

单词 roar
roar verb
laugh (roar with laughter) rumble (an engine roars) shout (a crowd roars)


laugh ♦︎ giggle ♦︎ chuckle ♦︎ crack up ♦︎ snigger ♦︎ snicker ♦︎ roar ♦︎ be/have sb in stitches ♦︎ titterThese words all mean to make the sounds and movements of your face that show that you think sth is funny. 这些词均表示出声地笑。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to laugh / giggle / chuckle / snigger / snicker / roar / titter at sthto laugh / giggle / chuckle / snigger / snicker / titter about / over sthto laugh / giggle / chuckle / snigger / snicker / roar with pleasure / amusement, etc.to make sb laugh / giggle / chuckle / crack up / snigger / snicker / roar / titterto giggle / chuckle to yourselfto giggle / chuckle softly / quietlyto giggle / titter nervously laugh [intransitive] to make the sounds and movements of your face that show you are happy or think sth is funny (因高兴或觉得滑稽)笑,发笑It was so funny I laughed out loud.太滑稽了,我笑出声来。You never laugh at my jokes!你听了我的笑话从来都不笑!He burst out laughing (= suddenly started laughing).他突然大笑起来。 laugh


[countable] to give a short / harsh / bitter / nervous laugh发出短促/刺耳/苦涩/紧张的笑声His first joke got the biggest laugh of the night.他讲的第一个笑话博得了当晚最开怀的笑声。


[uncountable] He threw back his head and roared with laughter.他猛地仰起头放声大笑起来。
giggle / /ˈgɪgl/ / [intransitive] to laugh in a silly way because you are amused, embarrassed or nervous (因觉得有趣、窘迫或紧张)咯咯地笑;傻笑The girls giggled at the joke.女孩子们被这笑话逗得咯咯直笑。She giggled with delight.她高兴得直傻笑。 giggle


[countable] She gave a nervous giggle.她紧张地傻笑起来。
chuckle / /ˈtʃʌkl/ / [intransitive] (especially written) to laugh quietly 低声轻笑;轻声地笑George chuckled at the memory.乔治想起这件事就暗自发笑。 chuckle


[countable] She gave a chuckle of delight.她高兴得轻笑出来。
ˌcrack ˈup

phrasal verb

(informal) to start laughing a lot 开始大笑起来He walked in and everyone just cracked up.他一走进来,所有人都捧腹大笑起来。
snigger [intransitive] (especially BrE, rather informal) to laugh in a quiet unpleasant way, especially at sth rude or at sb's problems or mistakes (尤指对粗鲁的事或某人出错)窃笑,暗笑What are you sniggering at?你在偷偷笑什么呢? snicker [intransitive] (NAmE, rather informal) to snigger 窃笑;暗笑Although his friends snickered, they were still impressed.虽然他的朋友们暗自发笑,可他们还是被打动了。 roar / /rɔː(r)/ / [intransitive] (rather informal) to laugh very loudly 哈哈大笑;放声大笑It made them roar with laughter.这使他们放声大笑起来。He looked so funny, we all roared.他看上去那么滑稽,我们都哈哈大笑起来。Roar is often used to talk about groups of people laughing together. It is more informal on its own than when it is used in the phrase roar with laughter. * roar常指众人一起哈哈大笑,单独使用这个词不如短语roar with laughter正式。 roar


[countable] The crowd burst into roars of laughter.人群里突然爆发出一阵大笑。
be sb in ˈstitches have sb in ˈstitches


(rather informal) to laugh a lot; to make sb laugh a lot 大笑不止;(使人)笑破肚皮We were all in stitches from the beginning to the end of the play.我们看那出戏时从头到尾笑个不停。The play had us in stitches.那出戏让我们笑得前仰后合。
titter [intransitive] to laugh quietly, especially because you are embarrassed or nervous (尤指因尴尬或紧张)傻笑,窃笑,嗤嗤地笑There was an embarrassing pause on stage and the audience began to titter.舞台上出现了令人尴尬的冷场,于是观众开始窃笑起来。


rumble ♦︎ roar ♦︎ thunder ♦︎ roll ♦︎ boomThese words all mean to make a deep sound. 这些词均表示发出低沉的声音。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配thunder rumbles / roars / rolls / boomstraffic rumbles / roars / thundersto rumble / roar / thunder / roll / boom loudly rumble [intransitive] to make a long, deep sound or series of sounds 发出持续而低沉的声音;发出隆隆声They could hear thunder rumbling in the distance.他们听到远处隆隆的雷声。I'm so hungry my stomach's rumbling.我饿得肚子咕咕叫了。 rumble


[countable] He gave a low rumble of laughter.他发出一阵低沉的笑声。Inside, the noise of the traffic was reduced to a distant rumble.进到屋里,车辆的声音减弱了,就像是远处的隆隆声。
roar / /rɔː(r)/ / [intransitive] to make a very loud, deep noise 吼叫;咆哮We heard a lion roar.我们听到狮吼。The gun roared deafeningly.枪炮轰鸣声震耳欲聋。The engine roared to life (= started noisily).发动机隆隆启动。 roar


[countable, usually singular] I could barely hear above / over the roar of the aircraft's engines.除了飞机发动机的轰鸣声,我几乎什么也听不见。The car sped off with an almighty roar.那辆汽车飞驰而去,发出巨大的轰鸣声。
thunder [intransitive] to make a very loud deep noise that sounds like thunder (= the loud noise that you hear after a flash of lightning, during a storm) 发出雷鸣般响声;轰隆隆地响A voice thundered in my ear.一个震耳欲聋的声音在我耳边响起。The horse raced across the pasture, its hooves thundering on the grass.那匹马在牧场上飞奔,马蹄在草地上隆隆作响。 thunder


[singular] The thunder of hooves split the air as the horses burst through the mist.那些马冲出迷雾,隆隆的马蹄声划破长空。
roll [intransitive, transitive] to make a long continuous sound, especially the sound made by drums or thunder 发出持续的声音(尤指鼓声或雷声)From the walls a trumpet sounded, a drum rolled and the gate swung open.墙里响起喇叭声,鼓咚咚作响,大门打开了。 roll


[countable] Lightning flashed across the sky, immediately followed by a deep roll of thunder.闪电划过天空,紧接着是轰隆隆的雷声。
boom / /buːm/ / [intransitive] to make a loud deep noise that sounds like an explosion 轰鸣,轰响(有如爆炸声)The ship's gun boomed and the shot fell only a hundred metres away.船上炮声大作,炮弹却只射出百米之遥。 boom


[countable, usually singular] The deep boom of a foghorn echoed across the bay.雾角低沉的声音在整个海湾回荡。


 See also the entries for call 3 and scream 另见call条第3义和scream条shout ♦︎ yell ♦︎ cry ♦︎ scream ♦︎ cheer ♦︎ bellow ♦︎ raise your voice ♦︎ roar ♦︎ holler ♦︎ bawlThese words all mean to say sth in a very loud voice. 这些词均表示叫喊、呼喊。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to shout / yell / cry / raise your voice / holler to sbto shout / yell / scream / bellow / roar / holler / bawl at sbto shout / yell / cry out / scream / bellow / roar / holler in pain / anguish / rage, etc.to shout / cry out / scream for joy / excitement / delight etc.to shout / yell / cry out / scream / roar with excitement / triumph, etc.to shout / yell / scream / bellow / roar / holler / bawl at sb to do sthto shout / yell / scream / bellow / holler that...to shout / yell / cry / scream / roar / bawl outto shout / yell / bellow / bawl orders / instructionsto shout / yell / scream abuseto shout / yell / cry / scream for helpto shout / cry / scream / holler out loudto shout / yell / scream at the top of your voice / lungs shout [intransitive, transitive] to say sth in a loud voice; to speak loudly and often angrily to sb 大声说;叫;嚷;斥责;怒骂Stop shouting and listen!别嚷了,听着!He started shouting and swearing at her.他冲着她叫骂起来。Protesters threw stones and shouted abuse at the Senator.抗议者朝参议员扔石块并高声辱骂。'Run!' he shouted.“快跑!”他大喊一声。OPP whisper whisper shout


[countable] We heard angry shouts coming from the apartment below.我们听见楼下单元传来愤怒的叫喊声。
yell [intransitive, transitive] to shout loudly, for example because you are angry, excited, frightened or in pain (因生气、激动、害怕或疼痛等)叫喊,大喊,吼叫She yelled at the boy to get down from the wall.她冲着男孩嚷嚷,让他从墙上下来。 (especially BrE) I had to yell at the top of my voice to make myself heard.为了让别人听见,我不得不扯开嗓子叫喊。 (especially NAmE) I had to yell at the top of my lungs.我不得不用尽全力大声叫喊。The crowd yelled encouragement to the team.人群大声叫喊着给运动队加油。'Watch out!' he yelled.“当心!”他大叫道。 yell


[countable] He let out a yell of delight.他高兴得大叫起来。
cry [intransitive, transitive] (written) to shout loudly 喊叫;呼喊;呼叫She ran over to the window and cried for help.她跑到窗口喊救命。'You're safe!' Tom cried with delight.“你安全啦!”汤姆高兴地叫道。He bit his lip, trying not to cry out in pain.他咬紧嘴唇忍着疼痛,尽量不叫出声来。 cry


[countable] Her answer was greeted with cries of outrage.她的回答引起了一片愤怒的吼声。
scream [intransitive, transitive] to shout sth in a loud, high voice because you are afraid, angry or excited (因害怕、生气或激动)高声喊,大声叫He screamed at me to stop.他冲着我高声喊,要我停下来。'Help!' he screamed.“救命!”他尖叫道。 see also scream scream cheer [intransitive, transitive](especially of a crowd of people) to shout loudly to show support or praise for sb, or to give them encouragement (尤指人群为⋯)欢呼,喝彩,加油We all cheered as the team came onto the field.队员入场时我们都为之欢呼。The spectators cheered the runners on.观众为赛跑选手加油。The crowd cheered the president as he drove slowly by.当总统的车缓缓经过时,群众向他欢呼致意。 cheer


[countable] A great cheer went up from the crowd.观众爆发出一阵热烈的欢呼声。Three cheers for the winners!(= used when you are asking a group of people to cheer three times, in order to congratulate sb, etc.) 为优胜者欢呼三次吧!
bellow / /ˈbeləʊ; NAmE ˈbeloʊ/ [intransitive, transitive] to shout in a loud deep voice, especially because you are angry (尤指因生气)大声吼叫,怒吼He fell to the floor, bellowing with pain and rage.他摔倒在地板上,又疼又气地大声吼叫起来。'Quiet!' the teacher bellowed.“安静!”老师大声吼道。 bellow


[countable] He let out a bellow of rage.他发出一声怒吼。
ˌraise your ˈvoice


to speak loudly to sb, especially because you are angry (尤指因生气)提高嗓门,大吼大叫She never once raised her voice to us.她从不对我们大吼大叫。'Just you get in here,' he said, raising his voice.“就你一个人进来。”他提高嗓门说道。
roar /rɔː(r)/ / [intransitive, transitive] (written) to shout sth very loudly, for example because you are angry, in pain, or very excited (因生气、疼痛或非常激动等)叫喊,大声说The crowd roared with excitement.人群激动得喧嚷起来。Fans roared their approval.一众仰慕者大声叫好。'Stand back,' he roared.“靠后站。”他吼道。 holler [intransitive, transitive] (NAmE, informal) to shout loudly 叫喊Don't holler at me like that!别这样对我大喊大叫的!'Look out,' I hollered.“当心。”我大喊一声。 bawl / /bɔːl/ / [intransitive, transitive] (disapproving) to shout loudly, especially in an unpleasant or angry way (尤指令人不快或愤怒地)叫喊,吼叫She bawled at him in front of everyone.她当着大家的面冲他大喊大叫。He sat in his office bawling orders at his secretary.他坐在办公室里,对秘书厉声发号施令。




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