例句 |
creednoun the basic beliefs or guiding principles of a person or groupcentral to the creed of this organization of medical volunteers is the belief that health care is a basic human right credo, doctrine, dogma, gospel, ideology(also idealogy), philosophy, testament manifestometaphysic, theoryaxiom, tenet, watchword a body of beliefs and practices regarding the supernatural and the worship of one or more deitiesthe Amish live by a strict creed that rejects many of the values and practices of modern society credo, cult, faith, persuasion, religion church, communion, denomination, sectdoctrine, dogma, theologydeism, heathenism, monotheism, paganism, pantheism, polytheism, theism agnosticism, know-nothingismatheism, godlessness, nonbelief, secularism, unbelief before the 12th century |