

单词 harm
harm noun
damage (No harm was done.) out of harm's way safe adj.1
harm verb


damage ♦︎ harm ♦︎ detrimentThese are all words for the bad effects on sb/sth of an accident, crime, disease or other unfortunate event. 这些词均表示不幸事件造成的伤害、损害。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配damage / harm / detriment to sthdamage / harm from sthgreat / serious / severe / lasting / long-term / environmental damage / harm / detrimentreal / irreparable / permanent / physical / bodily / personal / emotional / psychological damage / harmto cause / do / inflict / suffer / escape / prevent damage / harmdamage / harm results from sth damage [uncountable] the fact of sth being broken or spoiled, or the pain or suffering felt by sb, as a result of an accident, crime, disease or other unfortunate event 破坏;损害;伤害The earthquake caused damage to property estimated at $60 million.估计地震造成6 000万元的财产损失。We assessed the storm damage.我们估算了暴风雨所造成的损失。He was hit by a car and suffered severe brain damage.他被汽车撞了,脑部严重受伤。I insist on paying for the damage.我坚持要赔偿损失。I'm going-I've done enough damage here already.我走了,我在这里造成的损害已经够多了。 see also damaging harmful harm [uncountable] damage or suffering caused to sb/sth 伤害;损害The accident could have been worse; luckily no harm was done.这次事故本来可能糟糕得多,所幸没有造成损伤。The treatment they gave him did him more harm than good.他们的治疗反而使他病情加重了。Hard work never did anyone any harm.努力工作对任何人都绝无害处。He may look fierce, but he means no harm.他也许看上去很凶,但并无恶意。Don't worry, we'll see that the children come to no harm.别担心,我们会保证孩子们安然无恙。I prefer the children to play in the garden where they're out of harm's way.我比较喜欢让孩子在花园里玩耍,因为那里安全。 see also harmful harmful NOTE 辨析 Damage or harm?Use damage to talk about the effects of storms, floods, fire, etc. on buildings and other objects. 表示暴风雨、洪水、火灾等给建筑物或其他物体造成的破坏用damagestorm / flood / fire / smoke / bomb / structural damage暴风雨/洪水破坏;火灾损失;烟雾熏坏;炸弹毁坏;结构破坏Use damage to talk about the physical state of unhealthy organs in the body. 表示体内器官受损用damageliver / kidney / lung / brain damage肝/肾/肺/脑损伤Use damage or harm to talk about mental or emotional suffering. 表示精神或感情上受伤害用damage或harmemotional / psychological / social damage / harm感情/心理/社会伤害Use harm in a number of fixed phrases (see above) to express opinions about what or who may cause harm, or whether harm has been caused. * harm用于一些固定短语(如上),表达认为什么(或谁)可能造成伤害,或是否已经造成伤害。 detriment / /ˈdetrɪmənt/ / [uncountable, countable, usually singular] (formal) the act of causing harm or damage; sth that causes harm or damage 伤害;损害;造成伤害(或损害)的事物Wood accounts for 90% of energy production in some countries, with consequent environmental detriment.有些国家90%的能源产自木材,因而给环境造成了破坏。He was engrossed in the job to the detriment of his health.他全力投入工作,结果损害了健康。The tax cannot be introduced without detriment to people's living standards.征收该税势必会影响到大众的生活水平。 see also detrimental harmful


safe and well 平安无恙a safe distance 安全距离a safe investmentsafe ♦︎ OK ♦︎ all right ♦︎ in one piece ♦︎ unharmed ♦︎ out of harm's way ♦︎ unscathed ♦︎ unhurt ♦︎ alive and well ♦︎ secure ♦︎ uninjuredThese words all describe sb/sth that is protected from danger or harm or is not harmed, damaged or injured. 这些词均表示处境安全、未受伤害或损坏。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配safe / secure from sthunharmed / unscathed / unhurt by sthto remain safe / OK / all right / in one piece / unharmed / unscathed / alive and well / secureto escape unharmed / unscathed / unhurt / uninjuredapparently / completely safe / unharmed / unscathed / secureperfectly safe / OK / all right / secureotherwise OK / all right / unharmed / unhurt / secure safe [not usually before noun] protected from any danger or harm; not hurt, damaged or lost 处境(或情况)安全;未受伤害(或损害);未丢失The children are quite safe here.孩子们在这里十分安全。Will the car be safe parked in the road?汽车停在马路上安全吗?They aim to make the country safe from terrorist attacks.他们力图使国家免遭恐怖分子袭击。The girl was eventually found safe and well.那女孩最终平平安安地找回来了。They turned up safe and sound (= with no harm done to them).他们安然无恙地露面了。 see also safety shelter safely


Let me know you've arrived safely.你平安到达后告诉我一声。The money is safely locked in a drawer.钱锁在抽屉里,不会出问题。
OK ( okay) [not usually before noun] (informal, spoken) safe; not hurt or ill 平安;安然无恙Are you OK?你没事吧?Write and let me know you're OK.给我写信报个平安。She worries too much-I'll be perfectly OK.她过分担忧了-我会平安无事的。 OK ( okay)


(informal, spoken) Did they get there OK?他们平安到达了吗?
all ˈright [not usually before noun] (rather informal, spoken) safe; not hurt or ill 平安;安然无恙I hope the kids are all right.我希望孩子们平安无事。He'll be perfectly all right, you'll see.你会看到他平平安安的。 all ˈright


(rather informal, spoken) Did they get there all right?他们平安到达了吗?
NOTE 辨析 OK or all right?There is no real difference in meaning between these words. Both are rather informal but OK is slightly more informal than all right. 这两个词在含义上没有实质差别,二者都很不正式,但OK略比all right更不正式。 See also the entry for well 另见well条
in one ˈpiece


(rather informal) not injured or damaged, especially after a journey or dangerous experience (尤指旅行或经历危险之后)安然无恙She's had a bit of a shock, but she seems to be all in one piece.她受了点惊吓,但看上去安然无恙。
unharmed [not usually before noun] (not used in the comparative or superlative 不用于比较级或最高级形式) not injured or damaged after a dangerous or frightening experience (经历危险或恐惧后)未受伤,未受损害He was released unharmed after being held hostage for three weeks.他被扣为人质三个星期之后安然获释。 out of harm's ˈway


in a safe place where sb/sth cannot be injured or damaged or cannot do any harm to sb/sth else 在安全的地方;被隔离They sent the children to stay with their grandmother, where they would be out of harm's way.他们把孩子送到奶奶家去住,孩子在那里会很安全。She put the knife in a drawer, out of harm's way.为安全起见,她把刀放在抽屉里。
unscathed / /ʌnˈskeɪðd/ / [not before noun] (not used in the comparative or superlative 不用于比较级或最高级形式) (rather formal, written) not injured or damaged after a dangerous or frightening experience (经历危险或恐惧后)未受伤,未受损害Not many European cities survived the war unscathed.欧洲城市中幸免于战乱的没有几个。 unhurt [not before noun] (not used in the comparative or superlative 不用于比较级或最高级形式) not hurt after an experience (经历某事后)未受伤害,平安无事He was bruised but otherwise unhurt.他除了一点淤伤之外没有受伤。OPP hurt injured aˌlive and ˈwell


alive and not injured, especially after being in a situation in which sb was worried that you might be harmed or killed or when sb did not know what had happened to you 活着,未受伤(尤含关心他人安危之意)He turned up alive and well on my doorstep, after an absence of ten years.阔别十年之后,他毫发无损地出现在我家门前。 (rather informal) She's alive and well and living in Detroit.她还健在,住在底特律。
secure /sɪˈkjʊə(r); NAmE səˈkjʊr/ (rather formal) (of sth important or valuable) in a place or condition that means it cannot be affected or harmed by sth (重要或贵重物品)安全的,稳妥的Information must be stored so that it is secure from accidental deletion.资料必须存盘,这样才不至于不小心给删除。The roof was secure against the coming winter rains.屋顶很结实,可以抵御即将到来的冬雨。 uninjured [not usually before noun] not injured in any way, especially after being in danger (尤指经历危险后)安然无恙,毫无损伤They were shocked but otherwise uninjured.他们受惊了,但毫发无损。 Uninjured is not used before a noun, except nouns like arm, hand, leg, foot, etc., when one arm, etc. is injured and the other is not. * uninjured一般不用于名词前,但可用在arm、hand、leg、foot等名词前,指没受伤的那一只胳膊、手、腿、脚等He grasped the rope with his uninjured hand.他用没受伤的那只手抓住了绳子。 OPP injured injured NOTE 辨析 Unharmed, unscathed, unhurt or uninjured?These words all mean 'not hurt after an experience'. Unharmed and unscathed both emphasize the dangerous, frightening or unpleasant nature of the experience; unhurt and uninjured are more factual in tone. Unharmed is often used when sb has been a prisoner and been released; either unharmed or unscathed is used when sb has managed to survive or escape. 这些词都表示“在经历某事后安然无恙”。unharmed和unscathed都强调这种经历的危险、可怕与不快,unhurt和uninjured比较着重陈述事实。unharmed常用来表示某人被关押然后安然释放,unharmed或unscathed可用来表示某人幸免于难或成功逃脱。


damage ♦︎ hurt ♦︎ harm ♦︎ impair ♦︎ compromiseThese words all mean to have a bad effect on sb/sth. 这些词均表示伤害或损害某人或某事物。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to damage / hurt / harm / impair / compromise sb's chancesto damage / hurt / harm / compromise sb's reputationto damage / hurt / harm sb's interests / imageto damage / harm / impair / compromise sb's healthto seriously damage / hurt / harm / impair / compromise sb / sthto greatly damage / hurt / harm / impair sb / sthto severely / badly damage / hurt / impair sb / sth damage [transitive] to cause physical harm to sth, making it less attractive, useful or valuable; to have a bad effect on sb/sth's life, health, happiness or chances of success 破坏;毁坏;损害;伤害Several vehicles were damaged in the crash.数辆汽车在撞车事故中损毁了。Smoking seriously damages your health.吸烟严重损害健康。The allegations are likely to damage his political career.这些指控很可能损害他的政治生涯。He works with emotionally damaged children.他的工作是帮助有情感创伤的儿童。 see also damaging harmful hurt (hurt, hurt) [transitive] (rather informal) to have a bad effect on sb/sth's life, health, happiness or chances of success 损害;伤害;打击Many people on low incomes will be hurt by the government's plans.很多低收入者将会受到政府这些方案的打击。Hard work never hurt anyone.努力工作对任何人都绝无害处。High interest rates are hurting the local economy.高利率正在损害本地经济。 harm [transitive] to hurt sb/sth 伤害;损害Pollution can harm marine life.污染会危及海洋生物。These revelations will harm her chances of winning the election.这些揭露的事实将削弱她在选举中的胜算。 see also harmful harmful NOTE 辨析 Damage, hurt or harm? Hurt is slightly less formal than damage or harm, especially when it is used in negative statements. 与damage或harm相比,hurt稍显非正式,特别是用于否定陈述时It won't hurt him to have to wait a bit.等一小会儿对他不会有什么损害。These prices won't hurt your wallet.这些价格不会令你的荷包大出血。It won't damage/harm him to have to wait a bit. These prices won't damage/harm your wallet. Harm is also often used to talk about ways in which things in the natural world such as birds, animals, wildlife and the environment are affected by human activity; people also talk about how an action may harm an unborn child/baby or a foetus. * harm后常接bird、animal、wildlife和environment等词,表示人类活动对自然界中生物和环境的影响;也可接unborn child/baby或foetus等词,表示某种行为危害胎儿。 impair /ɪmˈpeə(r); NAmE ɪmˈper/ [transitive] (rather formal) to damage sb's health, abilities or chances 损害;削弱There are a number of factors which can directly impair memory.有一些因素会直接损害记忆力。Even one drink can impair driving performance.即使喝一杯酒也足以影响驾驶操作。OPP improve improve 1 impaired


(used in compounds 用于复合词) the problems faced by people who are visually / hearing impaired视力/听力受损的人所面临的问题
compromise /ˈkɒmprəmaɪz; NAmE ˈkɑːmprəmaɪz/ [transitive] to bring sb/sth/yourself into danger or under suspicion, especially by acting in a way that is not very sensible (尤指因行为不很明智)使陷入危险,使受到怀疑She has already compromised herself by accepting his invitation.她接受他的邀请,已经使她的声誉受到损害。Defeat at this stage would compromise their chances of reaching the finals of the competition.在这个阶段受挫会让他们进入决赛的机会变少。




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