especially of scenery or a performance) extremely beautiful and impressive (尤指景色或表演)壮丽的,辉煌的,令人惊叹的The coastal road has spectacular scenery.滨海大道景色壮丽。In the evening, there will be a spectacular display of fireworks.晚上将有壮观的烟火表演。 see also spectacular impressive , breathtaking amazing grand impressive and large or important 壮丽的;堂皇的;重大的It's not a very grand house.这房子并非十分富丽堂皇。The wedding was a very grand occasion.婚礼场面非常隆重。When grand is used to describe a thing, it is usually sth relating to a building or part of a building such as a house, villa, hotel, castle, palace, staircase or entrance. When grand is used to describe an occasion, it is usually one that involves rich people or the spending of a large amount of money. * grand通常描述建筑物或建筑物的一部分,搭配的词通常为house、villa、hotel、castle、palace、staircase、entrance等。grand所描述的场合、活动通常是有富人参与或耗资巨大的。 see also grandeur luxury glorious / /ˈglɔːriəs/ / extremely beautiful and impressive 壮丽的;辉煌的;令人惊叹的We sat on the beach and gazed at the glorious sunset.我们坐在海滩上,凝望着瑰丽的晚霞。Both her daughters had glorious red hair.她的两个女儿都是一头惊艳的红发。Glorious is used especially to describe things that are bright and connected with summer or the colours of the sun-yellow, orange or red. * glorious尤用以描述色彩鲜艳且与夏天或太阳的颜色,即黄、橙、红,相关联的事物。 see also glory luxury majestic / /məˈdʒestɪk/ / very impressive because of its size or beauty 雄伟的;威严的;壮观的The college is close to Edinburgh's majestic castle.大学紧邻爱丁堡的雄伟城堡。The Rockies are majestic in size.落基山脉高大雄伟。Majestic is usually used to describe large and impressive buildings such as castles, mansions or hotels, or high natural features such as mountains or cliffs. * majestic通常用以描述城堡、大厦、旅馆等高大宏伟的建筑,或山脉、悬崖等巍峨的自然景观。 majestically


The cliffs rise majestically from the ocean.悬崖临海巍然耸立。
imposing /ɪmˈpəʊzɪŋ; NAmE ɪmˈpoʊzɪŋ/ impressive to look at; making a strong impression 壮观的;使人印象深刻的The Tower House is not a particularly grand or imposing building.高塔酒店并非一座特别雄伟壮观的建筑。She was a tall imposing woman.她是个高大壮硕的女人。Imposing people or things are likely to make you feel respectful, but also rather small or unimportant. * imposing所描述的人或事物有可能令你肃然起敬,甚至自感渺小或无足轻重。




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