

单词 square
square noun


courtyard ♦︎ yard ♦︎ square ♦︎ compound ♦︎ cloister ♦︎ quadrangle ♦︎ precinct ♦︎ quadThese words all mean an open space that is surrounded by a wall or buildings. 这些词均表示墙或建筑物所围成的庭院、院子、天井。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in the courtyard / yard / square / compound / cloister / quadrangle / ... precincts / quadacross the courtyard / yard / square / compound / quadrangle / quadthe central / main courtyard / yard / square / quadranglea cobbled courtyard / yard / squarea walled courtyard / yard / compound courtyard / /ˈkɔːtjɑːd; NAmE ˈkɔːrtjɑːrd/ [countable] an open space that is partly or completely surrounded by buildings and is usually part of a building such as a large house or castle (大宅、城堡等的)庭院,院子,天井The entrance leads through an arch and into a cobbled inner courtyard.入口穿过一道拱门,通往铺着鹅卵石的内院。 yard /jɑːd; NAmE jɑːrd/ [countable] (BrE) an area outside a building, usually with a hard surface and a surrounding wall 院子The children were playing in the yard at the front of the school.孩子们在学校前面的空地上玩耍。They rode out of the stable yard.他们骑马出了马厩院子。 square [countable] an open area in a town, usually with four sides, surrounded by buildings (通常为方形的)广场The next day, a large crowd gathered in the market square.第二天,一大群人聚集在市集广场上。 compound /ˈkɒmpaʊnd; NAmE ˈkɑːmpaʊnd/ [countable] an area surrounded by a fence or wall in which a factory or other group of buildings stands 有围栏(或围墙)的场地(内有工厂或其他建筑群)Angry crowds stormed the presidential palace compound.愤怒的人群袭击了总统府大楼。 cloister /ˈklɔɪstə(r)/ / [countable, usually plural] a covered stone passage with arches around a square garden that sometimes forms part of a religious building such as a cathedral or monastery (大教堂或寺院等宗教建筑的)回廊The 12th century church and cloisters remain surprisingly intact.令人惊讶的是,12世纪的教堂和回廊依然保存完好。 quadrangle / /ˈkwɒdræŋgl; NAmE ˈkwɑːdræŋgl/ [countable] (formal) an open square area that has buildings all around it, especially in a school or college 四方院子(四周有建筑,常见于校园)It has a large central quadrangle entered from the south side.那里中央有一个四方大院子,入口在南边。 precinct /ˈpriːsɪŋkt/ / [countable, usually plural] (formal) the area around a place or building, sometimes enclosed by a wall (建筑物等的)外围,围墙内区域The school uses many of the splendid medieval buildings in the cathedral precincts.那所学校占用了大教堂周围许多壮观的中世纪建筑。 quad /kwɒd; NAmE kwɑːd/ [countable] (rather informal) a word for quadrangle 四方院子(quadrangle的简称)Her office window overlooks the quad.从她办公室的窗户可以俯瞰这个院落。




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