

单词 key
key noun
button1 (computer/piano keys) note (the key of G) solution (the key to success)
key adj.


Press the red button. 按下红色按钮。a jacket with gold buttons 钉着金色纽扣的夹克衫button ♦︎ switch ♦︎ control ♦︎ wheel ♦︎ key ♦︎ handle ♦︎ lever ♦︎ knob ♦︎ dialThese are all words for the part of a machine, vehicle or piece of equipment that you press, turn or move to make it work. 这些词均表示按钮、开关、操控装置。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a button / switch / key / handle / lever / knob / dial on sththe on / off / on-off button / switcha control button / switch / key / lever / knoba door handle / knoba volume control button / switch / knob / dialto be at / take the controls / wheelto press a button / switch / key / leverto push a button / switch / handle / leverto pull a switch / handle / leverto turn a wheel / handle / knob / dialto hit a button / switch / keyto adjust the controls / lever / knob / diala button / switch / handle / lever / knob / dial controls stha / the button / switch / controls / wheel / handle / lever operates stha / the button / switch / controls / lever / knob / dial adjusts sth button [countable] a small part of a machine that you press to make it work (机器的)按钮,键the play / stop / rewind button播放键;停止键;倒带键Adam pressed a button and waited for the doors to open.亚当按了一个按钮,等着门打开。Choose 'printer' from the menu and click with the right mouse button.从选单上选取“打印机”,然后点击鼠标右键。The windows slide down at the touch of a button.按一下开关,窗玻璃便降下来。 switch [countable] a small device that you press or move up and down in order to turn a light or piece of electrical equipment on and off (电路的)开关,闸a light switch电灯开关That was in the days before electricity was available at the flick of a switch.那是在过去,还没有到开关一响就有电的时代。Which switch do I press to turn it off?我按哪个开关能把它关掉?to throw a switch (= to move a large switch) 扳动开关 see also switch sth off turn sth off , switch sth on turn sth on control [countable, usually plural] the switches and buttons, etc. that you use to operate a machine or vehicle, for example a plane (机器、车辆、飞机等的)操纵装置,开关,按钮the controls of an aircraft飞机的操纵装置the control panel控制面板the volume control of a CD playerCD播放机的音量调节钮The co-pilot was at the controls when the plane landed.副驾驶员操纵着飞机着陆。 see also control operate wheel [countable, usually singular] the round object used to steer a car, bus, etc. or ship (汽车等的)方向盘;(轮船的)舵轮He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and waited.他等候时用手指嗒嗒地敲击方向盘。This is the first time I've sat behind the wheel since the accident.这是出车祸以来我头一次坐在方向盘前。A car swept past with Laura at the wheel.劳拉驱车疾驰而过。Do you want to take the wheel (= drive / steer) now?你现在想开车吗? key [countable] any of the buttons that you press to operate a computer or typewriter; any of the wooden or metal parts that you press to play a piano and some other musical instruments (计算机、打字机、钢琴等乐器的)键Press the return key to enter the information.按返回键输入信息。His hands flew over the piano keys and beautiful sounds filled the theatre.他的双手在琴键上飞舞,美妙的钢琴声充满了剧场。 key


[transitive] Key (in) your password.键入密码。
handle [countable] the part of a door, drawer, window, etc. that you use to open it 把手;拉手She turned the handle and opened the door.她转动把手,打开了门。He tried the handle but the window was locked.他扳了扳拉手,但窗户锁上了。 lever [countable] a handle used to operate a vehicle or piece of machinery (车辆或机器的)操纵杆,控制杆Pull the lever towards you to adjust the speed.把操纵杆往你身前拉动以调节速度。 knob / /nɒb; NAmE nɑːb/ [countable] a round switch on a machine such as a radio that you use to turn it on and off, etc.; a round handle on a door or drawer (用以开关收音机等的)旋钮;(门或抽屉的)球形把手the volume control knob音量控制旋钮I've tried twiddling the knobs, but nothing seems to happen.我试着转动那些旋钮,但似乎没什么反应。She turned the heavy brass door knob.她转动门上沉重的黄铜球形把手。 dial /ˈdaɪəl/ / [countable] the round control on a radio, cooker, etc. that you turn in order to adjust sth, for example to choose a particular station or temperature (收音机、炉灶等的)调节盘,控制盘You can tune into our station at 1460 on the radio dial.用调节盘把收音机的频率调到1460,就可以收听到我们的电台。Set the dial for the number of copies requested.在控制盘上设定好需要复印的份数。


note ♦︎ sound ♦︎ pitch ♦︎ key ♦︎ tone ♦︎ timbreThese are all words for a characteristic of the sound made by the voice or a musical instrument. 这些词均表示人声或乐器所发出的声音特征,如音调、音高、音质等。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a high / higher / low / lower note / pitcha deep / rich tone / timbrea / the wrong note / key note [countable] a single musical sound made by the voice or a musical instrument; the written or printed sign for a musical note 单音;音调;音符She played the first few notes of the tune on the piano.她在钢琴上弹了这支曲子的头几个音。I played a lot of wrong notes because I was so nervous.因为太紧张,我演奏错了好多个音。 sound [countable, uncountable] the effect that is produced by the music of a particular singer or group of musicians 嗓音;音乐风格He has a sound unlike any other guitarist.他的弹奏风格不同于任何别的吉他手。I like their sound.我喜欢他们的音乐风格。 pitch [singular, uncountable] how high or low a sound is, especially a musical note (尤指乐音的)音高The pitch of the drum can be raised by tightening the skin.可以通过绷紧鼓皮来提高鼓的音高。 key [countable] a set of related notes, based on a particular note The sonata was written in the key of E flat major.这首奏鸣曲是降E大调的。This piece changes key many times.这支曲子变了多次调。Pieces of music are usually written using a particular key, from which the notes of the piece are taken. 作曲时通常用特定的调(key),乐曲的音皆用此调。 tone [countable] the quality of a sound, especially the sound of a musical instrument or one produced by electronic equipment (尤指乐器或电子音响设备的)音质,音色The rich tone of the oboe is intended to give this piece a sad mood.双簧管低沉的音色旨在为这支曲子营造出悲伤的气氛。The tone and volume controls allow you to adjust the sound of the radio.收音机的声音可以通过音质和音量控制装置来调节。 timbre / /ˈtæmbə(r)/ / [countable, uncountable] (formal) the quality of sound that is produced by a particular voice or musical instrument 音质;音色;音品She thought she could listen forever to the warm, deep timbre of his voice.她原以为她永远都能听到他饱含温情的低沉嗓音。Timbre is what makes one instrument or voice sound different from another.不同的乐器或嗓音所发出的声音各有差异,这就是音质上的不同。NOTE 辨析 Tone or timbre?These words are very close in meaning. Tone has a wider range, and is often used when the quality of sound can be adjusted, for example when playing or recording music electronically. Timbre is formal, and refers more to the essential quality of the sound that a voice or musical instrument has. 这两个词的含义非常接近。tone应用的范围更广,常用于音质可以调节的情形,如用电子设备播放或录制音乐时。timbre是正式用语,多指嗓音或乐器所发出的声音的本质特征。


solution ♦︎ answer ♦︎ key ♦︎ resolution ♦︎ remedy ♦︎ way out ♦︎ fixThese are all words for a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation. 这些词均表示解决方法、处理手段、答案。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the solution / answer / key / resolution / remedy / fix to sththe solution / answer / remedy / fix for sb / stha simple solution / answer / resolution / remedy / fixan easy solution / answer / remedy / way outa quick solution / answer / resolution / fixa satisfactory solution / answer / resolution / remedyto look for a solution / an answer / the key / a fixto seek a solution / an answer / a resolution / a remedy / a fixto find / provide a solution / an answer / the key / a resolution / a remedyto offer a solution / an answer / the key / a fixto arrive at a solution / an answer / a resolution solution [countable] a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation; the act of solving a problem; the correct reply to a puzzle 解决(方法);处理手段;答案;谜底Do you have a better solution?你有更好的解决办法吗?Will this lead to a peaceful solution of the conflict?这能使冲突和平解决吗?The solution to last week's quiz is on page 81.上周测验的答案在第81页。 answer [countable] something that you write or say in reply to a question in a test, exercise or competition; the correct reply to a question in a test, etc.; a way of solving a problem (试题、练习或竞赛的)答案;正确答案;(问题的)解决办法Write your answers on the sheet provided.把答案写在发给你的答题纸上。The sender of the first correct answer to be drawn will receive £100.第一个被抽中并答对的参加者将获得100英镑。Do you know the answer to question 12?你知道第12题的答案吗?The answers are at the back of the book.答案在书的最后几页。This could be the answer to all our problems.这可能就是我们全部问题的解决办法。The obvious answer would be to cancel the party.最适当的解决方法是取消这次聚会。 key [countable, usually singular] something that makes you able to understand, achieve or deal with sth 关键;要诀The key to success is preparation.成功的关键是有准备。The driver of the car probably holds the key to solving the crime.这个汽车司机很可能掌握侦破这一罪案的关键证据。 (especially NAmE) The key is, how long can the federal government control the inflation rate?关键在于联邦政府对通货膨胀率的控制能维持多久? resolution / /ˌrezəˈluːʃn/ / [singular, uncountable] (rather formal) the act of solving or settling a problem or dispute (问题或纠纷的)解决,消除The government is pressing for an early resolution of the hostage crisis.政府正在不断敦促早日解决这起人质危机。Hopes for a peaceful resolution to the conflict were fading.和平解决这次冲突的希望逐渐变得渺茫。 see also resolve resolve remedy / /ˈremədi/ / [countable] (rather formal) a way of dealing with or improving an unpleasant or difficult situation 处理方法;改进措施;补偿There is no simple remedy for unemployment.失业问题没有简单的解决办法。They advised him to exhaust all other remedies before applying to court.他们建议他不到万不得已时不要向法庭提出申请。 see also remedy correct verb ˌway ˈout [countable, usually singular] (rather informal) a way of dealing with a difficult or unpleasant situation, especially one which avoids dealing with the cause of the problem (困境的)出路(尤指借此避开处理问题的起因)A local agreement is the only way out of the current crisis.达成地方性协议是解决当前危机的唯一出路。She had taken the easy way out by returning the keys without a message.她采取了简单的办法:归还钥匙但不留言。 fix [countable] (informal) a way of dealing with a problem, especially an easy or temporary one (尤指简单或暂时的)解决方法There is no quick fix for the steel industry.钢铁工业的问题没有即时解决的办法。This is nothing other than a short-term political fix.这只不过是政治上的权宜之计。 see also fix correct verb


 See also the entry for top 另见top条main ♦︎ major ♦︎ key ♦︎ central ♦︎ principal ♦︎ chief ♦︎ prime ♦︎ primary ♦︎ number one ♦︎ predominantThese words all describe sb/sth that is the largest or most important of its kind. 这些词均表示主要的、最重要的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be key / central to stha / the main / major / key / central / principal / chief / prime / primary / number one / predominant concerna / the main / major / key / central / principal / chief / prime / primary / predominant purpose / source / factora / the main / major / key / central / principal / chief / prime / primary aim / focus / function / objective / task / reason / considerationa / the main / major / principal / chief / prime / primary objecta / the main / major / key / principal / chief / prime / primary / number one causea / the main / major / principal / chief / primary / predominant effecta / the main / major / key / central / principal / chief / prime attractiona / the main / major / key / central / principal / predominant themea / the main / major / key / central / principal / prime / primary / predominant rolea / the main / major / principal / prime / number one contenderthe main / chief / prime / number one suspecta / the main / major / principal road / town / citythe main / key thing is to...to be of major / key / central / prime / primary importance main [only before noun] largest or most important 主要的;最重要的Be careful crossing the main road.过大马路时小心点儿。We have our main meal at lunchtime.我们的正餐是午饭。The main course was roast lamb.主菜是烤羊羔肉。Reception is in the main building.接待处在主楼。Please use the main entrance.请走正门。Poor housing and unemployment are the main problems.住房差和失业是主要问题。 (spoken) The main thing is to remain calm.最重要的是要保持冷静。 mainly


They eat mainly fruit and nuts.他们的食物以水果和坚果为主。The population almost doubles in August, mainly because of the film festival.主要是电影节的缘故,8月这里的人几乎比平时多一倍。
major / /ˈmeɪdʒə(r)/ / [usually before noun] very large or important 主要的;重要的;大的A major road runs right through the centre of the town.一条大马路恰好从城中心穿过。He played a major role in setting up the system.他对该项制度的建立起了重要作用。We have encountered major problems.我们遇到了大问题。 Major is most often used after a with a singular noun or no article with a plural noun. When it is used with the or my/your/his/her/our/their it means 'the largest or most important'. * major最常用于不定冠词a之后,与单数名词连用;或不用冠词,与复数名词连用。major与the或my/your/his/her/our/their连用时意为“最主要的、最重要的”Our major concern here is combatting poverty.在这里我们最关心的是解决贫穷问题。In this meaning it is only used to talk about ideas or worries that people have, not physical things, and it is also more formal than main. 表达此义时,major只用以修饰人的想法或忧虑,而非物质的东西,且较main正式Be careful crossing the major road. The major thing is to remain calm. OPP minor minor key [usually before noun] most important; essential 最重要的;主要的;关键的The key issue here is taxation.这里的关键问题是税收。'Caution' is the key word in this situation.在此情形之下,caution为关键词。Attitude is a key concept in social psychology.态度是社会心理学中非常重要的概念。 Key is used most frequently in business and political contexts. It can be used to talk about ideas, or the part that sb plays in a situation, but not physical things. It is slightly more informal than major, especially when used after a noun and linking verb. * key最常用于商务和政治语境,修饰想法或某人在某情形下所起的作用,而非物质的东西。key较major略非正式,用在名词加连系动词后尤其如此 (rather informal) Speed is key at this point.在这个时候速度是关键。 central (rather formal) most important; having power or control over other parts 最重要的;首要的;起支配作用的;主导性的The central issue is that of widespread racism.最重要的问题是种族主义泛滥。She has been a central figure in the campaign.她一直是这场运动的首要人物。Reducing inflation is central to (= is an important part of) the government's economic policy.降低通胀是政府经济政策的重点。the central committee (= of a political party) 党中央委员会The organization has a central office in New York.该组织在纽约设有总部。Central is used in a similar way to key, but is more formal. It is most frequently used in the phrase sth is central to sth else and has a slightly smaller range of noun collocates than key. These mostly relate to the part sb/sth plays in sth ( character, component, feature, figure, motif, part, role, theme, topic), what sb is trying to achieve ( aim, focus, issue, preoccupation, problem, recommendation) or ideas that sb has about sth ( belief, concept, doctrine, truth). * central与key用法相似,但更正式,最常用于短语be central to中。与key相比,central可搭配的名词范围略小。这些搭配词大多与某人或某事物所起的作用(character、component、feature、figure、motif、part、role、theme、topic)、某人努力想完成之事(aim、focus、issue、preoccupation、problem、recommendation)或某人对某事物的看法(belief、concept、doctrine、truth)相关。 principal / /ˈprɪnsəpl/ / [only before noun] (rather formal) most important 最重要的;主要的New roads will link the principal cities.新建道路将连通各主要城市。Tourist revenue is now our principal source of wealth.旅游业的收入现在成了我们主要的财富来源。My principal concern is to get the job done fast.我最关心的是把工作快点做完。 Principal is mostly used for statements of fact about which there can be no argument. To state an opinion, or to try to persuade sb of the facts as you see them, it is more usual to use key or central. * principal主要用于陈述无可争辩的事实。表明意见或说服别人相信你所认定的事实,较常用key或centralThe key / central issue here is ...这里的关键问题是⋯ principally


The tax was very unpopular, principally because it hit the poor hardest.这项税收很不得人心,主要是因为它对穷人的打击最沉重。The farms are principally arable.这些农场主要是可耕地。
chief [only before noun] (especially written) most important 最重要的;主要的Unemployment was the chief cause of poverty.失业是贫穷的主要原因。Her chief rival for the gold medal is Jones of the USA.她争夺金牌的主要对手是美国的琼斯。 Chief also means 'highest in rank' when talking about the jobs that people have. In the meaning of 'most important' it is also often used to talk about people in various different roles. * chief修饰职位时意为“最高级别的、首席的”。chief表达“最重要的”之意时亦常修饰担任各种不同角色的人sb's chief enemy / rival / opponent某人主要的敌人/竞争对手/对手the chief architect / exponent of sth某事主要的缔造者/倡导者 chiefly


Defence spending was cut, chiefly by reducing national service by six months.主要通过减少六个月兵役来削减国防开支。The scientists cannot be held solely or even chiefly to blame.责任不能完全甚至主要由科学家来承担。
prime [only before noun] (rather formal) most important; to be considered first 最重要的;主要的;首要的My prime concern is to protect my property.我最关心的是保护自己的财产。The care of the environment is of prime importance.保护环境最为重要。He's the police's prime suspect in this case.他是该案中警方的首要怀疑对象。 primary [usually before noun] (rather formal) prime 最重要的;主要的;首要的The primary aim of this class is to improve your spoken English.这门课的主要目的是提高英语会话能力。Our primary concern must be the children.我们首要关心的必须是儿童。 primarily


In the 1790s Britain was still primarily an agricultural country.18世纪90年代,英国基本上还是个农业国。History is after all primarily about people.历史毕竟主要还是人的历史。
NOTE 辨析 Prime or primary?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用your prime / primary concern / purpose / aim / object / objective / task你最关心的事;你的首要目的/目标/宗旨/目标/任务to be of prime / primary importance最重要However, prime is used in some fixed collocations where primary cannot be used. 不过,在某些固定搭配中只能用prime,不能用primarythe prime attraction / contender / suspect主要的景点/竞争者/怀疑对象the primary attraction/contender/suspect Primary also has the related meaning of 'earliest' or 'first'. * primary还有一个相关义项,即“最初的、最早的”。 see also primary first
number one [only before noun] (informal) most important or best 头号的;最重要的;最好的Our number one priority is to find larger office space.我们的头等大事是找到大一些的办公场所。I just love your work! I'm your number one fan.我真是太爱你的作品了!我是你的头号仰慕者。 predominant /prɪˈdɒmɪnənt; NAmE prɪˈdɑːmɪnənt/ (rather formal) most obvious or noticeable 显著的;明显的;盛行的A predominant feature of his work is the use of natural materials.他的作品的一个显著特征是使用天然材料。Yellow is the predominant colour this spring in the fashion world.黄色是今春时装界的主流行色。 predominantly


The firm has a predominantly female workforce.该公司的员工以女性居多。Ours is a predominantly Buddhist country.我国国民大多信奉佛教。




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