例句 |
literaladjective restricted to or based on facta literal account of the explorer's adventures is actually a lot less interesting than his own exaggerated stories documentary, factual, hard, historical, matter-of-fact, nonfictional, objective, true actual, authentic, bona fide, genuine, real, rightdocumented, establishedconfirmable, reliable, supportable, sustainable, verifiabledemonstrable, provableincontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, irrefutable, undeniable, unquestionableplain, simplecertain, undoubted fictional, fictionalized, fictitious, nondocumentary, nonfactual, nonhistorical, unhistorical hypothetical, speculative, theoretical(also theoretic)apocryphal, unauthentic, undocumentedchimerical(also chimeric), fabulous, fanciful, fantastic(also fantastical), imaginary, imagined, invented, legendary, made-up, make-believe, mythical(or mythic), pretendembroidered, exaggeratedinsupportable, unsupportable in the 14th century |