

单词 olect_raise_0


raise ♦︎ collectThese words both mean to ask people to give you money for a particular purpose. 这两个词均表示为特定目的募捐、募集。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to raise / collect money for sthto raise / collect money / funds raise [transitive] to ask people or organizations to give you money for a particular purpose 募捐;募集The main part of my job is to raise funds for the playgroup.我的主要工作是为幼儿游戏班筹集资金。We are raising money for charity.我们在进行慈善募捐。Typical collocates of raise in this meaning are capital, cash, funds, loan, money and sponsorship. 表达此义时,raise的常见搭配词有capital、cash、funds、loan、money和sponsorship。 collect [intransitive, transitive] to ask people to give you money for a particular purpose 募捐;募集We're collecting for local charities.我们正在为当地慈善机构募捐。We collected over £300 for the appeal.我们为这个吁请募集了300多英镑。 collection


[countable] a house-to-house collection for Cancer Relief为资助癌症治疗挨门逐户的募捐
NOTE 辨析 Raise or collect?When you raise money, you are likely to do it by organizing events, or by approaching organizations to ask for money; if you collect money, you are more likely to do it by approaching people in the street or by knocking on people's doors with a box for them to put coins in. You might also collect money from friends or colleagues to pay for a present from all of you. Notice that collect does not always need an object. * raise money多是通过举办活动或向机构募捐等方式筹集资金;collect money更多是拿着募捐箱在街头或上门请人捐钱。collect money也可以是朋友或同事为共同买礼物而凑份子钱。注意collect不一定总带宾语I'm collecting for Patrick's retirement present.我在收取为帕特里克买退休礼物的份子钱。




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