

单词 olect_identity_0


identity ♦︎ self ♦︎ individuality ♦︎ uniquenessThese are all words for the qualities or characteristics that make sb/sth different from others or for the quality of being different from others. 这些词均表示特征、个性、独特性。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配human identity / individuality / uniquenessto lack identity / individuality / uniquenessto express / lose your identity / individuality / uniquenessto retain / maintain your identity / individualitya sense of identity / self / individuality / uniquenessan expression of identity / the self / individuality identity [countable, uncountable] the characteristics, feelings and beliefs that make a person or group of people seem or feel different from others 特征;特有的感觉(或信仰)a sense of national / cultural / personal / group identity民族/文化/个人/群体特性的认同感The organization has no clear corporate identity.这家机构没有明确的企业形象。The company forged its own identity by producing specialist vehicles.该公司通过生产特种车辆打造出自己的企业形象。 self [uncountable] ( the self [singular]) (formal) the essential part of a person's character that makes them different from other people 自我;个性Many people living in institutions have lost their sense of self.许多生活在福利院里的人已经失去了个性意识。the inner self (= a person's emotional and spiritual character) 内在自我Such problems stem from deep insecurity and a lack of confidence in the self.这样的问题源于深切的不安全感和缺乏自信。 see also self personality , ego mind noun individuality / /ˌɪndɪˌvɪdʒuˈæləti/ / [uncountable] the qualities in a person or thing that make them clearly different from other people or things 个性;个人(或个体)特征She expresses her individuality through her clothes.她从穿着上表现出她的个性。The plot is credible but the characters lack individuality.故事情节可信,但人物缺乏个性。 see also individual unique , originality inspiration uniqueness [uncountable] the quality in a person or thing of being the only one of their kind and different from anyone/anything else 独特性;唯一性The author stresses the uniqueness of the individual.这位作者强调个体的独特性。 see also unique unique




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