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just adv. ⇨ just right ⇨ ideal adj.just adj. ⇨ reasonable ideal adjective ➡ See also the entries for ⇨ best and ⇨ favourite 另见best条和favourite条ideal ♦︎ perfect ♦︎ optimum ♦︎ just right ♦︎ tailor-madeThese words all describe sb/sth that is the best or most suitable for a particular person or purpose. 这些词均表示最理想的、最合适的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆ideal / perfect / just right / tailor-made for sb / sth◆an ideal / a perfect opportunity / solution / candidate◆absolutely ideal / perfect■ ideal / /aɪˈdiːəl/ / exactly right for sb/sth 最合适的;理想的;完美的◆This beach is ideal for children.这片海滩是孩子的理想去处。◆His apartment would be an ideal place to stay.他的公寓会是个理想的住处。◆As a solution to the problem it was far from ideal.那远非解决这个问题的最佳办法。▸ ideally adverb ◆They're ideally suited to each other.他们俩最为般配。◆Ideally, I'd like to live in New York, but that's not possible at the moment.按理想来说,我希望住在纽约,但目前是不可能的。■ perfect exactly right for sb/sth 最合适的;理想的;完美的◆It was a perfect day for a picnic.那天是野餐最理想的天气。◆The location of the cottage makes it perfect for touring.这间村舍的位置很适合观光。◆'Will 2.30 be OK for you?' 'Perfect, thanks.'“两点半对你合适吗?”“正合适。谢谢。”NOTE 辨析 Ideal or perfect?These words have the same meaning but they have some different collocations. An ideal day for sth is a very convenient day; a perfect day for sth is one with very good weather conditions. Perfect is also slightly more informal than ideal. 这两个词意义相同,但搭配有些不同。an ideal day for sth 指这一天在时间安排上很方便,a perfect day for sth指这天天气条件很好。perfect的语气较之ideal亦略显随意。■ optimum /ˈɒptɪməm; NAmE ˈɑːptɪməm/ [only before noun] the best possible; producing the best possible results 最佳的;最适宜的◆We aim for optimum efficiency in all our operations.我们的所有行动都力求最高效。▸ the optimum noun [singular] ◆For efficient fuel consumption a speed of 60 mph is about the optimum.时速60英里节油效果大致最佳。■ ˌjust ˈright phrase (spoken) exactly right for sb/sth 最合适的;理想的;完美的◆That coat should be just right for Jenny.那件外套珍妮穿应该最合适不过了。◆She adjusted the seasoning until it was just right.她调节作料直到味道最佳为止。■ ˌtailor-ˈmade made for sb/sth in particular, and therefore very suitable 特制的;专门设置的;量身打造的◆We can offer you a tailor-made financial package to suit your needs.我们可以为您量身打造切合您需要的金融产品组合。 reasonable adjective reasonable ♦︎ fair ♦︎ equal ♦︎ just ♦︎ equitable ♦︎ even-handedThese words all describe sb/sth that treats or affects people in a sensible, appropriate and equal way. 这些词均表示公正的、合理的、公平的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to be reasonable / fair / just / equitable that...◆to be reasonable / fair / just to do sth◆a reasonable / a fair / an equal / a just / an equitable division / distribution / share of sth◆a reasonable / a fair / a just / an equitable system / settlement / solution◆a reasonable / fair / just law / punishment / sentence / judgement / person / man / woman◆perfectly reasonable / fair / just■ reasonable practical, sensible and treating people in an appropriate and equal way 合理的;明智的;(待人)公平的◆It is reasonable to assume that she knew beforehand that this would happen.有理由认为她事先就知道会发生这样的事。◆It seems a perfectly reasonable request to make.这看起来是一个非常合理的请求。◆Any reasonable person would have done exactly as you did.任何有头脑的人都会采取和你一模一样的做法。◆Be reasonable! We can't work late every night.要讲道理!我们不能每天都工作到那么晚。OPP unreasonable ⇨ unacceptable see also reasonable ⇨ fine , reason ⇨ logic , plausible ⇨ possible 2 ▸ reasonably adverb ◆He couldn't reasonably be expected to pay back the loan all at once.公平合理地讲,不可能指望他立即归还全部借款。■ fair treating people in a reasonable and appropriate way; treating everyone equally and according to the rules or the law (待人)公平恰当的;(按规定或法律)平等待人的,公正的◆All we're asking for is a fair wage.我们要求的只是合理的工资。◆It's not fair to the students to keep changing the schedule.老改课程表对学生们来说不恰当。◆ (BrE also) It's not fair on the students...⋯对学生们来说不恰当。◆It's fair to say that they are pleased with the latest offer.应该说,他们对最新报价很满意。◆To be fair, she behaved better than we expected.说句公道话,她表现得比我们预期的要好。◆It seems only fair that they should give us something in return.似乎他们应该给我们点什么作为回报才像话。◆ (spoken) It's not fair! He always gets more than me!这不公平!他得到的总比我多! OPP unfair ⇨ wrong 4 see also fair ⇨ fine , fairness , fair play ⇨ justice ▸ fairly adverb ◆He's always treated me very fairly.他待我一直很公正。◆Her attitude could fairly be described as hostile.公平而论,她的态度可以说是怀有敌意。■ equal having the same rights or being treated the same as other people, without differences such as race, religion or sex being considered (不分种族、宗教或性别等)享有同等权利的,待遇平等的◆equal rights / pay平等的权利;同酬◆The company has an equal opportunities policy (= gives the same chances of employment to everyone).这家公司雇人的政策是人人机会均等。◆the desire for a more equal society (= in which everyone has the same rights and chances) 对更平等的社会的向往 OPP unequal ⇨ wrong 4 see also equality ⇨ justice ■ just [usually before noun] (rather formal) morally fair and reasonable 公正的;正义的;合理的◆I think it was a just decision.我认为这是一个公正的判决。◆Of course we all strive for a just and humane society.当然,我们都在为公正和人道的社会而奋斗。◆He was known to be a just man.他以为人正直而闻名。◆The law must be seen to be just.法律须被视为公正。ⓘ Just is often used in the context of the law or the way things are done in a society. It is not usually used in informal or private contexts. * just常用于法律语境或描述社会事务,通常不用于非正式或私人场合。 OPP unjust ⇨ wrong 4 see also justice ⇨ justice ■ equitable / /ˈekwɪtəbl/ / (formal) (of a system or society) fair and reasonable; treating everyone in an equal way (体系或社会)公平合理的;公正的;一视同仁的◆We need to construct an equitable and efficient method of local taxation.我们需要构建一个公平高效的地方税收办法。OPP inequitable ⇨ wrong 4 ■ ˌeven-ˈhanded treating everyone fairly and equally 不偏不倚的;公正的;公平的◆They took an even-handed approach to industrial relations.他们对劳资关系采取公正的态度。◆He is even-handed in his criticism of the various political parties.他对各政党的批评不偏不倚。ⓘ Even-handed describes sb's way of dealing with an issue, but it is not used to describe a person. * even-handed描述某人对问题的处理方式,但不用来形容人◆an even-handed person/man/woman |