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distinctiveadjective being not of the same kindshe seems to alternate between two distinctive hairstyles different, disparate, dissimilar, distant, distinct, distinguishable, diverse, nonidentical, other, unalike, unlike divers, miscellaneous, mixed, several, sundry, variant, varied, variousdifferentiable, discriminablealternate, alternative, individual, particular, peculiar, singledisproportionate, divergent, unequal alike, identical, indistinguishable, kin, kindred, like, parallel, same, similar equal, selfsameequivalent, tantamountakin, analogous, comparable, homological, homologous, relatedhomogeneous, homogenous, uniform serving to identify as belonging to an individual or groupthe distinctive odor of a barnyard characteristic, classic, diagnostic(also diagnostical), discriminating, distinct, distinguishing, identifying, individual, peculiar, proper, symptomatic, typical idiosyncraticidentifiable, pronounced, unmistakablegeneral, genericcommon, normal, regular, usualespecial, particular, special, specificarchetypal(also archetypical), model, paradigmatic atypical, nontypical, uncharacteristic, untypical characteristic, individual, peculiar, distinctive mean indicating a special quality or identity.characteristic applies to something that distinguishes or identifies a person or thing or class.responded with her characteristic wit individual stresses qualities that distinguish one from all other members of the same kind or class.a highly individual writing style peculiar applies to qualities possessed only by a particular individual or class or kind and stresses rarity or uniqueness.an eccentricity that is peculiar to the British distinctive indicates qualities distinguishing and uncommon and often superior or praiseworthy.a distinctive aura of grace and elegance in the 15th century |