

单词 confused
confused adj.
confused1 (feel confused) confused2 (a confused account)


feel confused about sth 对⋯感到困惑a confused account of sth 对某事令人费解的叙述confused ♦︎ puzzled ♦︎ at a loss ♦︎ bewildered ♦︎ dazed ♦︎ bemused ♦︎ perplexed ♦︎ muddled ♦︎ disoriented ♦︎ disorientatedThese words all describe the feeling that you cannot understand sth or do not know what is happening. 这些词均表示感到糊涂的、迷惑的、茫然的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be confused / puzzled / perplexed / muddled about sthto be puzzled / bewildered / bemused / perplexed at sthto be confused / puzzled / at a loss / perplexed as to how... / why...a confused / puzzled / bewildered / dazed / bemused / perplexed expression / lookpuzzled / bewildered / dazed eyesslightly confused / puzzled / at a loss / bewildered / dazed / bemused / perplexed / muddledrather confused / puzzled / at a loss / bewildered / bemuseda little confused / puzzled / bewildered / dazed / bemusedtotally confused / bewildered / bemused / disoriented / disorientatedcompletely confused / at a loss / bewildered / disoriented / disorientated confused feeling that you do not understand sth and so cannot think clearly about it 糊涂的;迷惑的People are confused about all the different labels on food these days.如今五花八门的食物标签把人搞得稀里糊涂。I'm confused-say all that again.我被搞糊涂了,再从头到尾说一遍吧。She was beginning to get rather confused.她开始感到相当困惑。He was depressed and in a confused state of mind.他意志消沉,脑子里乱成一团。 see also confusion doubt noun 1 puzzled unable to understand sth or the reason for sth 困惑的;迷惑不解的He looked puzzled so I repeated the question.他好像没听懂,于是我把问题又重复了一遍。She had a puzzled expression on her face.她满脸困惑的表情。 at a ˈloss


not knowing what to say or do 不知所措;困惑I'm at a loss to explain what happened.我完全不知道该怎么解释所发生的事。Ruth was completely at a loss.露丝完全不知所措。His comments left me at a loss for words.他的评论让我不知说什么才好。
bewildered / /bɪˈwɪldəd, bɪˈwɪldərd/ (rather formal) confused and worried because you do not know what is happening or do not know what to do 迷惑的;困扰的;不知所措的She was totally bewildered by the whole affair.她被整件事完全弄糊涂了。 dazed /deɪzd/ / unable to think clearly, especially because of a shock or because you have been hit on the head (因震惊或头部受到撞击)神志不清的,茫然的Survivors waited for the rescue boats, dazed and frightened.生还者不知所措,心有余悸,等待着救援船只。 bemused / /bɪˈmjuːzd/ / looking as if you are confused and do not know what is happening (表情)困惑的,茫然的Her bizarre performance left the audience looking bemused.她怪诞的演出让观众看得一脸茫然。 perplexed / /pəˈplekst; NAmE pərˈplekst/ (rather formal) very puzzled, especially in a way that makes you feel slightly worried 大为困惑的,迷惑不解的(尤指令人感到有些担忧)We are all perplexed as to how this happened.我们都对这事是如何发生的感到困惑不已。 muddled (especially BrE) not clear in your mind about which thing is which 分不清的;困惑的;混乱的There were so many names that she became hopelessly muddled.名字太多,把她彻底弄糊涂了。This is the result of muddled thinking.这是思考不清晰的结果。 disoriented /dɪsˈɔːrientɪd/ / (rather formal) feeling confused and not able to understand what is happening around you 茫然的;不知所措的The patient appeared disoriented.那个病人显得不知所措。 disorientated / /dɪsˈɔːriənteɪtɪd/ / (BrE, rather formal) disoriented 茫然的;不知所措的She felt shocked and totally disorientated.她感到震惊,完全不知所措。In British English disorientated is more frequent than disoriented, although both forms are used. In American English only disoriented is used. 在英式英语中,disorientated比disoriented常用,但两种拼写均可。在美式英语中只用disoriented。


feel confused about sth 对⋯感到困惑a confused account of sth 对某事令人费解的叙述confused ♦︎ discursive ♦︎ disjointed ♦︎ rambling ♦︎ incoherent ♦︎ woolly ♦︎ jumbledThese words all describe thought, speech or writing that does not have a clear structure. 这些词均表示思想、讲话或文字条理不清的、混乱的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配confused / disjointed / rambling / incoherent / jumbled thoughtsdisjointed / incoherent / jumbled wordsrambling / incoherent speecha confused / rambling account of sth confused (of thoughts, a description or a situation) not clear or easy to understand (思绪、描述或情况)不清楚的,混乱的,难懂的The children gave a confused account of the events of the previous day.孩子们把前一天发生的事叙述得颠三倒四。A confused situation followed the military coup.军事政变过后,局势一片混乱。 discursive / /dɪsˈkɜːsɪv; NAmE dɪsˈkɜːrsɪv/ (formal) (of a style of writing or speaking) moving from one point to another without any strict structure (书面或口头表达方式)东拉西扯的,离题的,不着边际的Poetry is closer to music than to the more extended and discursive literary forms.相对于更宽泛和散漫的文学形式,诗歌更接近音乐。 disjointed (of different things or the parts of sth) not having a clear or logical connection with each other (不同事物或某事物的不同部分)不连贯的,支离破碎的,杂乱无章的Disjointed words and phrases jumped out at her.她一眼就看出了词语的杂乱无章。 rambling (disapproving) (of speech or writing) very long and confused (讲话或写作)冗长而费解的,不切题的The letter was long and rambling.这封信拖沓冗长,不知所云。 incoherent /ˌɪnkəʊˈhɪərənt; NAmE ˌɪnkoʊˈhɪrənt/ (often disapproving) (of ideas or systems) not logical or well organized (想法或体系)逻辑不清的,不连贯的The theory was outdated and incoherent.这理论过时且逻辑不通。OPP coherent rational woolly (NAmE also wooly) /ˈwʊli/ / (of people or their ideas or statements) not thinking clearly; not clearly defined or expressed (人、思想或陈述)糊涂的,混乱的,模糊的The Government have been woolly about the exact meaning of their proposals.政府一直搞不清楚他们提案的确切含义。You should challenge any vague and woolly replies.你应当对任何含糊不清的回复提出质疑。 jumbled / /ˈdʒʌmbld/ / (of words or thoughts) not in the correct order; confused (言语或思绪)乱糟糟的,混乱的She tried to rearrange her jumbled thoughts.她试着重新整理自己混乱的思绪。




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