

单词 rivet
rivet verb


 See also the entry for delight 另见delight条interest ♦︎ appeal ♦︎ attract ♦︎ fascinate ♦︎ intrigue ♦︎ absorb ♦︎ rivet ♦︎ gripThese words all mean to catch and keep your attention. 这些词均表示使感兴趣、使关注。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达使人感兴趣的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to attract / rivet / grip sb's attentiona question / subject interests / fascinates / intrigues sbto really interest sb / appeal to sb / attract / fascinate / intrigue sb interest [transitive] to catch and keep your attention 使感兴趣;使关注Politics just doesn't interest me.我对政治毫无兴趣。The musuem has something to interest everyone.这所博物馆有让每个人都感兴趣的东西。It may interest you to know that he didn't accept the offer.或许你有兴趣知道,他没有接受这份工作。She has always interested herself in (= given her attention to) helping younger musicians.她始终留意提携年轻音乐家。 appeal [intransitive] to be sth that you like 让人喜欢;有吸引力;有感染力The prospect of a long wait in the rain did not appeal.想到要在雨中久等使人扫兴。It's a book that appeals to people of all ages.这是一本老幼皆宜的书。 attract [transitive, usually passive](of a thing) to have qualities that you notice and like it; (of a person) to have qualities that make you like and admire them (事物)吸引,使喜爱;(人)引起⋯的好感(或爱慕)That was what first attracted me to the place.那就是最初吸引我来到此地的原因。I had always been attracted by the idea of working abroad.我一直向往去国外工作。What first attracted me about her was her sense of humour.首先吸引我的是她的幽默感。 OPP repel shock verb see also tempt tempt fascinate / /ˈfæsɪneɪt/ / [transitive, intransitive] to attract or interest sb very much, often because you feel that there is a lot you can learn or that sth is mysterious 深深吸引;迷住China has always fascinated me.中国一直令我心驰神往。The private lives of the rich and famous never fail to fascinate.富豪名流的私生活总让人津津乐道。 intrigue / /ɪnˈtriːg/ / [transitive] to make sb very interested and want to know more about sth, usually because it seems unusual or mysterious 激起⋯的兴趣;引发⋯的好奇心There was something about him that intrigued her.他有种特质令她着迷。 absorb [transitive] to interest sb very much so that they pay no attention to anything else 吸引⋯的全部注意力;使沉迷The work had absorbed him for several years.有好几年的时间他专心致力于那项工作。She was completely absorbed in the task.她全身心投入那项任务。 rivet / /ˈrɪvɪt/ / [transitive, usually passive] to hold sb's interest or attention so completely that they cannot look away or think of anything else 使痴迷;彻底吸引I was absolutely riveted by her story.我完全被她的故事吸引住了。My eyes were riveted on the figure lying in the road.我眼睛紧盯着躺在路上的那个人。 grip (-pp-) [transitive] to interest or excite sb very much; to hold sb's attention completely 使极感兴趣;使非常激动;完全吸引住(某人)的注意The book grips you from the first page to the last.这本书从头至尾扣人心弦。The atmosphere of the World Cup gripped the nation.世界杯的气氛令举国兴奋。




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