

单词 imitation
imitation noun
fake (a poor imitation of the real thing) parody (imitations of celebrities)
imitation adj.


 See also the entry for copy noun 2 另见copy名词词条第2义fake ♦︎ imitation ♦︎ forgery ♦︎ dummyThese are all words for an object that is not genuine but has been made to look as if it is. 这些词均表示假货、仿制品、赝品。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a good fake / imitation / forgerya cheap fake / imitationa poor / crude imitation / forgery fake [countable] an object such as a work of art, a coin or a piece of jewellery that is not genuine but has been made to look as if it is 假货;赝品All the paintings proved to be fakes.所有这些画结果证实都是赝品。She had long ago sold the diamonds and replaced them with fakes.她很久以前就卖掉了那些钻石首饰,代之以假货。 see also fake artificial adj. 1 , fake so-called adj. imitation / /ˌɪmɪˈteɪʃn/ / [countable] a copy of a type of product, material or production, especially sth expensive or well known 仿制品;赝品Many tourists cannot tell the difference between authentic Indian craftwork and imported imitations.许多游客无法区分真正的印度工艺品和进口的仿制品。The remake is a pale imitation of the original 1966 film (= it is not nearly as good).重拍片远不如1966年的初版影片精彩。People often use imitation to suggest that the copy is not nearly as good as the real thing. * imitation常用以表示仿制品远不如真品好a poor / cheap / pale / second-rate imitation低劣的/黯然失色的/二流的仿制品It can also be used like an adjective to talk about materials from which things are made or about copies of weapons. * imitation亦可如形容词一样使用,描述制作物品的材料或指武器的复制品imitation fur / gold / leather / marble / silk / pearls人造毛皮;仿金;人造革;仿大理石;仿真丝;假珍珠an imitation sword / firearm / gun / bomb仿真剑;仿真枪;仿真炸弹 see also imitation artificial 1 forgery /ˈfɔːdʒəri; NAmE ˈfɔːrdʒəri/ [countable] something, for example a document, a piece of paper money or a painting, that has been copied in order to deceive people 伪造品,赝品(意图欺骗他人)Experts are dismissing claims that the painting is a forgery.专家排除了这幅画是赝品的说法。If the signature on the deed is a forgery, the whole legal position changes.如果契约上的签名是伪造的,那么整个法律状况就改变了。 forge


[transitive] She was getting good at forging her mother's signature.她把母亲的签名伪造得越来越惟妙惟肖了。
NOTE 辨析 Fake or forgery? Forgery is mostly used to talk about things that can be written, drawn, printed or painted, where this is done in order to deceive people. Fake can refer to any object that is made or produced, as well as artificial copies of natural objects (for example, jewels); fakes may or may not be used to deceive people. * forgery最常指以书写、描画、印刷或涂饰等方法制作的伪造品,伪造是为了欺骗人。fake可指任何人造物品和天然物品(如珠宝)的人工复制品,这些复制品不一定用来欺骗人。
dummy [countable] a thing that seems to be real but is only a copy of the real thing 仿制品;仿造物The bottles of whisky on display are all dummies.陈列的一瓶瓶威士忌全是仿制品。A dummy is often sth that has been made to look real so that people can use it for practising a possibly dangerous skill such as driving or shooting, or for a film or play. * dummy常指做得很逼真的仿制品,以供人们练习某项可能带有危险性的技能,如驾驶、射击,或用于拍电影或演戏。 see also dummy so-called adj.


parody ♦︎ caricature ♦︎ impersonation ♦︎ spoof ♦︎ impression ♦︎ imitationThese are all words for a performance, film, piece of writing, etc. that deliberately copies sb/sth else. 这些词均表示滑稽模仿作品。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a parody / a caricature / an impersonation / a spoof / an impression / an imitation of sb / stha brilliant parody / caricaturea grotesque parody / caricature / imitationa passable impersonation / impression / imitationa convincing impersonation / impressiona poor impersonation / imitationan Elvis Presley / Marilyn Monroe, etc. impersonation / impression / imitationto do a parody / an impersonation / a spoof / an impression / an imitationto write a parody / spoof parody / /ˈpærədi/ / [countable, uncountable] a piece of writing, music, acting, etc. that deliberately copies the style of sb/sth in order to be amusing 滑稽模仿作品(如文章、音乐、表演等)He's currently working on a parody of a horror film.他目前正仿作一部恐怖片。His personality made him an easy subject for parody.他的性格使他易于成为人们搞笑模仿的对象。 parody


[transitive] Her work parodies genres such as the thriller and the spy novel.她的作品对惊险和谍战一类小说进行夸张演绎。
caricature / /ˈkærɪkətʃʊə(r); NAmE ˈkærɪkətʃər, ˈkærɪkətʃʊr/ [countable] (sometimes disapproving) a description of a person or thing that makes them seem ridiculous by exaggerating some of their characteristics 夸张的描述He had unfairly presented a caricature of my views.他歪曲了我的观点。 caricature


[transitive, often passive] She was unfairly caricatured as a dumb blonde.她被丑化成一个傻头傻脑的金发女郎,这有失公平。
impersonation /ɪmˌpɜːsəˈneɪʃn; NAmE ɪmˌpɜːrsəˈneɪʃn/ [countable, uncountable] a performance in which sb copies the way a person speaks or behaves in order to deceive people or to entertain them 冒充;假扮;扮演He did an extremely convincing impersonation of the singer.他模仿那位歌手维妙维肖。 see also impersonate pose spoof /spuːf/ / [countable] (informal) a humorous copy of a film or television programme that exaggerates its main features (对电影或电视节目的)滑稽模仿It's a spoof on horror movies.这是对恐怖片的滑稽模仿。They did a very clever game show spoof.他们巧妙地滑稽模仿了竞赛节目。 impression [countable] an amusing performance in which sb copies the way a person speaks or acts (对某人言谈举止的)滑稽模仿She did her Marilyn Monroe impression.她滑稽地模仿了玛丽莲•梦露。 imitation [countable] an amusing performance in which sb copies the way a person speaks or acts (对某人言谈举止的)滑稽模仿He does a hilarious imitation of George W Bush.他模仿乔治•W.布什,滑稽可笑,令人捧腹。 see also imitate pose NOTE 辨析 Impersonation, impression or imitation?An impersonation of sb can be more serious than an impression or imitation. An impression or imitation (or a humorous impersonation) just copies the most obvious features of a person's voice, manner or behaviour, that people will instantly recognize, in order to be amusing. An impersonation can be a serious attempt to copy a person's whole appearance and character, either in order to deceive sb by really making them believe you are the person impersonated, or as part of a serious dramatic performance. An impression and an imitation are almost the same, but an impression may be more successful. * impersonation与impression或imitation相比,可以是对某人较认真的模仿。impression或imitation(或humorous impersonation)只模仿某人的声音、举止、行为中最明显的特征,使人能即刻辨认出来,达到滑稽的效果。impersonation可以是对一个人的整个外表和性格的认真模仿,目的要么是骗人相信你就是你假扮的那个人,要么是严肃的戏剧表演。impression和imitation两词几乎完全同义,只是impression可能更成功a convincing impression令人信服的模仿a poor imitation拙劣的模仿


artificial light 人造光an artificial situation 人为不自然的场面artificial ♦︎ synthetic ♦︎ false ♦︎ man-made ♦︎ fake ♦︎ imitationThese words all describe things that are not real, or not naturally produced or grown. 这些词均表示假的、非天然的、人工的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配artificial / synthetic / man-made fabrics / fibres / materials / productsartificial / synthetic / fake / imitation fur / leatherartificial / synthetic / false / fake / imitation diamonds / pearls artificial made or produced to copy sth natural; not real 人工的;人造的;假的The patient was kept alive by the artificial heart for nearly two months.人造心脏让那个病人存活了近两个月。All food served in the restaurant is completely free from any artificial colours and flavours.这家饭店提供的所有食物绝对没有人工色素和人工香料。I don't like having to do detailed work in artificial light.我不喜欢在人造光下做细致的工作。 OPP natural Natural things exist in nature and are not made or caused by human beings. * natural指自然界存在的,非人造的the natural world (= of trees, rivers, animals and birds) 自然界a country's natural resources (= its coal, oil, forests, etc.) 一个国家的自然资源My hair soon grew back to its natural colour (= after being dyed).我的头发很快变回染发之前的颜色。 artificially


artificially created lakes人工湖
synthetic made by combining chemical substances rather than being produced naturally by plants or animals 人工合成的synthetic drugs / dyes合成药物/染料shoes with synthetic soles鞋底是合成材料的鞋子 OPP natural synthetically


synthetically produced drugs合成药物
false not natural; artificial 非天生的;人造的;假的false teeth / eyelashes假牙;假睫毛a false beard and moustache假胡须 see also false so-called ˌman-ˈmade made by people; not natural 人造的;非天然的man-made fibres such as nylon and polyester尼龙和涤纶之类的人造纤维Europe's largest man-made lake欧洲最大的人工湖 OPP natural fake made to look like sth else; not real 伪造的;冒充的;假的a fake fur jacket人造毛皮夹克We sprayed fake snow over the trees to make it look like winter.我们在树上喷人造雪,营造出冬天的情境。 OPP genuine real see also fake so-called adj. , fake fake noun imitation [only before noun] made to look like sth else; not real 伪造的;仿制的;假的She would never wear imitation pearls.她绝不会戴假珍珠。He threatened them with an imitation gun.他用仿真枪威吓他们。 OPP genuine real see also imitation fake noun




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