

单词 sit
sit verb
sit (sit at your desk) sit tight wait


 See also the entries for lie verb and stand 1 另见lie动词词条和stand条第1义sit ♦︎ sit down ♦︎ be seated ♦︎ take a seat ♦︎ perchThese words all mean to rest your weight on your bottom with your back upright, for example on a chair. 这些词均表示坐、坐下。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to sit / sit down / be seated / take a seat / perch on sthto sit / sit down / be seated / take a seat in sth sit (sitting, sat, sat) [intransitive] to rest your weight on your bottom with your back upright, for example on a chair May I sit here?我可以坐在这儿吗?I was sitting at my desk, gazing out of the window.我正坐在书桌前,凝视着窗外。Sit still, will you!你坐着别动,行吗!Sit up straight-don't slouch.坐直了,别没精打采的。She sat back and stretched out her legs.她舒舒服服地坐在椅子上,伸出两条腿。 Sit is usually used with an adverb or prepositional phrase to show where or how sb sits, but sometimes another phrase or clause is used to show what sb does while they are sitting. * sit通常与副词或介词短语连用,表明坐的位置或姿势,但有时会用另一个短语或从句来说明某人坐着干某事We sat talking for hours.我们坐着谈了好几个钟头。He sat and stared at the letter in front of him.他坐在那里,凝视着面前的那封信。You sit on a chair with a straight back and no arms and you also sit on a sofa; you sit in an armchair. 表示坐在有靠背但没有扶手的椅子上或沙发上,sit后面要接介词on;表示坐在扶手椅子上,sit 后面要接介词in。 OPP stand , stand up stand 1 ˌsit ˈdown ˌsit yourself ˈdown

phrasal verb

(sitting, sat, sat)to move from a standing position to a sitting position 坐下;就座Please sit down.请坐。He sat down on the bed.他在床边坐下。Come in and sit yourselves down.都进来坐下。OPP get up , stand up stand 1
be seated [transitive] (formal) to be sitting 就座;落座She was seated at the head of the table.她坐在首座。Wait until all the guests are seated.等所有客人都落座。 Be seated is often used as a formal way of inviting sb to sit down. * be seated常用作请某人就座的正式说法Please be seated.请就座。 ˌtake a ˈseat


(took, taken)to sit down 坐下;就座Please take a seat. I'll be with you shortly.请坐,我马上就过来。He took a seat at the opposite end of the table.他在桌子另一端的一个座位坐下。Take a seat is used especially as a polite way of inviting sb to sit down. * take a seat尤用作请某人就座的礼貌说法。 see also seat chair
perch [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (rather informal) to sit on sth, especially on the edge of sth 坐;坐在⋯边沿We perched on a couple of high stools at the bar.我们坐在酒吧里的几个高脚凳上。She perched herself on the edge of the bed.她坐在床沿上。


 See also the entry for expect 另见expect条wait ♦︎ hang on ♦︎ hold on ♦︎ sit tightThese words all mean to stay where you are or delay doing sth until sb/sth comes or sth happens. 这些词均表示等待、等候。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to wait / hang on / hold on / sit tight until sth happensto wait / hang on / hold on a minute / second wait [intransitive, transitive] to stay where you are or delay doing sth until sb/sth comes or sth happens 等;等待;等候She rang the bell and waited.她按铃后等候着。Have you been waiting long?你等了很久了吗?I've been waiting (for) twenty minutes.我等了二十分钟。Wait for me!等等我!We're waiting for the rain to stop before we go out.我们要等到雨停了再出去。Hurry up! We're waiting to go.快点儿!我们等着走呢。You'll just have to wait your turn (= wait until your turn comes).你得等着轮到你才行。 see also await expect wait


[countable, usually singular] We had a long wait for the bus.我们等公共汽车等了很久。It took six months for the house to be finished, but it was worth the wait.房子六个月才建好,但是等得值。
ˌhang ˈon

phrasal verb

(informal, spoken) used to tell sb to wait for a short time or stop what they are doing 等一下;停一下Hang on-I'm not quite ready.等一下-我还没准备好。Now hang on a minute-you can't really believe what you just said.等一会-你刚刚说的恐怕你自己都不信吧。
ˌhold ˈon

phrasal verb

(rather informal, spoken) to hang on 等一下;停一下Hold on a minute while I get my breath back.稍等一下,让我喘口气。Hold on! This isn't the right road.等一下!这条路不对。Hang on is slightly more informal than hold on. * hang on比hold on稍非正式。
ˌsit ˈtight


(sitting, sat, sat) (written) to stay in the same place, without moving away or changing position; to stay in the same situation, without changing your mind or taking any action 待着不动;守在原地;不轻举妄动We sat tight and waited to be rescued.我们守在原地,等待救援。Shareholders are being advised to sit tight until the crisis passes.股东们得到的忠告是,静待危机过去。




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