

单词 olect_negotiator_0


negotiator ♦︎ mediator ♦︎ intermediary ♦︎ arbitrator ♦︎ go-between ♦︎ peacemaker ♦︎ liaison officerThese are all words for a person who tries to help communication between people or groups, especially in order to settle a dispute. 这些词均表示中间人、调停者、调解人。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a mediator / an intermediary / a peacemaker between A and Bthrough / via a mediator / an intermediaryan independent mediator / intermediary / arbitratorto act as (a) mediator / (an) intermediary / (a) go-between / (a) peacemaker / (a) liaison officer negotiator / /nɪˈgəʊʃieɪtə(r); NAmE nɪˈgoʊʃieɪtər/ [countable] a person who is involved in formal political or financial discussions, especially as a job 谈判代表;协商者The chief union negotiator indicated that they would reject the pay award.工会首席谈判代表暗示他们将会拒绝加薪的提议。She has an image as a tough negotiator.她给人强硬的谈判者形象。Negotiator is a general word which can describe a person who tries to settle a dispute between people or groups, or who tries to agree, or negotiate, the terms of a deal, contract or agreement on behalf of a person or organization. * negotiator含义较广,可指尽力解决人与人或群体之间争端的人,也可指代表一个人或组织就交易、合同或协定的条款进行谈判(negotiate)或尽力促成协议的人。 mediator /ˈmiːdieɪtə(r)/ / [countable] (rather formal) a person or organization that helps to get an agreement between people or groups who disagree with each other 调停者;斡旋者;解决纷争的人(或机构)A Swedish diplomat acted as mediator between the government and the rebels.一名瑞典外交官担任政府和叛乱分子之间的调停者。 see also mediate intervene intermediary / /ˌɪntəˈmiːdiəri; NAmE ˌɪntərˈmiːdieri/ [countable] (rather formal) a person or organization that helps to get an agreement between people or groups by acting as a means of communication between them 中间人;调停者;调解人All talks have so far been conducted through an intermediary.到目前为止所有的谈判都是通过调停人进行的。NOTE 辨析 Mediator or intermediary?A mediator or intermediary can play a similar role. Usually a mediator is involved in a discussion where the opposing people or groups meet to try to settle their dispute. The role of the mediator is to try to help the discussions. An intermediary is often involved in a situation where the two people or groups do not want to meet and the role of the intermediary is to act as a neutral person who can pass messages between them. * mediator和intermediary可发挥相近的作用。mediator通常参与对立的人或群体为解决争端而举行的会谈,其作用是设法协助双方进行商讨。而intermediary一般会在某两个人或群体不想会面的情况下介入,充当在两者之间传递信息的中立者。 arbitrator /ˈɑːbɪtreɪtə(r); NAmE ˈɑːrbɪtreɪtər/ [countable] (rather formal) a person who is chosen to settle a dispute 仲裁人;公断人Where no agreement can be reached, the matter will be referred to an independent arbitrator.如果无法达成协议,此事将提交给一位独立的仲裁员裁决。 ˈgo-between [countable] a person who takes messages between one person or group and another 中间人A number of local church leaders have acted as go-betweens with the paramilitaries.几位地方教会领袖已担任那些非法军事组织之间的中间人。 peacemaker /ˈpiːsmeɪkə(r)/ / [countable] a person who tries to persuade people or countries to stop arguing or fighting and to make peace 调解人;调停人She always acted as the peacemaker when family arguments boiled over.家里爆发争吵时,她总是充当和事老。 liˈaison officer [countable] a person whose job is to make sure that there is a good relationship between two groups of people or organizations 联络人The council has a number of community liaison officers.政务委员会有数名社区联络人。




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